Breitbart News has learned that Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is leading a bill that would make it illegal for pro-Hamas foreigners, even those directly linked to the terrorist group, to legally come to the United States.
He is presenting the “Terrorist Inadmissible Codification Act” with Senators Rick Scott (R-FL), Ted Budd (R-NC), and Bill Cassidy (R-LA). This comes after terrorist strikes against Israel and pro-Hamas rallies around the world.
The bill, which Breitbart News was the only one to review before it was introduced in the Senate, would add foreign nationals who back Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State (ISIS), or the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) to the list of people who are not allowed to enter the country. This would make them automatically inadmissible under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
In a statement to Breitbart News, Rubio said, “Foreign enemies and terrorist supporters have no place here in America.” He also said that legal immigrants within the U.S. who support terrorists should be removed right away:
“Since support for Hamas is still growing, it is in our national security interest to make sure that foreigners who want to hurt our country are not allowed to come here. Those who are already here need to be taken out.”
If passed, the bill would be important because the current INA rules on inadmissible only specifically name the organization known as the Palestinian Liberation (PLO).
Attorney General Alejandro Mayorkas is refusing to promise that pro-Hamas foreigners will be deported quickly, even though Rubio and other GOP Senators have asked President Biden’s administration for him to do so.
Responding to a question this week from Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) about whether DHS will start canceling visas for foreign nationals in the US who attend pro-Hamas demonstrations, Mayorkas stated, “It is an issue of legal interpretations of the statute,” making them subject to deportation.
John Kirby, director for the National Security Council, stated last month that the Biden government would not take away the visas of foreigners in the US who support Hamas.
This Jerk G.A. Mayorkas Needs To Be Proscuted And JAILED .
Don’t you think that in these crazy, threatening times, that officials with the authority to correct situations (i.e. – border security) that threaten Americans and their security have been threatened individually like what what organized crime did decades ago? The terrorist entities that threaten America have cells and/or units in America that can strike an official anytime since suicide bombings are a loyalty pledge for eternal life. All the talk about Marxists and the take-over of America is one consideration. However, events and non-decisions are so stupid that officials fearing about harm to themselves and family is a possible explanation.
Amen to Mayorkass being jailed, along with President Biden, and ALL the Democrats who have supported all the chaos in America! No Nation ever survived–read history! Obama started all this crap, he too should be prosecuted, along with the DOJ, Attorney General, FBI, Chris Wray! Thank you.
The only way is to refused them a student visa and a green card! Mayorkas could care less what these congress Republicans says! He know they got balls to back up their talk! If they did they would already REMOVED HIM FROM HIS SEAT! Sure they are blocked by the democrats in the Senate! So it up to the people to REMOVED him and other members of Biden administration!
Finally, someone is waking up. Now if only they take the right action to correct this.
Why on earth would the “Biden government” NOT expell “foreign nationals” with a visa who have participated in demonstrations in support of TERRORISTS!?! IF Mr. Trump were in charge, that would not be the case. Heck, if Mr. Trump were still POTUS, none of this would have happened. Hamas, Hezbollah, all of those would not be impowered by the funds returned by our “dear” POTUS to Iran , and they would not have had the arms, wherewithal to make an attack as they did on Israel Oct. 7, none of it. Now, we have people in this country – NOT citizens, either – who are “protesting” the eminently just pushback Israel is carrying out. Kick them out like an old, tired football – right back to whence they came. For that matter, same should be done with anyone who supports our enemies, and make NO mistake, Hamas is the enemy of the USA as well.
You still support Israel’s attacks? They have already killed almost 15 times the number of Israelis who were killed, and they have destroyed entire sections of the country!! Why should we continue to support them!?!
I understand the marxist admin and their weaponized storm trooper agencies’ need to replace us Americans with people they think they can manipulate with free stuff. Its why we have estimated 10 million cross our borders illegally. I don’t understand why they want terrorists in our country. Its treason by the way. Once the terrorists blow up places and people, they must think we need them to step in and save us, giving away our constitutional rights in the process. Create a crisis then make yourself the answer to the crisis. The biggest threat to democracy is our own government.
