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Trump’s New Plans For New York… It’s Very Simple He Says

Former President Trump as well as some of his children have been guilty of theft for years, according to a court in New York. One way they did this was by lying about how much Trump’s properties were worth.

Some people, like Glenn Beck, don’t trust the judge’s decision and believe everyone in New York needs to begin planning their escape. “I wouldn’t stay here because I do not believe I could receive a fair trial as long as I lived in NYC, D.C., or any one of those blue states,” he advises Stu Burguiere.

According to the judge, Trump exaggerated the value of Mar-a-Lago, claiming it is only about $18 million, despite Trump’s assertions to the contrary.

“He did spend about $100 million on the property, and it will be passed down to his children and grandchildren.” Glenn states “I mean, it isn’t going for $18 million.”

Mar-a-Lago sits on 17 acres of beautiful coastal land in Palm Beach. It has a spa, tennis courts, a beach club, a golf course, and a croquet court.

Although the property may not be valued as much as Trump claims, Glenn points out that it is bordered by houses that are far more valuable than they should be.

He says, “I don’t think you will find an apartment on the coast for $18 million.”

Stu concurs.

“I don’t know for sure, but a 4,000-square-foot home in West Palm Beach has to be at least $4 million or $5 million,” he adds.

Mar-a-Lago, on the other hand, has 126 rooms as well as is 62,500 square feet, along with ocean views on both sides.

“If you want to buy a really, really big house with beachfront property on each side, you could possibly be able to secure a deal soon,” Glenn says.

Author: Blake Ambrose

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17 thoughts on “Trump’s New Plans For New York… It’s Very Simple He Says”

  1. Just proves that President Trump’s NOT GOING TO GET A FAIR TRIAL.
    YOU COULDN’T GET IN THE FRONT DOOR OF MAR-A-LAGO WITH A LOW BALL FIGURE OF 18 MILLION. The new security fence Biden put around his house in Delaware cost TAX PAYERS that much. MAR-A-LAGO’S worth at least a couple BILLION. The land alone is worth more then18 MILLION.
    I do not care what the demo DUMMIES in New Jerk City, Georgia, or anywhere else say about President Trump, I am not just voting for him I am campaigning for him too. N I live in one of those loser blue states too.

    1. Good luck with that. Your guesstimates of real estate values is absurd. Real Estate values are estimated based on fact, comparable, and other factors none of which would come anywhere near yours. It really doesn’t matter, though because the evidence of the Fat Boy’s fraud was so overwhelming that the judge simply declared that he did everything that he was accused of and all it elicited was a whimper. The Fat Boy’s main concern is that the world will discover that he is not worth anywhere near what he claims and that he will be exposed as a blowhard and living in a world of graft, corruption and ducking his bills. What is being exposed so far is actually laughable. It was shown yesterday that all his accounting submissions have notes stating that the accounting does not comply the GAAP standards. GAAP stands for Generally Accepted Accounting Practices which means that the numbers are meaningless.

        Put your PRECIOUS ILLEGALS into them!

        1. Excellent idea. I thought of this idea myself some time ago. Let us see how much tax money New York can squeeze out of the illegals. Plus the illegals will likely soon turn any property they occupy into an unsaleable s**thole, so NY will not even be able to sell the properties.

    2. The dumacrates are scared of trump and are only jealous of him because he puts Americans First!! He’s got my vote regardless of what they say!! They need to sweep around their own messy selves!!!

  2. There not a judge that know anything about Real Estate. Since they only got on the bench by donated to democrats politicians who help them. I will bet these fools in New York value their own house at 500k! But to other it just an APARTMENT! There not a house in New York city! No yard, no driveway, you can’t call that a house! This judge has no proof on Trump. Except what James Cook up, that a lies! For the BRIBERY SHE RECIEVE FROM GEORGE SORO and democrats politicians who hate Trump! You know we all can ask ourselves why Now? Was it because Trump left the plantation of SLAVES the democrats wanted?

    1. $500,000 for a house in Manhattan? I’d be surprised if there was a single family dwelling in any of the 5 boroughs that you could buy for $500,000. Seems that YOU are the one that is ignorant regarding property values. When was the last time that you were in a brownstone in one of the boroughs? The judge had so much evidence of the Fat Boys guilt that he simply declare him guilty and moved the trial over to the damages phase. Haven’t you been paying attention? You really out out of touch with reality. You should be embarrassed to display your gross ignorance in a public forum.

  3. It cannot be illegal to claim higher price than market. You claim the value of a property based on what you would be willing to sell it for. You are NOT bound by the estimated market price. To claim that Trump; inflated his market value is like saying a Jackson Pollock painting is worth more than a Rembrandt. The painting will sell for what the buyer is willing to pay. This judge may have suffered a head injury years ago and, much like Sam Brinton, is out of his element in a job that is way above HIS pay grade.

    1. You are right. You can claim that a shack with a leaky roof in Fannyfudge, AK is worth a billion. The problem come up, though, when you claim that that shack is a billion dollar asset when you are using it as collateral for a loan from a financial institution knowing that the fair market value is about fifty bucks. That’s what the Fat Boy did over and over and over again. It is called fraud. It is compounded when you then turn around and claim that the property is actually worth $50 when you are insuring it.
      Your ignorance may provide you with some bliss but it will not help the Fat Boy with a judge that is basing his decisions on reality and on the law.

