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The COVID-19 “Vaccine” Is Altering The Minds Of Those Who Take It

A Thai-German microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, who just happens to be an expert on covid-19, has warned that the vaccines that have been given to billions of people around the world, are very dangerous and will kill more people daily than the virus and those who manage to survive the shot, will be easier for the New World Order to control.

During a recent interview with Dr. Peter Breggin on his podcast “ReFounding America” on Brighteon.TV, the microbiologist issued his warning, as he had since 2020 when the pandemic first emerged. Bhakdi told Breggin why the mRNA shots are so dangerous.

Bhakdi compared the mRNA vaccines to letters in envelopes, with the letters being the mRNAs and the envelopes being the lipid nanoparticles. The “letters” reach areas in the body that the virus would have never reached – including the cells in the lymph nodes and the vascular endothelial. 

When these cells receive these “letters”, then begin to make spike proteins – they raise the risk of developing blood clots, can damage the immune system and cause a host of other health conditions.

According to Bhakdi, the envelopes are poisonous. The lipid nanoparticles which are injected into the body – are positively charged.

Natural lipids in the body are negatively charged or have no charge at all. Because the lipid nanoparticles in the injection are positively charged, they interfere with molecules in the body, preventing them from functioning properly.

Bhakdi pointed out that the mRNA vaccines do not induce immunity by providing the antibodies needed to fend off diseases like actual vaccines. Instead, they induce the body to produce viral proteins and according to Bhakdi, from a scientific point of view, make a person more malleable.

The vaccines “blind the minds of people” by making people less intelligent “and this is the most dangerous part of all.”

“These vaccines are killing people. You have your myocarditis, you’ve got your strokes, heart attacks, these are all terrible. You’ve got all these athletes that are dying, you’ve got all these young people that are dying, very bad,” said Bhakdi.

“But the worst thing is that those billions that had been injected are losing their minds – this is something that people don’t realize – and are becoming more and more controllable because they cannot say no,” he continued. “It’s fantastic. It’s brilliant – and it’s nightmarish, horrible, diabolical, Satanic. It’s got to be stopped.”

Bhakdi and Breggin discussed the driving force behind the covid vaccines – the New World Order – the globalist elites.

“It really is this mass of interlocking relationships between banks, big corporations, the military-industrial complex, people who have gotten us into this war in the Ukraine because they’re going to benefit from that in the same way they benefit from COVID-19,” said Breggin.

“This so-called vaccine is changing humanity and mankind,” said Bhakdi. “These vaccines are changing you right now, even though you don’t realize it. They are altering your psyche, your brain. You’re becoming different people right now… You are losing your individuality. You’re losing your personality, and you’re losing your right to say, ‘I am a human being.’ You’re losing your [humanity].”

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26 thoughts on “The COVID-19 “Vaccine” Is Altering The Minds Of Those Who Take It”

  1. As more and more information about the ” vaccines” is revealed, I think this is true. I personally know many people that have terrible problems after the vax that they never had before getting the shots. This is true of ALL the vaccines. Now there are studies that are being released that do show neurological changes and problems. This was known to the pharmaceutical companies and the so called health experts. The “new world order” was taking too long, people started thinking for themselves and didn’t fall for it so they released this so called virus. Now they want more vaccines. Yearly vaccines. It is proven that the vaccines do not work to prevent the virus or it’s spread , but they are pushing harder to get everyone including our youngest who are not even susceptible to the virus to get the shots. They are pushing for more lockdowns, masks and measures that do nothing except give them control of people. This is Evil!!

  2. that is why there is a major move to censoring from this commie democrat pedophile cult party as they destroy our America!


  3. Now we know why the so called Democrat party stole the election.They are the most evil people right next to Muslim Terrorists and other barbarians.I now understand how people can vote for Democrats as still sane voters stay away from this criminal cartel

  4. I said this from the beginning it’s about control and profits Not about People. You are expendable just a number the Government they dont care at all. How do you know what their shots contained Saline solution vitamins?

    1. I did not take the vaccine, nor will I ever…I figured from the beginning (and now it’s been proven) it damages your own natural immunity, that has kept mankind alive from Adam and Eve…Plus, I had told people over and over that the shots that government officials was probably saline solution…I firmly believe this…

  5. The third world order will not like what they envisioned. What they left out was CHRIST RETURN and his day of glory. I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE THE RESULTS OF HIS ONE WORLD ORDER. NOT THE EVIL ONE WORLD ORDER.

