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Committee Responsible for Food Guidelines All Have Ties to Big Pharma

It may or may not surprise you to learn that the people who are responsible for the safety and dietary guidelines around the production and sale of your food, are also taking money from big pharmaceutical companies.

In a new study, researchers say it is “particularly worrisome” that those in charge of advising the country on what they should eat – takes money from the pharmaceutical industry that makes profits from people’s illness.

Of the 20 members of the government-run U.S Dietary Guidelines for Americans Advisory Committee, who establish guidelines for Americans – all have at least one conflict of interest.

Many of the committee members have ties to multiple conflicts of interests – not only do they have ties to Big pharmaceutical companies, but Big Food and Big Agriculture too.

The Defender reported: “The U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans Advisory Committee (DGAC) sets the guidelines used by U.S. policymakers, healthcare providers, nutrition educators and federal nutrition program operators, including those responsible for school lunch programs, on what foods and beverages ‘meet nutrient needs, promote health and prevent disease.'”

The committee members had to file conflicts of interest disclosures and the study found that all 20 of the DGAC members had relationships with a total of 129 industry insiders.

The DGA is responsible for governing nutrition programs around the world, amounting to around $100 billion every year.

The committee also advises state and local governments, healthcare professionals, hospitals and community groups on how people eat.

“Trustworthy dietary guidelines result from a transparent, objective, and science-based, process,” the study explains.

“Our analysis has shown that the significant and widespread COI on the committee prevents the DGA from achieving the recommended standard for transparency without mechanisms in place to make this information publicly available.”

“Our findings here are particularly worrisome, as industry influence and COI can result in diverting the scientific process underpinning the U.S. national dietary guidelines, to one that is responsive to profit-driven interests rather than the public health.”

The study was published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the U.K-based nonprofit organization The Nutrition Society, who works towards advancing the scientific study of nutrition.

The DGAC was established in 1977 and operates under the jurisdiction of the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

In 1980, the committee’s first report was published and since then, the report is revised and re-released every five years.

The latest update was in July 2020 and it contains updates which urges new mothers to stop feeding their babies breast milk and feed them formula instead.

Unsurprisingly, of the six DGAC Pregnancy and Lactation Subcommittee members, four of them have ties to breastmilk substitute manufacturers, including Mead Johnson, Wyeth and Abbott.

“There is evidence that those companies producing breast milk substitutes regularly use science and try to influence policy in order to protect and promote the sales of their products, and their relationships with DGAC members may have had a direct impact on the work of those members,” the study reveals.

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8 thoughts on “Committee Responsible for Food Guidelines All Have Ties to Big Pharma”

  1. We are being poisoned through our food. We have no idea if things are organic or not because we are lied to about every single thing. Food is stored for months before it’s out out on the shelves which is why it goes bad before it has a chance to ripen or before you have a chance to eat it! It’s been gassed, radiated and wax put on it. There are so many things they do to try to keep the food from going bad and then they put it out, you buy it and it’s rotten in two days! The food in this country is a disgrace and I haven’t even gotten into the chemicals and pesticides that are in and all over everything! And what about the hormones and vaccinations that livestock are given that we are not privy to?

    1. As validation, all one has to do is compare fruits and veggies now sold to the quality of the same food items just before the current administration’s changes to the supply chain, producer’s and food stores and processors.

      In every aspect of our society this administration has been an unmitigated disaster for our society, our economy and our finances. Everyone is paying for the Biden inept management or intentional destruction of America!!!!

      Wake up America!!!!!

      1. In response to agreeing with Serra and Davis comments, I have seen over the years the trickery that has been played upon the American public, and how prices rise drastically on good for you food items that are marketed with government ratings approvals. Some instances are butter vs margarine, eggs-no eggs, oils, fish, wheat bread vs white, fresh fruits and vegetables whose prices escalate after-the-fact after government release that these are found to be better. But with most of these items like eggs, margarine and bread – the pendulum swings the other way in following years or decades – after the price has risen drastically in each particular industry.

  2. 7 yrs ago: I had prayed to the FATHER our CREATOR and HIS SON JESUS YESHUA: about a better healthier living: they impressed in me the book of Daniel: for Daniel and his three friends determined not to eat the food of the kingdom: they were healthier and wiser then the group of men that advice Nebuchadnezzar: so wise that Daniel was able to discern the kings dream: after also Nebuchadnezzar ended up insane: he ate the greens of the earth: he didn’t die: so I started with building a garden : and also a worm compost: since then we eat what we have: the only thing we get at the market is what we can’t grow.

  3. They’ve been poisoning our food, and water for decades, Now it’s the air and vaccines. The fda is just another corrupt dept in DC owned by big pharma. Look who’s sponsoring you’re nightly propoganda (news) programs.

  4. I hate to state the obvious, but this is just more proof that our only hope is in God. We will keep up the good fight to try to save this land, but eventually this world will end. Are you prepared to meet your maker?

  5. The best advice I ever got about what to eat: If it was food 100 years ago, eat it. If it wasn’t, DON’T! That pretty much leaves out the majority of the things we eat in this country. I have concentrated since that advice on fresh fruits and vegetables, I get lots of protein from many of them but I also eat beans- purchased raw and cooked at home; I eat eggs, lots of greens, and I confess to occasional pasta. That’s it. I’m 82 years old. I swim for exercise, I try to get 30 minutes of sun each day. I go to bed when I’m tired, get up when I wake up, and hope to live to be 100. My doctor says I have a really good chance. Throw away the sugar, eat honey. Cut the salt LIVE LONG AND PROSPER!.

  6. People take into consideration what going on around you! You won’t have to look very far to know there something government want being put into place. For example why are there so many APARTMENTS BEING BUILT? All within the CITY LIMIT! Now think about why there NOT ANY HOME being built inside the city limit! This is one thing you can take into consideration that is being push by the government. Two why is government SELLING OUT THE FARMER TO CHINA? There used to be hog farmer, chicken farmer, turkey farmer, all out in the country near a city! But GOVERNMENT SOLD THEM OUT TO CHINA!

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