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Russian Ambassador Walks Out Of UN Security Coucil Meeting After Russia Is Accused Of Causing Global Food Crisis

Relations between Russia and the West have just become considerably worse – Russia’s Ambassador to the United Nations walked out of a Security Council meeting – after Russia was accused of being responsible for the global food crisis by the European Council President Charles Michel.

Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia left the meeting after allegations were made that the Russian military was committing sexual crimes and war crimes against the people of Ukraine.

Nebenzia denied the claims saying, “We refute allegations against Russian military with regard to sexual violence,” adding, “This is a lie that we strongly reject.”

The 15-member states had convened in Washington D.C., with the focus being the effects of Russia’s war against Ukraine, on women.

Nebenzia walked out while Michel was still speaking, who remarked – “You may leave the room, maybe it’s easier not to listen to the truth, Mr. ambassador.”

Moscow has said that the goal of the war against Ukraine was to denazify and demilitarize the country and prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. There is evidence that Ukraine’s Azov Battalion holds Nazi ideals, and a vast number of its members openly admit that they are Nazis.

There is also evidence that it is in fact the Azov Battalion who are raping women and hiding in civilian areas, forcing Russian troops to fight amongst those who stayed in Ukraine.

Independent journalists have also caught footage of Russian soldiers helping Ukrainian citizens who are trying to get supplies but were being fired at by the same Azov Battalion.

Michel then remarked on the global food crisis – “The dramatic consequences of Russia’s war are spilling over across the globe. And this is driving up food prices, pushing people into poverty and destabilizing entire regions,” Michel said. “Russia is solely responsible for this food crisis, Russia alone.”

“It is Russian tanks, Russian bombs and mines that are preventing Ukraine from planting and harvesting,” Michel said.

Russia also did not start the global food crisis. Yes, the war in Ukraine may have deepened it because shipping lanes are now blocked, and exports cannot be made – but the supply chain has been in trouble since the lockdowns came with the covid pandemic.

Ukraine and Russia produce a good portion of the world’s grain and wheat supply, as well as sunflower oil. During the Security Council meeting, Michel accused Russia of using food supplies as a “stealth missile” against developing nations.

The developing world has been suffering the most since the pandemic, and when people are forced to stay home for no reason, things are not going to get done – like sowing crops. The global lockdowns were encouraged and implemented with the help of the United Nations.

The U.N also encouraged billions of people to get an experimental shot that has left many with debilitating side effects or dead – people who are sick or dead, cannot work.

“In the past year, global food prices have risen by nearly one-third, fertilizer by more than half and oil prices by almost two-thirds,” U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said last month.

Permanent representative of Russia to the U.N., Dmitry Polyanskiy said Michel exhibited “low professional standards” and a “lack of manners,” tweeting – “We came here to listen to the truth, but EU clearly doesn’t need it and we heard only cheeky lies and unsubstantiated claims.”

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18 thoughts on “Russian Ambassador Walks Out Of UN Security Coucil Meeting After Russia Is Accused Of Causing Global Food Crisis”

  1. Dead Russian equals a good Russian!! If Russia didnt invade and enslave its neighbor nations, and feeding violence worldwide, then maybe we could have sympathy for those Russian Invaders if they all went back to Russia, but the evil the Russians do in the name of the “Soviet Empire” gives no reason to anything but destroy them. Afghanistan didnt teach the Russians a damn thing,. The Ukrainians are about 2 centuries more technology oriented, and the Ukrainians wont ever stop their guerilla war against the “Russian Slime”.

  2. Ukraine didn’t start this War, Putin did, so looking for Nazis in all the wrong places
    was not a really good idea!

  3. When will people actually wake up to the real situation in Ukraine? Russia had no alternative but to take actions to prevent the annulation of the Russian people by the Nazis and Deep State controlling Ukraine. Do you not get that they (thanks to the Biden Administration) have dozens of biolabs in Ukraine to DEPOPULATE THE WORLD?

    1. I agree with you and love that has got to do with the populating the world and New world order , I also believe the UN is behind it also

    2. I have a military career spanning 47 years and you are correct 100%.Zelensky is a born Jew but you would never know it. The Avov Nazi unit he commands open admit they are Nazis.They have staged genocide for cameras and raped 100s of Ukrainians while blaming Russia. Those are proven facts.

      1. You are the liar. Send the link to the video in this chat as proof that there is such evidence. You know that there is no such videos, no evidence to your lies. So stop spread ing them, russian bot

    3. Well I thought everyone had forgotten that, I’m glad to see someone else brought it up! My thoughts and feelings exactly. If the Biden crime family hadn’t been after world population control none of this would have happened! So you people thank the bidens and democrats!!!

