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Taxpayer-Funded Museum: Good Character Traits are Part of “White Culture”

People who are polite, hard workers, self-reliant, objective thinkers, and respect authority should watch out. According to the National Museum of African American History and Culture, these and other wholesome traits are part of a “white dominant” culture.

Oddly enough, according to the museum, even “people of color” can exhibit these traits but of course it’s not their fault. It’s because white people hold a great deal of institutional power in the United States. Other offensive traits singled out in the museum’s infographic is delaying gratification, planning for the future, and being part of a nuclear family (i.e. a heterosexual marriage with two or three kids).

The National Museum of African American History and Culture, which is funded by taxpayer dollars, launched a project titled “Talking about Race” in late May following the death of George Floyd. The project includes a long article that starts with stating the importance of honesty, respect for others, and an opening to ideas. It then digresses into a tirade against white people, claiming that anyone who isn’t white has to add a hyphen to their identity, i.e. African-American, Asian-American, etc.

The statement is an odd one given the fact that the “hyphenating” trend didn’t start with white people; in fact, many Americans would prefer that people didn’t hyphenate and instead simply referred to themselves as “American.” Hyphenating is a liberal trend that started with far-left activists playing identity politics.

The article then goes on to explain that white privilege includes being told that white people founded the United States, being able to rent or buy a house, and being able to spend a lot of time with people with the same skin color if one so chooses. It also links to another diatribe on the “matrix of oppression”, which mournfully proclaims that even though hundreds of millions of people live in the United States, individual experiences vary greatly. That should come as a surprise to no-one given the fact that the United States is one of the largest nations on earth. However, the museum’s progressive voices seem to be shocked that not everything is exactly “equal” for everyone.

The idea that wholesome character traits are to be shunned as part of “white privilege” is a horrific one. it implies that people of color should be inherently rude and lazy. In reality, the ability to work hard, plan one’s future, make sacrifices for future gain, respect authorities, and be polite to fellow humans are traits that surpass any one race or ethnicity. They are exhibited the world over by people of all skin colors and ethnic backgrounds. Apparently, the NMAAHC is far too busy trying to stir up strife and anger to pay attention to simple human decency.

Featured Image by Frank Schulenburg

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