Ted Cruz SLAMS Kentucky Governor’s Religious School Shutdowns

Kentucky’s Democratic Governor Beshear’s public school shutdown continues to cause concern far beyond the state’s borders. Despite a religious exemption attempt by a Christian academy to resume in-person schooling, Beshear and the state denied the request, claiming the order applies to both secular and religious schools.

More than three dozen Senate Republicans filed a brief to the US Supreme Court last week to support Danville Christian Academy in its efforts. In addition, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution, has added his own additional comments regarding the religious school’s First Amendment rights.

Cruz noted in a press release from his office December 8:

“Americans from all walks of life have made enormous and unprecedented sacrifices to curb the spread of this virus. But elected Democrats have continually exploited this crisis to abuse their power and impose authoritarian restrictions on Americans. According to Governor Beshear, during this pandemic Kentuckians can gamble, go to college, or shop in stores, all while sending their children to preschool, but not to religious K-12 schools. Governor Beshear’s orders not only subvert the Bill of Rights and our constitutional liberties, they will be profoundly destructive to students and families across the state who choose to send attend religious institutions. I’m proud to join my colleagues in asking the Sixth Circuit to consider the full scope of these orders and their violation of Kentuckians’ religious liberty.”

The legal zoo continues through the U.S. court system. So far, a federal district court has blocked the order from applying to religious schools.

However, the U.S. Court of Appeals stopped the lower court ruling. In response, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), along with Cruz and over 30 other Republican Senators, have supported Danville Christian Academy.

“Everyone understands this has been a challenging time for local leaders, but pandemics don’t erase our First Amendment rights,” McConnell’s statement in The Hill notes. “Courts have repeatedly had to defend Americans of faith from overzealous officials who have tried to treat religious institutions in a uniquely disfavored way relative to other parts of society. Enough is enough.”

For now, all Kentucky schools remain closed for in-person schooling until early January. By the time the case if determined, students could be living under a new Biden administration.

Could this First Amendment infringement continue to spread to other states and schools? Will in person shutdowns extend nationwide to other religious institutions, including churches and other houses of worship, like Governor Cuomo has attempted in New York?

At the least, schools and churches may be in for a minimum of a 100-days of mask wearing under a Biden administration. Vaccines are set for distribution, but what health and legal challenges will a vaccine bring? Perhaps Georgia’s voters can send a clear message in January’s Senate runoff elections to show Americans desire — and require — liberty.

Our nation doesn’t need more government infringement of rights — First Amendment, Second Amendment or otherwise. America is in desperate need of a more limited government that allows the American people to freely live, educate their children and worship as they choose.

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23 thoughts on “Ted Cruz SLAMS Kentucky Governor’s Religious School Shutdowns”

  1. I whole heartedly agree. What the demoncrat run states and all of their anti-American unbelievers, (which is anti-Constitutional for those who cannot decipher the difference), want to do is to control the people. Thus breaking the human spirit. Little do they realize that there is a Righteous, Almighty Father in heaven who rules in the affairs of mankind here on earth, and intercedes on behalf of His children. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered!

  2. These socialist Democrats are so power crazed that they have lost what little sense they ever had. Revolution is the only answer. Executive orders are not the law or even constitutional. Conservatives now is the time to rise up and resist these communist idiots

    1. communist idiots,…………………………YES YES YES………………. THANK YOU FOR SAYING THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That IS WHAT THE DEMOS ARE AFTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COMMUNISM FOR OUT COUNTRY!!!!!!!!

      1. I knew Andy was in over his head, first he let Our lady of Bellefonte Hospital in Russell Ky be shut down with Covid on us. all down hill after that, he does not get it.

  3. Cruz is right! These fool who are running these state and are DENIED there is a GOD! Should ask them selves how are they able to open their eyes after a long night sleep? Or how is their heart still beating? This has nothing to do with science! All to do with the CREATOR OF EVERYTHING! Man can’t control anything that they didn’t CREATED! Because GOD MADE THE HEAVEN AND EARTH AND EVERYTHING UNDER THE EARTH! No scientific can figure that out! Soon if these fool think there is NOT a God . Then your day is just getting shorter! Trying to use this PHONY CHINESE CORONAVIRUS THAT OBAMA AND DR. FAUCI DONATED MONEY TO CHINA TO CREATED! And these governor use it to their advantage to try out SOCIALIST CONTROL ON THE PEOPLE OF THEIR STATE. Is going to lead to their EXECUTED BY THE PEOPLE ONE DAY! Even these POLITICAN should NOT be breaking the CONSTITUTION LAWS but are! Mark my words! There is coming a day these FOOL will think they are in CONTROL but NOT!

    1. Wyatt…….you come by your name honestly!!!!!!! I REALLY LIKE YOUR POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY THINKING EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  5. Why doesn’t Moscow Mitch get off of his pompous fat ass, give up legal weed, let the Dems tax it to death to bail themselves out of debt and do a fricking stimulus deal??? Myself and millions of other Americans are on the edge of bankruptcy as he gets fatter and fatter by forcing the VA to prescribe those s damn poison pills on our wonderful veterans. AND he complains about democrats. What a sick fricking joke. Republican clowns are inept, corrupt morons that can’t see the big picture due to all of the slop in the pig trough. They make me vomit

  6. Tom, it’s ’s the Democrats that continue to walk away from the table and that Nancy Pelosi was leading the charge for pure political reasons. even Bernie Sanders has admitted this was the case. remember congress is controlled by Nancy Pelosi and congress holds the purse strings

  7. Shutting schools down will have a worse Long term effect on the people and the country than Cordova virus would. We would become an uneducated third world country. Politics should be remove the schools. Our children do not need to be taught the faculty’s political believes. A more effective approach would be to require that everyone be vaccinated.

  8. Shutting schools down will have a worse long term effect on the people and the country than the Cordova Virus would. We would become an uneducated third world country. Politics should be remove the schools. Our children do not need to be taught the faculty’s political believes. A more effective approach would be to require that everyone be vaccinated.

  9. Ted Cruz is absolutely right. After President Trump Mr. Cruz should be our next President. But think about this! Our God has been taken out of the governments, the schools, every aspect of the lives of many. HE is in control!! He is showing the world what will happen when man puts Him out! Wake up America before it is too late! We are on the road to being a China republic. And these mindless Democrat morans are pushing for just that! Wake up!!

  10. No. No. No. You should NOT require that everyone be vaccinated. This virus has a 99.9% survival rate. It is being used to destroy all of our freedoms and destroy the economy so that the socialist can take over. Also the vaccines have a tracking code and fetal tissues in them. READ THIS: please click on link https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/proof/

  11. It was created so that the Chinese could take control of our country. Their own people say that they are ahead of schedule, but takeover should be complete by 2027. Now that they have Hanoi Harris and Ching Lang Che Biden in control the march will come a lot faster I am sure

  12. This is the New World Order obamanation was plotting…Absolute total control of the lives of every American.
    during the Holocaust years the Jews were forced to wear the yellow Star of David on their clothing…It made it easier for the Nazis’ to identify them and send them to the ovens. The socialist part in our White House will probably make all Christians wear the sign of Christianity..the fish. It’s all happening right before our eyes. The very judges etc. who could put a stop to this illegal takeover to destroy America are not only NOT helping stop the move but seem to be encouraging it.

  13. If you are really concerned about what is going on in this country read The Epoch Times “The Specter of Communism”. Really make one wonder what is really going on. America wake up soon or you will be held captive to the beliefs of those who will only allow you to think their way they think and what freedom is that.

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