President Joe Biden should not be allowed to receive the Catholic sacrament of communion according to Catholic League President Bill Donahue.
Donahue’s comments came during a televised interview on Newsmax TV. According to the Catholic League leader, the Biden administration’s support for abortion disqualifies him from being able to participate in what Catholics consider to be the most sacred part of their weekly religious service.
Joe Biden is only the second American president to consider himself a practicing Catholic, with John F. Kennedy being the first. Biden has repeatedly paid lip service to the Catholic faith, which is shared by as much as 25 percent of Americans according to a 2020 Gallup poll. Leading Catholic figures including Pope Francis have several times criticized Democratic Party leaders for claiming the faith while brazenly working against ones of its most deeply-held beliefs — the right to life.
Globally, the Catholic Church has taken a very hard stand against abortion and those that provide it. Even Pope Francis, considered by many to be the most liberal pontiff in a generation, takes the Church’s traditional stance on the issue. This has put many Democratic Party leaders that claim the faith in an awkward position.
Being barred from receiving the Eucharist is a big deal in the Catholic community. The rite involves the eating and drinking of sanctified bread and wine. Catholics believe this to represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ on Earth — representing the promise made in the Gospels. Many other Christian denominations observe a similar rite, but Catholics are known to understand it as the liberal blood and body of Christ once it is blessed.
Bill Donahue was very clear as to why Biden should never receive the sacrament. Here’s Newsmax TV with the full clip.
No need to ban him even though I would like to see it happen. The reason is because there is a warning to all those who take communion that they truly repent of their sins. The consequences of taking communion while not repenting is eternal damaging. So let Biden take communion. In not too long a time when he dies he will be with his fellows.
The President should not take communion, or anyone else who supports abortion.
Joe Biden is an opportunist as are most D’Rats. He will use anything, anybody, any entity, any and everything as disposable once he gets what he wants. Sociopath does not cover the totality of Biden’s low moral compass. To think that D’Rats would have stolen an election to install this moron is beyond comprehension. With that being said look at what is held as leaders of the D’Rat Party presently. What could be any more demoralizing? Considering Biden’s age and his proclamation of religious affiliation, if I were him, I would be calculating where I would be headed soon and make some extreme adjustments..
AMEN. Altho God is always waiting to forgive if there is repentance. He does not want anyone to go to Hell and Eternal damnation. Pray for Biden to have some Lucid time to do that. If we wish him going down there we are not
following Jesus’ example. Making us mental murderers. Not good for us either.
Hypocritical Biden is a “jack” Catholic. When it serves him well, he’s a Catholic, but when it doesn’t he’s not. Very typical of his kind that includes 99% of all Libs in Congress including Pelosi. True beliving Catholics know this yet most if not all ignore the facts and join in the hypocricy!
phony catholics
If I cannot receive communion because I married a divorced person. How can Bidden receive communion.
You can receive Communion while married a divorced person if you go through the process . Talk to your priest as there is a process one can go through to receive Communion when married to a divorced person. I and my husband went through it and he then became Catholic and we both received Communion. My husband now is gone for 11 years but when alive we both received after he became Catholic.
demoncrats are not christians. their faith is in the almighty state. their sacrament is abortion. they kill babies and sell body parts until they run low on inventory. that’s when they do the human trafficking. the demoncrat “god” is a jealous “god” and tries to destroy those who do not worship it.
He’s going straight to HELL when he dies.
Yes indeed! The Catholic Purgatory is a purely pagan orgin. The lake of fire will totally destroy all who reject Jesus Christ and His teachings.
Beijing Joe should be Denied Communion and Excommunicated from the for his Stance towards ABORTION. and Pelosi also needs to be Denied Communion and be Excommunicated from the Church also for her Stance on Abortion. There are No if or And
about it. GET R DONE !
