It seemed like yesterday that leading Democrats and their complicit media outlets were touting a Blue Wave that would sweep Republicans out of office in the upcoming midterm elections.
But instead of surf’s up sightings, the nation has turned its collective head to a party that looks more like a horrific car wreck. Infighting and extreme divides within the Democratic Party appear chaotic. While some incumbents are calling for quiet on leftist extremism until after the fall vote, party faces are taking an aggressive approach to remaking America so that it will never be great again.
These are four of the more extreme policies being pushed by Democrats.
1: Abolishing ICE
The left has been a recent advocate of open borders. During the Clinton Era — Bill, not Secretary of State Hillary — cracking down on illegal immigration was a priority. In former Pres. Clinton’s 1995 State of the Union address, he had this to say:
“All Americans, not only in the States most heavily affected but in every place in this country, are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. The public service they use impose burdens on our taxpayers. That’s why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring, by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens.”
But that policy has shifted as younger demographics, the middle class and low-income Americans are persuaded by Pres. Donald J. Trump’s economic success. Democrats need new voters. They’re banking on illegal immigrants and want to expel ICE and border control altogether to get them.
In recent weeks, liberal politicians have called for the end of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Rep. Mark Pocan of Wisconsin promised to introduce legislation to dismantle ICE and he has been joined by fellow Democrats including New York’s Kirsten Gillibrand and Nydia Velázquez, Massachusetts’ Elizabeth Warren and Jim McGovern, Washington’s Pramalia Jayapal, Oregon’s Earl Blumenauer and many others.
If the Democrats retake the majority in Congress, the United States could become borderless. This may sound extreme, but it’s a frightening reality.
2: Repealing Tax Cuts
When considering radical liberal elite rhetoric, everyday Americans tend to take their rantings with a grain of salt. The overly loud “resist” and “obstruct” movement carries little legislative weight because they do not have a majority. The only piece of legislation Democrats were effective at stopping was immigration reform. Oddly, the Republican-supported proposals would have given amnesty to 1.8 million Dreamers who were brought here as children.
Democrats are targeting the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that Pres. Trump and fellow Republicans brought into law. It is the cornerstone of an economic revival the country has not seen since Pres. Reagan. In fact, Pres. Trump’s economic agenda appears to be outpacing the revered former president’s.
The staggering success has been a thorn in Democrats’ side and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is actually telling party members to call it “crumbs” and plans to repeal the law. That would take money out of many Americans’ weekly paychecks. The Democrats are saying that need that money back and plan to raise taxes on top of it.
“We want to roll back the Republican tax giveaways to big corporations and the wealthy and invest that money instead in job-creating infrastructure,” New York Sen. Chuck Schumer reportedly said at a press conference with other senior Democrats.
Yes, Democrats want your money and they are not shy about it. Talk about a lose-lose proposition for the American people.
3: Embracing Socialism
American businesses are taking stock in the results of a recent New York primary race, where an upstart socialist beat a 10-term Democrat.
When 28-year-old socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed victory over the fourth highest ranking congressional democrat, Joe Crowley, more than a few eyebrows were raised. Shrugging off the Socialist rantings of “Crazy” Bernie Sanders is no longer an option. That’s because the Democratic Party now has a substantial and powerful socialist wing.
Sen. Sanders appears to be the front-runner from the party’s presidential nomination in 2020. Other name Democrats are also Socialists in name or practice. These include senators Elizabeth Warren, Kristen Gillibrand, Cory Booker, and Kamala Harris. Sen. Booker and Sen. Harris look like serious challengers to Sen. Sanders for the presidential nod.
Ocasio-Cortez ran on a campaign slogan of “Our Revolution” and “Socialism Will Win.” It did in New York, and has widespread backing among the liberal extremists holding prominent leadership positions. Anyone who wants to join the ranks of China, the fallen Soviet Union, or impoverished Venezuela need just pull the Democrat lever come November.
4: Open Calls for Violence
After the 2016 drubbing, Democrats called for a “resist” campaign that enlisted Antifa to carry out street violence. In recent weeks, California’s Maxine Waters has gotten on a bull horn — literally — to call upon Democrats everywhere to harass Trump Administration officials wherever they go.
“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” Waters reportedly said.
This is a revised code for violence, just like Democrats did after the 2016 loss.
Make no mistake about it, Waters is calling for blood in the streets 2.0.
Resist, obstruct, open borders, higher taxes, and inevitably ending the American Democracy in favor of socialism? What seems like a science fiction movie plot is the real policies and positions of today’s Democratic Party.
~ Liberty Planet