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Illegal Immigration Drops By 73 Percent, Media Completely Silent

Despite Democrat sanctuary cities and the lure of welfare at American taxpayer expense, the Trump Administration has stifled illegal immigration by 73 percent.

Illegal immigration apprehensions hit a peak in May of 133,000 as Border Patrol officers were being overwhelmed by thousands-strong violent caravans. Central American migrants banded together and trekked north to the U.S.-Mexico border with funding from liberal globalist organizations, some of which reportedly had ties to George Soros. The October data coming out the Department of Homeland security indicates that the Trump Administration policies have stemmed the tide as that number plummeted to only 35,000 apprehensions. The fake news media has been eerily silent on yet another policy success by President Donald Trump.

Unlike the failed Obama-era policies that saw illegal immigrant infiltration spike by millions, President Trump implemented a multi-faceted policy that minimized so-called “catch-and-release” loopholes and brought critical stakeholders to the table. Among the most attractive magnets that Democrats held out was the manipulation of the asylum process. Migrants, fearing no political threat in Central America, were instructed to falsely request asylum at the border and then disappear after being released in the U.S. The overwhelming majority of asylum applicants never showed up at their court hearing because it was a scam. Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy ended the ability of illegals to use American laws against us.

“With MPP (migrant protection protocols), migrants are receiving due process and protection while the United States is restoring integrity to our immigration system,” U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Mark Morgan said. “We’re closing the loopholes.”

The Trump Administration quickly built on the success of the joint policy between the U.S. and Mexico. On the southern side of the border, Mexican citizens immediately began leveling complaints about migrants who were reportedly creating filthy conditions. The fake news media in the U.S. followed Democrats’ lead and decried the effective policy as placing migrants into risky conditions. But the reality of the U.S.-Mexico anti-illegal immigration policy resulted in Mexican law enforcement arresting violent offenders. From the American perspective, phony asylum applicants were weeded out and deported back to their country of origin.

“We are confident in the program’s integrity and ability to adjudicate asylum claims quickly and with all due process,” former DHS official Kevin McAleenan said. “We have already seen individuals granted asylum, and many more fraudulent or non-meritorious cases closed. MPP has been — and remains — an essential part of these efforts.”

The Trump Administration quickly built on the success of the Remain in Mexico policy by expanding it to non-asylum seekers. Anyone seeking admission to the U.S. via the southern border is required to file paperwork and wait for processing.

“Migrants who attempt to enter the U.S. via the southwest border regardless of location may be returned to Mexico to await their immigration court proceedings,” a DHS statement announced about the policy expansion.

Another aspect of the multi-pronged immigration policy was to bring neighboring countries to the table. President Trump, in no uncertain terms, let newly-elected Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) know that the high costs of illegal immigrants on the U.S. taxpayer would be leveled in the form of tariffs if the southern neighbor did not enforce its own existing laws. A prompt crackdown on massive caravans went into effect. Mexico turned back migrants, or granted humanitarian visas as long as they worked. Many turned back after discovering American welfare checks were not to be had. The Mexican government, at the behest of President Trump, also substantially ramped up border enforcement for the first time in many years.

“When the Mexican National Guard deployed on the southern side of the Rio Grande, traffic across the border virtually stopped,” a U.S. Border Patrol agent said of the change. “We still see crossings along the river, but it has dropped from more than 1,000 per day to only about 200.”

According to research data, upwards of 12 million illegals are living in the U.S., and may comprise as much as 3.6 percent of the population. Due to the failed policies of previous administrations, illegal immigrants siphon off billions in taxpayer-funded welfare benefits.

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