With no high crime or misdemeanor in the Democrats’ impeachment articles, President Donald Trump is expected to receive an expedient exoneration.
It’s crucial to understand that the radicals in the House suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome know full well they have zero chance of securing the 60 votes needed to remove the president. The GOP holds a majority, and not a single senator has indicated they will break ranks. That being said, Democrats are strategizing to smear President Donald Trump and force an embarrassing State of the Union address postponement. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has already floated the possibility of delaying the scheduled Tuesday, Feb. 4, speech.
“The president has some options. It can come that day, and we defiance to welcome him that day. He could send a printed copy, which was for a long time the tradition. Or, he could ask us to postpone it if, in fact, he wants to have it after all of this is resolved,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said. “But the timing of the investigation, of the trial of the president for obstructing Congress and abuse of power, should not be hastened because of a speech he wants to make to the Congress of the United States.”
The trial was scheduled to begin Jan. 21, and President Trump has indicated he expects the farce to be brief and that he’s fully confident he will be giving the State of the Union as scheduled. In fact, the president has demonstrated an air of bravado, routinely mocking the left’s impeachment lust.
“I think it should go very quickly. It’s a hoax, it’s a complete hoax,” Trump said. “I’m going to be going to Davos. I’ll be meeting the biggest business leaders.”
The president just completed two of the largest trade deals in the history of the country, and the economic numbers from his America First policies are unprecedented. Stock market measures such as the Dow Jones, NASDAQ, and S&P 500 have all set record highs following the NAFTA replacement (USMCA), and Phase I of a bilateral deal with China that tamps down the trade war. The country is experiencing the lowest unemployment in half a century, and has established energy independence for the first time in a generation. These are the reasons Democrats fear going head-to-head in the November presidential election. The chance of unseating Trump diminishes with every campaign promise fulfilled and success that improves opportunity for everyday Americans.
Although Senate Democrats will be playing a long-game to force a delay and claim a rare victory, White House officials have gone on the record saying the State of the Union will occur as planned.
“These are the weakest articles of impeachment that have ever been passed in any presidential impeachment. They state no violation of a crime, no violation of any law,” a White House official reportedly said. “Why would there be a motion to dismiss? That’s because these articles of impeachment are so weak that, on their face, if this were a court proceeding, they’d be subject to dismissal.”
House Democrats not only failed to identify a crime, their so-called “witnesses” produced no first-hand evidence of wrongdoing. Those who had direct communication with the president stated he had done nothing wrong. In a gross display, Democrat leaders in the House collected commemorative pens from Pelosi signing the Articles of Impeachment, and California Sen. Kamala Harris was caught smirking before claiming, “This is a solemn, serious moment.”
Perhaps White House counselor Kellyanne Conway put the reprehensible tactics of Democrats in perspective best.
“I think so desperate, so desperate to get this president that the left is now — the Democrats and their friends, their allies in the media are propping up an indicted criminal, this Parnas character, and maybe even nominating a socialist for president,” Conway reportedly said. “If you want to get the president, get him at the ballot box. They have no idea how to do that, so they waste their time and our money with all these shenanigans.”
Now, Democrats face yet another crushing defeat. Unless they can manipulate the Senate rules and delay the trial, President Donald Trump could be adding full, fair exoneration to his administration’s lengthy list of accomplishments.