Journalists once encouraged the free pursuit of information — but those days are officially over. The New York Times recently took things one step further by urging Americans to forget about “critical thinking” altogether and instead automatically embrace whatever point of view “mainstream” news outlets and websites are pushing at the moment.
“Critical thinking, as we’re taught to do it, isn’t helping in the fight against misinformation,” the article begins. “Misinformation rides the greased algorithmic rails of powerful social media platforms and travels at velocities and in volumes that make it nearly impossible to stop. That alone makes information warfare an unfair fight for the average internet user.”
To make its point clear, the NYT gave a number of examples. In one instance, readers were urged to look up the names of people on Wikipedia to see if certain individuals could be trusted. The problem with this statement is that Wikipedia itself states that it is not a reliable source. Wikipedia’s writers aren’t even allowed to use other Wikipedia articles for reference because, as the site itself admits, “information… could be vandalism, a work in progress, or just plain wrong. Biographies of living persons, subjects that happen to be in the news, and politically or culturally contentious topics are especially vulnerable to these issues.”
The newspaper’s calls to trust “mainstream media outlets” above alternative news sources is also laughable. The New York Times itself, along with other supposedly reputable news outlets, have a history of deliberately employing “journalists” who also worked as CIA agents.
Vox, itself a left-wing outlet, recently admitted that mainstream news stations got it wrong when covering COVID-19 in January and February 2020. Many of these news sites not only piled on former President Donald Trump for imposing a travel ban on China, but also urged readers to not wear masks. To make matters worse, an analysis of these news outlets shows that they got their misinformation from the CDC, WHO, and other “experts” that the NYT is urging readers to trust without question.
There is certainly a great deal of misinformation on the internet. However, it’s not all coming from “alternative news sources”. In many instances, it’s the mainstream news outlets and so-called experts who are getting it wrong. Sometimes mistakes are made and individuals and news stations backtrack. In other cases, the misinformation is deliberate and continually repeated in the hopes that Americans will embrace certain points of view.
In any case, the fact that the New York Times is urging readers to ditch critical thinking should alarm anyone who cares about facts and impartial journalism. The truth is that critical thinking is needed now more than ever. Instead of automatically assuming official news sources and government experts are right, individuals need to question what they read, look up information from a wide range of sources, and form opinions based on factual evidence rather than mainstream media talking points.
Journalists should not demand that people accept spoon-fed information from them without question.
The best use of any NYT publication is for toilet paper.
That’s because it’s written by the New York Turds!
No, I would not wipe my butt with it. The best use is at the bottom of the bird,hamster cages or potty training a puppy.
Gee, are you sure you want to do that to your pets?
You are kidding me. From the most biased piece of crap news paper there is in this country I agree your paper is good for nothing but paper cushion for moving out of New York. You truly can’t cure stupid Thanks for confirming that.
Yeah don’t look into anything we can tell you. Take our word for it. We’re the experts leave it to us. New york times never lies…. I strongly recommend critical thinking to all. Keeps the liers getting caught lying.
I support the use of your brain. NYT obviously does not
They are the biggest liers !for the last hundred years !never trust the news ! REMEMBER NEVER ! Find out for your self !
Then they should stop ! Dumb asses !
The media is a joke and a bunch of liars along with these so called rulers ” big tech”companies, they have to much power with this so called government. I do NOT read any news papers and only believe half of what I read on stupid commie Facebook! I was suspend for 30 days from there for saying COVID! I had 5 family members with it and 1 passed away with it, due to this bunch of idiots running this country! In fact as soon as I get back on FB, I have a letter to them, which they aren’t going to like, giggle, probably be band from there after my post
I’ve had 2 accounts suspended.
I guess you have to kiss ass and bend over to post.
Truth is something they cant deal with,probably have never believed it.
Yeap dont read the paper at all.
I go online to get news from NEXT NEWS NOW Or Trending Politics
I concur
New York Times is like the New York mayor and the New York Governor wake up New York oh I forgot you are woke so good luck just stay in New York keep your wokeness in New York
It is Critical Thinking that explodes marxism and race and gender theory, and that allows crooks and poseurs like The Dotard and Kammie the Commie to be found out and discredited. Critical Thinking is why people recoil from the Oceania of “1984” and laugh at the doublethink absurdities of “Pravda” and the “Beijing Peoples Daily”. In order for the communist transformation now underway in the dying First American Republic to succeed, regurgitation must replace cogitation and struggle sessions and Two Minute Hates must replace reasoned discourse. The illegitimate Chinese puppet regime now propped up by bayonets in this country knows that it has only a short time window before the people turn on it. We must hope that Americans who are not satanists, socialists or sodomites are doing so now, and will strike when the time comes to bring the dictatorship down. Biden delendum est!
You and I are of the mind on this subject. Biden is only the hand at the end of a robot cabal. For 48 years he enjoyed having the gullible in Congress hear his BS but he never prepared for his days of senility and becoming the monkey tied to a cranked music maker.
I hate to see a man suffering but feel it’s justified because it was his own doing. The NYT’s has men running it that are like Biden and are suffering the same fate as ole Joe! What they have to say is just entertainment for the rest of the employee’s there. A fart in the wind is worth more than anything coming out of that rag!
Love your post.
Straight to the point and spot on.
This paper destroys lives by printing stories from anonymous sources and then publishes corrections several months later.
Shades of 1984, Big Brother is strong.
Didn’t think anyone really still reads that lying rag. Time to stop the presses. Are of New Yorkers really that stupid to pay for that nasty rag?
nytimes is a poor excuse for a Newspaper.
Some fissure must have opened to reveal this critical thinking phenomena to such talented dogma spewing lackeys. The abyss must start inside the doors of that building and the elevator only travels down from there. Do you even turn on the lights down there?
To many people have no idea what critical thinking means, it does not mean to think critically about others. It means ferreting out the true meaning in a phrase or a concept.
Just know that the only way the demacommunismrat party can make the Home of the Free the land of slaves (like the demacrat party did down south for a very long time, and still do in places now) they must have us all to think like a jackass!!!!!!
That is why they have a jackass for a party logo
I don’t really care what the New York Times thinks they can kiss my ass and do they even really sell papers anymore or does anybody even really listen to them there are so left there like a stock car race left turn left turn left turn we need a Real newspaper and news media but the paper is good for shredding for a hamster cage fuck off New York Times
I find it interesting that these people in these positions such as “journalists” at the NYT think they are the smartest people in the world! I guess they don’t realize that they are just another slob working an everyday job and getting paid to do what someone orders them to do. The thing is, is that one day it will all come back to bite them. Stuff like this always does. By that time though, it will be too late to change or I should say to try to change people’s minds.
So they went to school (with a bunch of feather-head friends) and were taught by even worse, empty-headed profs who think they have power as well. But as I said, one day it will all come back to bite them. They won’t be ready because they ‘bought their own “news” “
You don’t need brains just follow agenda blindly. Truth does not matter why think and evaluate just follow us like good little sheep.
One should never use government and experts in the same sentence.
The national newspapers did this to themselves. Normal people don’t like the racist garbage spewed by The NY Times inciting racism and white privilege. Amazing how they can’t write that two black teens killed a man trying to work to provide food for his family. All media outlets were concerned with the “alleged “ right wing white racist who killed ten innocent people. Oh wait – the guy wasn’t a white racist? Oh shit pull the story immediately. Too bad CNN and MSNBC ur end is coming. See ya brothers Cuomo – go and live in NYC they love ya there. How could a bum like Cuomo get re-elected? Ha the bum lives in in the most liberal shithole in the country NYC!