This week, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has been putting on Trump-style rallies in his efforts to remain in office. Bolsonaro has been losing favor among voters due to the unpopularity of COVID-related policies. In what the Financial Times called a “Trump-like move,” Bolsonaro launched an all-out, no holds barred campaign to turn his supporters against a number of Supreme Court Justices. The Brazilian Supreme Court freed Bolsonaro’s opponent from prison who supports socialists within the Worker’s Party.
Bolsonaro’s greatest political challenge stems from the struggling health care system and political turmoil related to the pandemic, prompting business interests to turn against Bolsonaro. One political analyst compared Bolsonaro’s push for more rallies to Trump’s “Stop the Steal” campaign. Possibly the biggest difference between Bolsonaro’s recent efforts and Trump’s effort to fight the theft of the election is the fact that Bolsonaro still has another year in office.
What’s important here is the apparent widespread acceptance of the political tactics of President Trump as a viable political strategy. What we are seeing is further evidence that “Trumpism” is being widely recognized as a way to garner a lot of support from a lot of people very quickly. This is especially true in areas where working-class people are heavily put upon by government policies. The massive exportation of American jobs by Democrat administrations is a prime example.
The American woke leftist crowd created the term “Trumpism” in order to identify the ideology and/or way of thinking that they wanted to demonize and attack in the current year. They began, naturally, by defaming President Trump and his supporters mercilessly for the duration of his term in office. After stealing the 2020 presidential election, they needed to cement their ill-gotten victory by further vilifying anyone and everyone who sees things differently from them.
This lead to the January 6th debacle which was made up of a few people mildly vandalizing Nanci Pelosi’s office and the wrongful and deeply suspicious summary execution of Ashli Babbitt. After these events, the news media immediately did their best to label all Trump supporters as terrorists.
In the wake of all this, the Left was quick to make it clear that getting Donald Trump out of office wasn’t enough — they needed to defeat populism itself. Like many things the Leftists have done in 2021, their overt opposition to the very idea of freedom reveals them for what they are- shameless seekers of power. Well, they are right to fear what they call “Trumpism.” Since Trump’s ascendance to the American Presidency, working people all over the world have been increasingly in favor of leaders and policies that support their ability to make a living and care for their families.
So, maybe the Left is correct in its assessment of “Trumpism” as a serious threat to their self-serving and misguided authoritarianism. But their defining it that way only shows them for what they are, once again, covert fascists disguised as social reformers.
The whole world knows that President Trump showed the world that you need to be tough. The democrats only want power ,money ,control and could care less about the people. It’s amazing that anyone would vote for the new democrats (no longer for the people).
it is a real shame what all these people have done, and create vandalism and burning to make it belief it is their protest which in fact it is getting people paid to make destruction and blame someone else. In this case now it is getting very complicated for Democrats and their totalitarian, communism agenda aided by the same corrupted news media and the big tech companies that as well as democrats all they want is power, money and nothing for the people, But now, Miley have complicated things to a breaking point, he will be prosecuted and thrown out the Military for his treason to our nation and constitution as well as Nancy Pelosi and Schumer, AS YOU CAN SEE, THE DEVIL’S SHEET IS NARROW AND LONG, you can not cover it up anymore, which now Trump is in the driving seat, his policies and good agendas for the nation and for the people will bring them down, that’s why everywhere you go Trump is present and now WORLDWIDE, because his agendas WORKS, he said AMERICA FIRST AND I WANT EVERY COUNTRY DOES THE SAME, and it is getting to that point, CRIMINALS AND ROGUE GOVERNMENT ONLY UNDERSTAND STRENGTH AND DICISIVE DECISION TO STOP THEIR VICIOUS ATTACKS. THE WORLD KNOWS TRUMP DOES NOT PLAY GAMES, HE IS JUST A REAL AMERICAN AND PATRIOT THAT LOVES HIS COUNTRY, ALSO WHILE PRESIDENT HE DIDNT TAKE A PENNY FOR SALARY, SHOW ME ONE SINGLE DEMOCRAT THAT IS THAT PATRIOT. he willl be back with more power and more popular than any president, he will return our country back to basis and lower all these shamesly prices but most of all defeat completely every democrat and jail some of them that have done lots of crimes against the people
God help us if we don’t because as a Nation We are Down the Tubes of the outhouse!
we are circling the bowl now. the flush started 1-20-2021. first time I ever saw the excrement actually flush itself!
I hope the people will be able to see the election fraud audits soon! What in the world is the hold up? I thought we were to see them in August. And they should have been done immediately in all 50 states when there was so much concern and mass evidence of the fraud. It would have been completed within a 3 moth period. (All audits need a deadline, or the guilty party has devious ways of making people drag their feet. Just what we are now seeing. Probably paid off many of those responsible for the audits. We should have our President Trump running things again by now! If he is not re-instated by January 20, 2022, folks, then we may as well all hop on the train/boat to China or Russia…because we are being controlled by dictators…not a right-running government…what we are now seeing is communism. Who can help us, but the military? Is nobody concerned about every day Americans?? We have a Bill of Rights that the lefties are trampling on and does anyone care? I wonder…….