Last week, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill into law legalizing abortion up to brith in the state. The governor then ordered state monuments to be lit up pink, calling the signing a historic day for women’s rights.
Yes — apparently green-lighting unrestricted mass murder is a landmark for social justice.
Now, there’s something very curious about Cuomo and his political positions. Like many people in New York, particularly those with Italian heritage, Cuomo calls himself a Roman Catholic. The faith the governor says be belongs to is more vocally opposed to abortion than any another religious group. For this reason, conservative voices in the state and elsewhere are calling for Cuomo to receive a classic punishment: excommunication.
Granted, this wouldn’t carry the same political weight as it did in say, the days of the Holy Roman Empire, but it would undercut the governor’s ability to pander to a particular voting bloc. And it should — if you claim to adhere to Catholic doctrine, which strongly overlaps with Evangelical or Orthodox Jewish doctrine — you should support the sanctity of life. Governor Cuomo did the precise opposite by pushing forward the most radical abortion law in the United States.
So, is the excommunication threat real? The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh explains all of this in the video below.
~ Liberty Planet