    1. Lazerus you are RIGHT ON TARGET !!!! I’m reading a book called ” The Disappearing”. It is a book about the coming Rapture of the Church, Christs Bride. Get it, it is AWESOME !!! Time is short for us as believers. This book is different from other books as it has “scriptures” all through out the book that validates the message in the book.

  6. Please note, that the J&J Vaccine does NOT use the mRNA technology, it was derived using the vaccine technology that has been used for many, many years. I am certainly glad that I waited for the J&J to get my Jab. Yes, it has been blaimed for producing blod clots, but that is VERY RARE.. not nearly as likely to occur as the many deaths caused by the mRNA shots. It is being critized so that Pfizer and Maderna can increase their profits!

    1. J&J was just limited for use as it has been proven to cause Thrombocytopenia, blood clots. Have your blood checked for micro-clotting.

  7. I am one person who had a reaction to the 3 Pfizer shots. A month after I had the 3rd shot I started to get out of breath and went to the emergency. They took x-rays of my chest and saw I had an enlarged heart. I had to see my heart doctor and was given sedative meds. I had an echo-cardiogram and now my heart (supposively) is back to normal. But my cardiologist said to me “No more vaccine for you” and my reply was, I had not intended to get any more. I firmly believe it is a way to de-populate the world… I heard bill Gates say “we have too many people in the world and we need to de-populate the world and it can be done through the vaccine” I guess Mr. money bags thinks he will never die…because he has so much money… But…..God will handle him and Soros too.

  8. A 96 yr old lady told me the same thing. That they are killing people and doing it on purpose. That’s y Fauci is still up there. And you know he must be as stupid as he sounds aThey are getting rich killing people. Look at NY. If we don’t do something we won’t have a country.

  9. I never got vaccinated. Never trusted them. Will never get one. I’m glad I listened to my gut on this one. GOD bless America

  10. I love you all and web site host/owner for this news. God bless you all,
    Christ is the Savior and way to heaven .
    Love your fellow neighbor and person -look at the big picture, they don’t know any better, they know nothing… nothing but fear violence and many “friends” would shoot a “gun” with their fingers and thumb at my head behind my back after just saying hello, very Fugazi like.
    Fly high,
    Adam Thoba

  11. This story and it’s premis is a big load of “El Toro poo poo”. Just more anti vax bs from a load of stubborn people.

      1. amen- the left calls us conspiracy theorists when it is they who are the ones saying that next we will this or that. its all BS and the sad part is that the follower sheep are being led off a cliff by the pied piper. most people think the gov wants the best for you and they would not do anything so evil, guess what- the strength of the devil lies in that people dont believe he is real- the gov power lies in that people dont believe they are evil. WAKE UP

    1. You’re a like pod person like in invasion of the body snatchers. The reason people don’t know they are brainwashed and indoctrinated is because they are brainwashed and indoctrinated. So well done you for being a sheep and getting your DNA altered for the government.

    2. So you “drank the kool-aid”…those of use smart enough not to have the poison vaccination(s) will still have a functioning immune system, while the vaccinated people of all ages continue to get illnesses they will always have, or die…

  12. My brother in law took the shot and a few days later his wife found him dead on the sofa. He was perfectly healthy leading up to taking it.

  13. Satan wants to take as many souls as he can before his time is up ! Conditions are worse in China as their ‘leaders’ want their citizens dead.

  14. I have said this all along! Didn’t know it altered brain chemistry, but that makes sense, that is why so many people are going off “ the deep end”. I know it destroys your immune system, so you are vulnerable to all diseases! And that is how they will control the new generation of young people! DO NOT have your kids take the vaccine, and son’t Take it yourselves!

    1. Ii heard that pine extract tincture ,sold at health food stores helps negate replication of rna from vaccines—dont know if thats true, i am not a DR. we had a loss in the family to covid in 2020 and took two doses of moderna, i now regret it and i pray every day for god to protect us- i use 10 drops pine extract in clamato juice every morning.

  15. My big question is, what are they doing with the blood & plasma people donate? Are they keeping vaxed and unvaxxed blood separate? Do they even ask if you are vaxed, i.e. make a note to label said blood correctly? Because I, for one, do not want a transfusion of vaxed blood, God forbid, if something tragic happens to me!

  16. We lost two uncles, and one cousin. One to the blood clots and the other to the attack of the immune system he had cancer, both died. One cousin died of a heart attach. These vaccines are poison. So glad we didn’t get any.

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