There should be a bill that has them rounding up everyone who supports Hamas and dumping them in a cell and into a gallows the next day since their support of Hamas is TREASON against both America and Humanity.
I concur, fellow patriots! If there are still any right-wingers out there in our so-called government who still care about us TRUE AMERICANS who ain’t afraid to do what’s right, then NOW is the time. You can’t have courage without fear. Many good men and women of our beloved country have fought and died to protect our way of life! Many are asking themselves right now about HOW we let this NONSENSE happen. Here is how in a nutshell… #1- We took our eyes off of God by either disavowing his existence, or by questioning his wisdom. #2- We believed the well-manicured lies that the deep-state has been feeding us since our country began. #3- We were more concerned with achieving the American dream than checking to see if it was under threat. #4- We let our guard down against anti-American policy when we started letting such people take office. #5- Our House united started becoming a House divided when they started putting their own interests ahead of the American people! Do we even still remember the words to our beloved “Pledge of Allegiance”??? Many of us grew up having to recite it with our right hand across our heart when we were at school or a public event. God— how I miss those times!!! We were unwavering in our love for our country! We cared about one another! We would sometimes go out of our way to help each other! Where did our humanity and devotion go? Where did our ethics go? Where did our morality go? And, how have we slipped so far as to ALLOW and DEFEND tyranny in our own government or beloved country??? Oh, how the mighty are fallen!!! It has been said that there are none so blind as the blind. It is time to take the blinders off! It is time to wake up! It is time to quit crying and complaining about things and make our voices heard!! WE are the government!!! Not them!! US!!! They are supposed to be our representatives. ONLY!!! They are supposed to uphold the will of the people as we choose fair, just and equitable laws to govern ourselves. Our own law enforcement and military are supposed to protect and defend us against injustice and tyranny— NOT defend it!!! Our borders are supposed to be secured— NOT open!!! The list of Biden atrocities goes on! This is to OUR shame! WE let this happen!!! The ONLY way that this madness and nonsense is going to stop is to stop it ourselves!!! Even GOD is tired of it!!! NOW is the accepted time! NOW is the day of salvation!! NOW is the time to rise up as Americans and voice out— ENOUGH!!! WE ARE FED UP WITH ALL OF THIS CRAP!!! Do your job, or we will!!! This is OUR country— NOT your’s!!! These are OUR children— NOT your’s Biden!!! You are not OUR President!! TRUMP is OUR president!!! He is hands down the. BEST president our country has EVER had!!! Biden is an imposter put in a political position of extreme authority by his puppet masters. He is following their orders!! They are the globalists who only want more and more and more at everyone else’s expense!!! They will stop at NOTHING to get their way!! They are EVIL!!! Good news, folks— GOD has declared through many of HIS prophets that HE is going to stop them!! They are going to be held FULLY ACCOUNTABLE for their actions!!! If you believe in God, then this will give you hope. If you don’t, then I hope that you have something that you can hold on to, because it’s about to get REAL bumpy for those who don’t believe in Him…
Hmm…works for me!
Joe Biden and “The Border Czar”, kamala Harris, with the help from Mayorkis has allowed enough terrorist cells into The United States! It may take decades to find them, stop them from organizing plans that will make 9/11 look like a picnic???!.
I can’t understand why it has taken so DAMNED long to get serious about protecting Americans and America. This action will be a WONDERFUL Christmas gift for the U.S. So, gentlemen keep your attention true and strong and maybe 2024 will start to shine with HOPE, it has truly dimmed, and STRENGTH, it has been lacking for THREE YEARS. America can start repairing itself and become MAGNIFIGANT again! In closing I want to wish everyone, “A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY 2024 NEW YEAR!”