Our REAL President is Donald Trump, the Democrats fraudulently switched votes so that the acting person, Biden is in the office in error! The Democrats CANNOT put forward a candidate that can perform the duties or a Vice president who fails trying to conduct her job, just a continuation of them trying to Impeach the REAL PRESIDENT based only on pure hatred!
Pelosi is working from a revenge motive against Trump. She wanted Hillary to be president, Pelosi would have impeached Hillary for destroying subpoenaed evidence, a felony. Pelosi had to wait for Obama to get out and was not happy about it, Hillary was her bookmark until she could impeach her. Trump ruined that. Pelosi rigged the election to get Biden in. She was studying the 25 amendment and knew Biden was incompetent and planned it well. She backed the laughing hyena because Harris was very unpopular. Another easy to get rid of disposable idiot. Then we have a tyrant in Pelosi in office.
I never thought of that. But it definitely makes sense since she is in line..thk you for thinking outside the box.
I would like to know what Joe Biden and his followers excuse will be when he is asked why when the Almighty ask him the reason he did what he did. It will be an excuse not a reason. Sorry, what his people are just a polished-up form of the NAZIS. He shouldn’t be impeached, but brought up on charges of treason! Now that is just my opinion, and I stick by it!
MURDERERS, especially of the MOST helpless, the UNBORN, should NEVER be allowed to take COMMUNION until they REPENT of this ABOMINATION. This is as per the BIBLE. Let’s get BACK to the Truth of God’s Word. One Enlightened Patriot. Team Trump And His Allies 2020 – MAGA (WE’RE NOT going away!).
Joe Bite Me is a “Show Catholic “ – he goes to Church every week and shows what a religious person he is. But he leaves Church, and leaves all his religion behind. Then he lives his “all for me, the hell with thee” life.
I agree completely with your editorial. Though, I do wish you had used a little different grammar. I am a lifelong practicing Catholic and active in my Catholic Parish. You initially used the term “communion.” We teach all converts that the term should be “Holy Communion” or “Holy Eucharist.”
You also wrote “Catholics believe this to represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ on Earth.” I wish you had used the word “is” instead of “represent.” I was confused be what I believe was a misspelling of the word “literal.” I think the phrase should have been “but Catholics are known to understand it as the literal blood and body of Christ once it is blessed and consecrated.
Let’s face it, Joe and his family only worship the god of money and power, and the ones who bring it to them. My God is my only power and his promises are all we need to live in this mess these people are giving is. Just be assured you will NOT have to run into them in our heavenly home. They ain’t gonna be there to screw things up. Peace be with us all!
During the debate of Roe vs. Wade, SCOTUS said that “when we learn when human life begins, this debate about the Constitutional validity of Roe vs Wade will end, because all Human Life is protected.”
Medical Science now says the full DNA of a new human being is established at Conception’ all that is require is time (in a uterus) for this human being to be borne.
By the very decision of SCOTUS during its debate of legitimacy of Roe vs Wade, ROE vs. Wade is no longer Constitutional.
The SCOTUS knows this, but is too cowardly to pronounce this truth!!
Canonic Law, i.e. the Firm Rule of the Catholic Church, rules Aborting or Assisting in Abortion as constituting a Sin resulting in EXCOMMUNICATION, which is the full EXPULSION FROM CHRISTIANITY. Therefore, any priest, bishop, or even Pope giving ‘Communion’ or any other Holy Sacrament to such an Expelled Heathen would himself commit a Mortal Sin. Just a lot, i.e. far too many, of the Church’s hierarchy have sinned in this aspect out of political FEAR and assisted Biden, Pelosi, and others in this serious way. I only left out Hillary Clinton, because she should know best the other side: She was expelled from N.O.W. and “DEM” party grace when she mentioned the word “person” in one refence to an ‘unborn human’ – which should mean that the entire so-called “Democrat Party” is involved in the promotion of ‘Killing the Unborn at Wish’, and all membership in tht party ought to mean EXCOMMUNICATION!