Since the start of the George Floyd “protests” and the Bolognavirus nonsense, leftist mayors and governors have been getting away with murder. Well, they have been getting away with murder for decades, but they’ve been getting away with even more murder recently. President Donald Trump has had enough of it. He’s been sending in federal law enforcement to knock the teeth out of many of the violent “protest” groups in major cities. But that’s not all.
Recently, Trump told Sean Hannity of Fox News that he was thinking about putting together crack teams of Sheriffs to guard polling places and protect against polling fraud by Democrat lackeys.
He said, “We’re going to have sheriffs, and we’re going to have law enforcement, and we’re going to have, hopefully, U.S. attorneys, and we’re going to have everybody and attorney generals.”
Democrats have been using the excuse of the virus to try to pass laws that would make voting in person illegal and make mail-in voting the only legal option. The reasons for this are simple and have a historically relevant track record.
Low-level federal employees, like postal workers, for example, are overwhelmingly registered as Democrats. And as we have seen in recent years, Democrats don’t care about anything other than winning. What’s more, the label on mail-in voting envelops shows the political alignment of the person who sends it in. Specifically, there is a bar code and a string of numbers on the exterior of every mail-in voting envelope that shows “D” for Democrat registered voters, and an “R” for Republican registered voters.
According to the law, these forms are supposed to conceal the party of the voters who send them in as well as the electoral selections of the voter. But anyone who knows about the code on the envelopes- as we would expect postal workers to — could alter the outcome of an election.
So, it is reasonable to assume that a significant number of postal workers would do that very thing- spotting Republican mail-in ballots and simply losing them. That and other reasons make it very important for in-person voting to be allowed and for polling centers to be protected.
Trump and other Republicans have had a lot of disparaging things to say about mail-in voting, for reasons including those mentioned above. Still, Democrats continue to push for more mail-in voting on the heft of claims that the virus is too dangerous to allow people to congregate in voting centers.
A number of Democrat run states have already set plans in motion to ensure all of their voters receive mail-in ballots which include literature that discourages them from voting in person. Many have also made it clear that if Trump wants to protect polling stations with police contingents, Democrats will use every legal tool available to them to prevent him from doing so.
It hasn’t been by accident, that Pelosi, Clinton, Nadler and other educated prominent Dems have gone out on a limb and said on air, that they’ll have to get the Military in to remove Trump. The fix is in and that’s why they have openly said this. If people can go grocery shopping to Walmart and restaurants, then they can vote in person. Let’s make a week of voting, breaking days down by the alphabet and if people who are still afraid can do curbside voting. There should on be absentee voting allowed. The Supreme Court has to get involved or they will steal the election because the fix is in.