After the NSA leaker curiously named Reality Winner was arrested for releasing top secret White House information to The Intercept, we were advised that Russian military intelligence is supposed to be running hacking units aimed at compromising U.S. elections.
We also learned, as Reality Winner would have it, that these sophisticated Russian hacking cells were sophisticated enough to hack into the infrastructure of the world’s greatest superpower, but at the same time were not slick enough to avoid leaving behind many telltale signs of their work.
It’s amusing, to say the least because what we learned from the Vault 7 Wikileaks weeks ago showed that the CIA has the means and aim to make any hack they perpetrate appear as if it came from Russia. A powerful state actor like Russia should have the ability to cover its tracks. That means if it looks like Russians, it’s probably not Russians.
According to the report published by The Intercept, the file offers more detail than any other U.S. government document covering Russian interference in the 2016 election. It is meant to prove that Russian hacking penetrated deeper into electronic U.S. voting systems than was previously believed. The Intercept also said that the document claims it was the Russian General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) that conducted the attacks.
The document claims that the GRU infiltrated voting systems using a faked Google alert which requires the target to submit its username, password, and other login credentials. The attack software also allegedly attempted to create a shadow campaign using a faked email account, which would act as the original to gain the trust of allies as well as smear the original campaign. However, despite the alleged sophistication of the so-called Russian hack, the attacks left telltale signs of its origins everywhere it went.
This is analogous to a master thief pilfering the Guggenheim without gloves, leaving fingerprints everywhere.
With this event, we seem to have a new insight into the collapsing collective mind of the progressive liberal faction of the Democratic party. They have created this narrative around the entirely fabricated Russian hacking scandal, which explains in total the failure of the DNC to foist up a successful presidential candidate. But it fails to account for the fact that Hillary Clinton’s loss in 2016 is wholly attributable to her behaviors during the campaign, and her many crimes.
But this document, provided by a rogue agent within a counterintelligence government contractor is, in reality, just another example of what the the Left would ordinarily call a ‘nothing burger.’ It is attributed to an anonymous source which refuses to come forth, and is in direct contradiction to the facts surrounding the issue.
Nonetheless, this development has given the mainstream media material with which to advance the narrative that they persistently push on low-information, TV-addicted voters. In other words, it doesn’t have to stand up on its own to further their agenda, it only has to agree with the narrative.
However, despite the feeding frenzy it has evoked, this latest attempt to subvert the Trump administration has resulted in Barack Obama taking some friendly fire.
After mainstream media outlets took heat for their failure to save the Clinton campaign from the specter of the Russian hackers, Obama held a press conference in which he said that that the Russian efforts to hack the presidential election had ceased after Obama’s meeting in September with Russian President Vladimir Putin. In that meeting, he claims to have told Putin to “cut it out.”
“What I was concerned about in particular was making sure [the DNC hack] wasn’t exacerbated by hacking that could hinder vote counting,” the former president said. “In September when I saw Putin, I felt the best way to ensure [further hacking] didn’t happen was to tell him to cut it out…or there would be consequences.
“We did not see tampering of the election after that. The leaks via WikiLeaks had already happened.”
Obama’s transparent attempt to make himself look heroic has backfired, as has Reality Winner’s bogus whistleblowing since the two stories contradict each other.
At best the contradiction makes it seem that Obama overestimated his influence on Putin. At worst, it makes the Democratic Party appear to be dishonest from its low-level operatives, all the way up to the senior leadership.
~ Liberty Planet