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One Republican Just Voted for Giving Illegals Voting Rights

Michigan Republican Representative Justin Amash was the only Republican to vote with House Democrats to effectively allow illegal immigrants to vote in federal elections.

As expected, House Democrats voted down the GOP MTR amendment to H.R.1 this past Friday. This vote turned back the GOP’s efforts to discourage the practice of giving illegal immigrants the right to vote. Just six months ago, when the chamber was firmly under GOP control, the vote was markedly different and, as one would expect, decried the right for illegal immigrant voting. In other words, this measure was an exact reversal of a measure put through by Republicans just months prior.

Rep. John Lewis, Georgia Democrat, led the opposition to the GOP measure and said, “We are prepared to open up the political process and let the people come in.”

This measure is part of the “For The People Act”, Nancy Pelosi’s signature bill H.R.1. The bill in whole contains all manner of freedom-limiting laws. The bill itself is described by RedState as “A grotesque usurpation of power.” The Republicans were simply trying to counteract some negative elements within the bill with this measure.

The Votes are Counted

The end vote tally was 228-197. Six Democrats voted yes, 227 no. On the other side the aisle, 191 Republicans voted yes and 1 no. One interesting point to note is, even if the previous measure pushed by the GOP had passed, it would have no practical effect in elections, as illegal immigrants are already not allowed to vote in federal elections. However, Republicans had hoped to send a message to areas like San Francisco, which currently allows non-citizens to vote in school board elections. The Democrats wanted to send a message of their own, which was one of support to those that are currently allowing illegals to vote in small elections.

If passed, the measure would have added the following language to the H.R.1 bill:

“Allowing illegal immigrants, the right to vote devalues the franchise and diminishes the voting power of the United States citizens.”

How could anyone vote this down, it is after all just a reaffirmation of the current federal law? Texas Republican Representative Dan Crenshaw says if it sounds insane, that’s because it is.

“It sounds like I’m making it up,” he said. “What kind of government would cancel the vote of its own citizens, and replace it with non-citizens?”

What is The H.R.1 Bill?

As mentioned above, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s signature bill is as “grotesque usurpation of power” as described by Red State. The bill would do the following among many other horrid things:

  • Allow the government to use tax dollars to support political candidates (some voters might not support normally)
  • Regulates speech that mentions elected officials or federal candidates at any time.
  • Regulates online speech by American citizens.
  • Even the ACLU has come out against this legislation, if that tells you anything…

    The Good News

    Although the measure to amend bill H.R.1 was not approved Friday, the good news is the House-approved plan will be dead on arrival when it gets to the Senate, according to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky). The American Civil Liberties Union has also encouraged all lawmakers to vote against the bill due to the fact that it contains the following provision:

    “Provisions that unconstitutionally impinge on the free speech rights of American citizens and public interest organizations.”

    The right to vote is inherently one enjoyed only by the American citizen. As the measure addition would have stated, allowing illegal immigrants this same right devalues and almost wipes out the vote of the concept of citizenship entirely.

    Representative Amash deserves to be singled out for his failure to uphold constitutional values. During his tenure in Congress, he has been right about many things — this is definitely not one of them.

    ~ Liberty Planet

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