      1. Get your head out of the sand, wake up, and open your eyes. The unfair treatment that Trump has received is disturbing and disgusting . You and the rest your DemoRATS are nothing more than a mafia type organization that breaks almost if not all laws that have corrupted our elections, media outlets , movie industry and ALLLLLL OF OUR SCHOOLS. Y’all approved of pedophilia, socialism, communism ☭ and e everything else that’s evil .

  4. The Judge is as corrupt as the Scumbag who owns them George Scumbag Soros. Hillary’s hero who let her help him destroy & rob other countries & turn then into Shitholes. That corrupt Judge should shut up she appears as ignorant as the election fraudster in the pretend WH. Joe is not in the WH. He’s at a studio pretending his at the WH. Its easy to manipulate their handful of blind supporters. President Trump is not a liar like the DemonRats. He is in fact very honest. Thats why I like him. I have a distrust of liars & thieves which the Dems all seem to be without exception. Id go so far to say, President Trump is one of the most honest politicians in DC. Most have scammed & sold out this country for their own financial gain. Hillary been #1 in this field & the con man Joe is a close 2nd. They all disgusting and I have been calling them out for 14-15 years so its not something that only became apparent since President Trump called them out. But since he has, many more of woken up to this blatant fact. President Trump is only been dragged thru the corrupt court system to stop him in 2024. The lying thieving Rats want NWO and to enslave their people they need to stay in power. Sadly their voters are too dumb to see they are about to be enslaved. They think its all good things with You will own nothing & be happy. Good luck to them. I am planning to relocate to a safer country where their politicians put their people first. I can not live under a bunch of criminals for much longer. Its just unacceptable.

  5. Mar-a-lago size and amenaties and acreage as well as options for further development far exceed other sales in the same area.
    The longtime Palm Beach, Fla., home of the late conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh has sold for $155 million, according to property records.
    The roughly 2.7-acre waterfront property was quietly on the market last year, asking $150 million to $175 million, The Wall Street Journal reported.
    Located on tony North Ocean Boulevard, the compound has multiple structures, including a large main house built in West Indies style. The property has roughly 250 feet of ocean frontage and direct access to the beach, records show.Mr. Limbaugh, a talk-radio icon who died in 2021, purchased the property for $3.9 million in 1998 through a limited liability company, records show. The seller was a trust tied to his widow, Kathryn Adams Limbaugh.
    The roughly 24,000-square-foot main house was largely decorated by Limbaugh himself, according to the 2010 book “An Army of One” by Zev Chafets. A vast salon was meant to invoke Versailles, the book said, and a dining room chandelier was a replica of the one in New York’s Plaza Hotel.
    It isn’t clear if the property has been updated since the book was published, and real-estate agents said it might be considered a teardown because today’s buyers prefer more contemporary designs.
    Palm Beach’s luxury market experienced record prices and sales activity during the pandemic. Last year, Oracle Corp., co-founder and chairman Larry Ellison purchased a $173 million home in nearby Manalapan, Fla., setting a record for the area, and in 2021, private-equity executive Scott Shleifer paid $122.7 million for an oceanfront mansion in Palm Beach. Developer Todd Michael Glaser and his partners, who bought Tarpon Island for $85 million in 2021, have relisted the private island after an extensive renovation for $218 million. Billionaire William Lauder recently listed two parcels in Palm Beach with 360 feet of ocean frontage for a combined $200 million.
    Mar-a-lago size and amenaties and acreage as well as options for further development far exceed other sales in the same area.
    The longtime Palm Beach, Fla., home of the late conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh has sold for $155 million, according to property records.
    The roughly 2.7-acre waterfront property was quietly on the market last year, asking $150 million to $175 million, The Wall Street Journal reported.
    Located on tony North Ocean Boulevard, the compound has multiple structures, including a large main house built in West Indies style. The property has roughly 250 feet of ocean frontage and direct access to the beach, records show.Mr. Limbaugh, a talk-radio icon who died in 2021, purchased the property for $3.9 million in 1998 through a limited liability company, records show. The seller was a trust tied to his widow, Kathryn Adams Limbaugh.
    The roughly 24,000-square-foot main house was largely decorated by Limbaugh himself, according to the 2010 book “An Army of One” by Zev Chafets. A vast salon was meant to invoke Versailles, the book said, and a dining room chandelier was a replica of the one in New York’s Plaza Hotel.
    It isn’t clear if the property has been updated since the book was published, and real-estate agents said it might be considered a teardown because today’s buyers prefer more contemporary designs.
    Palm Beach’s luxury market experienced record prices and sales activity during the pandemic. Last year, Oracle Corp., co-founder and chairman Larry Ellison purchased a $173 million home in nearby Manalapan, Fla., setting a record for the area, and in 2021, private-equity executive Scott Shleifer paid $122.7 million for an oceanfront mansion in Palm Beach. Developer Todd Michael Glaser and his partners, who bought Tarpon Island for $85 million in 2021, have relisted the private island after an extensive renovation for $218 million. Billionaire William Lauder recently listed two parcels in Palm Beach with 360 feet of ocean frontage for a combined $200 million.

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