Senate Democrats continue to push their latest single payer health care initiative, and the most conservative Democrat in the Senate is now beginning to consider the idea seriously.
Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) recently opined to Bloomberg that he was looking at single payer as a viable option. He later clarified his earlier interview in a statement released to the press later on.
The senator’s position is that short-term stability in the health care market should take priority. However, once this stability has been attained, legislators should look along a greater timeline to ensure that the problems of the present generation do not happen again.
To his credit, Sen. Manchin has stated publicly that he still considers single payer health care a skeptical fix to our current health care woes. It is important to note that he is not pushing single payer, as many liberal outlets are trying to spin, but that he is simply putting all options on the table. He also admits that he has not conducted enough research personally to make a real decision about which solution would work best, but he wants to start by looking at countries that have implemented single payer health care successfully in order to determine its true viability for the United States.
Although Manchin has not endorsed single payer whatsoever, he is definitely the Democrat who is least likely to say anything positive about it at all. His state voters are definitely not fans of the idea – 66% of the people in West Virginia voted for Donald Trump, who has denounced single payer as an outright fraud that cannot stand.
On a connected topic, Sen. Bernie Sanders is finding his way back into the limelight after his failed bid for the Presidency of the United States. He is pushing a new “Medicare for everyone” piece of legislation that greatly expands the role of government in health care.
There are other ideas from Democrats on the table that are just as invasive. For instance, Sen. Brian Schatz (D-HI) is proposing a bill that gives people the ability to buy into Medicaid. One look at the bill lets you know that he is really moving towards a mandate, but the language is soft enough to fool even some Republicans.
Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) is proposing a similar solution for Medicare, creating a way for individuals and companies to buy into the program. Finally, Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) wants to lower the age for becoming eligible for Medicare. Of these solutions, the bill from Sanders is gaining the most traction in the Senate. As the most prominent Senator and most unforgiving liberal solution, any senator that is courting a run for the presidency in 2020 is backing Sanders at this point.
All of the bills above are, in some way or form, a measure of single payer health care. Manchin, even if he has not truly endorsed single payer, has definitely opened some dangerous doors that it is up to true conservatives to close. It is also quite possible that Manchin may be positioning himself for a run at the presidency – there is definitely room for a crossover Democrat who can garner conservative support if Donald Trump cannot come through on some of his most important campaign promises.
Regardless of what you may think of the ideas on the table, the truth is that Democrats are flooding the board with health care legislation at this point. They are basically throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping that something sticks, and it is time for Republicans to start matching at least some of the prolificacy of the Democrats.
Where are the health care solutions that propose Americans take care of their own families and loved ones? Where are the bills that put money back into the pockets of Americans so that paying for health care is not such a struggle? Where are the subsidiaries for veterans and other people who have served our country that provide an example of how to properly direct health care funds?
These initiatives should be brought forth by top Republicans in the House and Senate, but especially in the upper chamber. If conservative Democrats are allowed to mull over single payer health care in the limelight, the country may begin to mistakenly believe that the winds are changing and give up the fight.
~ Liberty Planet