Something that has been warned about since 2015, is starting to be accepted by even the most leftist of politicians in Sweden, as the country struggles under the weight of thousands of migrants who have poured into the country as “refugees” since.
Now, none of these people are even remotely close to being refugees, as they have passed through multiple safe European countries, before they made it all the way to Scandinavia – they are not there because they are afraid, they are there for the country’s benefit system.
Sweden’s own Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson, leader of the Social Democrats and lefty in general, has declared that Sweden does not want to see “Somali-towns.”
During an interview with Dagens Nyheter, Andersson said, “We don’t want Chinatowns in Sweden, we don’t want ‘Somali-towns’ or Little Italys,” she said.
Sweden has seen a significant concentration in certain cities that have allowed Somali and migrants from other Muslim countries, creating enclaves, where police, ambulance and even fire departments are not willing to go, dubbed “No-Go Zones.”
There has been some speculation that the comments came to gain back support from the Sweden Democrats – an anti-mass migration party that is gaining traction with the Swedish public, who are fed up with their country being taken to rack and ruin by migrants who won’t assimilate.
Andersson has, however, made similar comments earlier in the year after violence erupted in these enclaves, which resulted in the injuries of over 100 police officers.
“Segregation has gone so far that we have parallel societies in Sweden. We live in the same country, but different realities.” Andersson said, finally admitting that integration had failed dismally.
“Integration was poor, and alongside, we have experienced intense immigration. Our society was too weak, while money for the police and social services too little,” she added.
Andersson says she regrets the decision she made, allowing over 180,000 migrants into what used to be one of the safest countries in Europe, if not the planet – now the country ranks as the second most dangerous and its crime rates, especially in regard to gun crime, is second to only Croatia.
The war between Ukraine and Russia, saw thousands of Ukrainian citizens fleeing the country to other safe havens around Europe, but one place they did not want to be sent, was Sweden – who is now warning Ukrainian women who did migrant there, to dress appropriately around Muslim men for fear of being raped.
Apparently, even seeing someone with their hair uncovered, or seeing any type of skin, is enough to “provoke” these Muslim men, who by the looks of it, have absolutely no self-control – so naturally it is everyone else’s fault.
By 2020, nearly one in four Swedish women had either been raped of sexually assaulted in some way and many of the assaults came from Somali and Afghan Muslim men.
Denmark has already made moves to ensure that ethnic enclaves do not become a problem and have put a cap on how many non-Nordic people can live in one area at a time – Sweden is looking to implement something very similar.
Swedes are spineless, their pathetic men squat to pee. The entire European continent will be one giant Caliphate in my lifetime. They’re getting the government they deserve, as is Germany and most of Europe. They have it set up where the sheeple are unable to access talk radio, Fox News, Newsmax, etc. I wish them all the tumult and suffering that’s coming their way. Import the toilet nations, become the toilet nations. Biden is doing the same thing in America, but they’re gonna get boofooed in November and we’re already seeing the pushback and exposure of hypocrisy as red states send busloads of illegal aliens to blue states.
its about weakening america and its resolve so they can implement socialistic change and gain control while we are diverted. THE CHANGELINGS ARE HERE….RESIST
The only way to stop illegals coming to America is to eliminate benefits. No welfare, no WIC, no Social Security, no jobs (American’s first), no public assistance, etc. Stop the freebies, stop the illegals. Want to come to America, do as my forefathers did: Come Legally.
Agreed. Social Security is paid into from each working citizen. So when we find ourselves at the age to retire or a wife becomes a widow, we apply for our “worked for benefits. This is in no way a welfare program.
It used to be like this before! I remember reading about policemen in America verifying if employees had Green Cards, and fining 10,000 Dollars for each person caught working illegally. A restaurant (????) was fined 100,000 dollars for 10 ilegals working. It is simple to do it, after all the law is the law, and ilegals are ilegals.
You’re absolutely right. Every one of those countries in Europe are nothing but havens for white pansies and the mud trash from Africa that is invading them, raping their women and stealing their property and goods. These faggot pansies deserve exactly what they’re getting because they refuse to fight for what they own. They’re just like these worthless white libturds in this country who would rather watch their wife get raped than be called “rayyyyyyyyycist”. Anybody that gutless and worthless deserves to lose everything.
Carlos, I live in America. Born here. I don’t understand why Europe can’t see or understand the consequences of allowing people who don’t want to integrate, who don’t like the European way or the U.S. of our government come to their country. What is wrong with their thinking. The Europeans? Your countries are being and will be destroyed by their immigration policies. We have our politicians in America who are equially as ignorant. They are calle Democrats. Our southern border is wide open. We hope to fix this with our next election. Liberal thinking cannot be allowed to govern a nation. It will kill the nation.
It’s not that they can’t see, it’s called “atonement “ and it’s the soup D’jour of white liberals and militant minorities. Instead of accepting that the past is over they are insisting that white people must suffer for what they call White colonialism.
Can you say “scam”? The minority groups have weaponized the government because the democrats have encouraged it.
Yeah let them come around me and I’ll show them atonement ! I’ll introduce them to a semiautomatic hole puncher and they’ll be singing Allah here I come. Nobody is forcing anything on me.
America has people who don’t want to integrate. One requirement before coming to America is: Everyone coming to America must speak fluent English.
When migrants take over society fails.
If it wasn’t for Dumb Sh*ts, Europe would not have Politicians.
Their ruling class has always been dumber than a box of rocks
every since Lord Chamberlain with Hitler.
And our politicians are following so closely if they stopped suddenly they’d have to pull their heads out of their asses.
As someone else posted: “If socialism is so great then why are all those caravans heading to the U.S border – NOT – heading to Venezuela?”
Mike, my thoughts too✝️
Because Venezuela doesn’t give em free shit, instead they take their shit. The same thing the socialists here will do eventually.
This is why AMERICA needs to keep fighting for our 1A and 2A rights most of our ancestors came here to get away form all this BS so let’s make that RED WAVE a TSUNAMI this November.
The true racists, UN, Africa and Saudis have intentionally promoted to push Africans and Muslims into Europe for decades with hopes to get whites to breed themselves out of existence through race mixing. Sorry but I will never accept or celebrate any action that kills off my race, ancestral bloodlines, genetics, culture or heritage. You horrid wanna be leaders of Europe have helped hurt and kill off so many good white families and people with your actions it makes me sick. May you burn with satan in the end.
I warned them 6 years ago. I use to love norway. Now i wouldnt go there. Read some history bozos. The muslims been doing it for centurys.