  4. Why is no attention being focused on the chaos and violence that Russian separatists have waged against Ukraine for years on end? Russia has long seeded Ukraine with undercover Russian seditionists and has secretly incited them to agitate unrest in the country in order for violence to erupt, which Russia would then use as a pretext for meddling in its affairs. Russia’s real aim is to revive the old Soviet Union and to emerge again as a formidable world superpower. The first step in this ghastly process is to swallow up her neighbors, starting with Ukraine. Naturally, Ukraine is fighting back fiercely. Ukrainians are not Russians. They are a unique people with their own history, language, and culture. All of this was brutally suppressed under Russian Communism. The same tragic fate befell the other neighboring countries taken over by Russia. None of the former subjects of the Soviet Union want to be seized by the the iron grip of Communism again. And Ukraine is leading the ferocious fight to forestall that. (My late grandmother was Ukrainian. She was only about eight or nine when Communist Russia seized her native land a century ago. She and her family endured almost eight terrible years under Cimmunism before they were able to escape and come legally to America, where they became citizens and prospered for years afterward. She and her family must be spinning in their graves!)

    1. The Jesuits are the ones who have tried to tear down and takeover Ukraine. They are a military arm of the sinister Vatican, a deadly group.

  5. Russia is not the main reason for the coming food shortages and famine. The world-wide “Deep State” and the “One World Government” fans among the Elite have planned and arranged the coming food crisis. Their purpose is to discredit existing governments and cause people to turn to them as their only savior
    For those who are ignorant of the “Deep State” involvement with Ukraine’s corruption, Nazi military units, the existence of dangerous Deep-State Bio-labs and money laundering activities will never understand the reason behind the Russian invasion.
    The main-stream media hid the truth, and most people swallowed their lies completely. How many times must they lie to you before you lose your blind faith in what they say?

  6. Ever since Putin was named a prime minister of Russia he was dreaming to become a new russian emperor. All his years in power he pursued that agenda. Russian tzars knew that russian empire would not survive without Ukraine,
    German Chancellor Bismarck knew that, Lenin knew that, and Putin was aware of that. He started the war to conquer Ukraine, kill Ukrainians and show the world who new boss is.
    Anti-Ukrainian propaganda in russian media is an example of the modern nazi propaganda that calls for killing of ALL Ukrainians. At the same time russian propaganda creates massive false narrative, it blames Ukrainians for own war crimes, and then russian propaganda machine spreads the lies through available internet channels. It’s a shame that some Americans and Europeans spread russian fascist lies.
    This is the biggest genocide in the world’s history that we see happening almost on-line. America should united and lead the world coalition to help Ukrainians to defens their land and freedom and to stop Russia, demilitarize it and denazify it, so Russia would never threaten any nations for many years to come. This is the right thing to do if we really want peace on Earth.

  7. It’s so weird that this article does not carry the name of author. This entire opinion looks like copy and paste from the russian fascist propaganda.
    Shame on you for becoming Putin’s mouth!
    How much did Putin pay you for this dirty job?

  8. There are so many “experts” saying what they think is going on, but more than half the free world really believes that Russia invaded the Ukraine to enhance his power and wealth. He is still pissed off that the Soviet Union broke up in December 1991, restoring independence to the Republics such as Unraine. Putin was at the time a KGB senior officere, and fiercely opposed dissolvement of the USSR, and has carried this hate since he first became President of Russia on March 26,2000. A significant number of Russian antagonists began to infiltrate the eastern area of the Ukraine, causing that portion of the Ukraine to politically lose a significant portion of Eastern and Northeastern Ukraine citizens to support Russian interests. The invasion of Crimea was just the beginning of Put6in’s desire to reclaim Ukraine back into the Russian Government. When Trump was President, Putin realized it would have been a world ending war had Russia attacked any NATO country or Ukraine, but with Biden totally destroying the United States deterrent capability, Putit thought his military might would prevail over the Ukrainian defense in short order. He bit off a bit mroe than he could chew. Putin now has raised considerable disapproval within powerful citizens of his own country. Regardless of what may happen to Ukraine, Putin has shot his wad. He most likely will be shown to a medical facility before he “disappears.” That was Putin’s way of handling people that opposed him, now he opposes the people. Ukrainians will remain Ukrainians regardless of the outcome of the war between Russia and Ukraine. Russia has reason to encourage China to help them should anything just happens to occur to further bring certain levels of economic and social status further downrange. The remainder of 2022 should be one hell of a ride in Russia as well as the merry go round in the USA in November. Watch for more corruption and dishonesty from the Democrats as their power will be drastically removed. The Pelosi and Schumer circus will witness an avalanche. Schiff, Nadler, and Mad-mouth Waters will see how it is to be on the defense – one hell of a turn of the House will occur. Many of the Democrats will quickly decide to retire rather than face humiliation at the election results. Rhinos should retire, but they aren’t smart enough to know their future is not worth a shit now! Whatever happens, don’t you fail to vote in November. Every vote must count not simply disappearing. That will be a new experience for the Democrats. Justice must prevailin elections. The United States cannot survive another miscarriage of justice on behalf of the Democrats.

    1. Amen to our election! I pray there will be folks who guard our polling and our counting, and not counted outside the United states!

  9. Amen to our election! I pray there will be folks who guard our polling and our counting, and not counted outside the United states!

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