San Francisco made history this week, becoming the first city in the entire world to mandate COVID-19 “vaccines” to children aged 5-11.
In an unsurprising move, California Governor Gavin Newsome is set to ruin the Golden State even further, by also mandating the shots for all children in order to attend school, regardless of whether it’s public or private.
Parents wasted no time racing to get their children jabbed, some mere minutes after the CDC approved a smaller dose of the Pfizer shot on Tuesday. Social media platforms were inundated with pictures of small children receiving their gene therapy as their anxious parents looked on.
Long term effects, however, are largely unknown, and only 1,305 children have been given the Pfizer vaccine, according to a study done before it was approved.
Children are statistically at a far lower risk of developing the China Virus and needing hospitalization. It was even acknowledged by Fauci that the coronavirus in children is actually less dangerous than the common flu strain.
With the amount of information being leaked out, despite the aggressive censorship to fight “fake news” and “misinformation,” it seems the “vaccines” could prove to be far more dangerous to children than COVID-19.
Since the experimental gene therapy Fauci ouchies were rolled out in December, there has been a plethora of reports coming from victims of adverse reactions, and in some cases, from their families after the victims died.
A Texas father gave his testimony in front of a Senate panel, detailing the death of his 16 year old son, who developed myocarditis after receiving his first Pfizer shot.
U.S. researchers revealed that male teens are far more likely to come down with vaccine related myocarditis.
The National Institute of Health (NIH) themselves admitted that the vaccines are causing irreversible damage to young children who are given the vaccines, and stated that “non-fulminant active myocarditis has a mortality rate of 25% to 50% within 3 to 10 years, owing to progressive heart failure and sudden cardiac arrest”
Translation: If the patient didn’t die immediately from taking the jab, it will catch up with you within a decade.
Another commonly “rare” side effect is blood clotting, one of many the FDA has been aware of along with several other adverse reactions during Pfizer’s clinical trials for use in children.
Knowing this, the FDA had also approved an oral blood thinning medication called Pradaxa in June of this year — a first of its kind that is used to treat venous thromboembolism, which is blood clots in the veins.
Multiple countries halted the use of the AstraZeneca COVID injection after it caused blood clots in those that took it. The Pfizer injection is also known to cause blood clotting in the legs, stomach and throughout the lungs.
The FDA advisory committee — who approved the Pfizer jab for young children, according to a report from the National File — used clinical studies that were sponsored by BioNTech and Pfizer.
A clear conflict of interest.
One question that needs to be answered is: Is this necessary?
Not only with children either, but also for adults?
The cure appears to be worse than the disease.
The pressure that has been applied to parents, business owners, employers, airlines, schools and everything in between is, at the very least, suspicious.
Vaccine hesitancy was already a very real thing, and government strong-arming isn’t doing much to improve the public’s faith in the healthcare system, especially when certain high-ranked health officials are in the pockets of the big pharmaceutical companies.
COVID-19 has a huge survival rate, maybe the best approach should have been like every other virus throughout history: Let it run its course.
But maybe that’s too Babylon Bee-ish for this clown world.
The Vax. is killing & Injuring more people than it helps. Once taken there is no turning back. Vaccine injuries are under reported & ignored all in the name of profit. Common sense should prevail, Putting something into ones body that has NOT been tested for short or long term effects in addition to the manufacturer having full immunity from liability should scare anyone. Big Pharma is making the politicians pushing & illegally mandating their poison, wealthier by the day. Ten million investment has already netted Gates billions in profit. The sheeple need to wake up it’s about Big Money & Control, Not public health.
Please explain WHY the U S S C has NOT stepped in to let the citizens know if this is legal, ( the forcing of legal mandates to get the Fouchi Ouchie)
This S C seems to be very hesitant to make any REAL judgments in behalf of the people.
I personally think it’s because of that chicken shit Roberts,
Maybe that’s why they call it the Roberts court. Ya think?
I am 86, maybe older and wiser then many. Ronald Reagan said ” If the Government says ‘ we are here to help you ‘ , get away fast.
Biden is one we need to get away from FAST.
He does very little good and massive harm.
They got to Roberts some time ago. He can’t be trusted and seems to have clout with the two newest members often siding with him. In the near future this has to be resolved, any Justice who can’t be trusted must be removed. If there isn’t a procedure for that then one has to be implemented. That should be understood for anyone in any office from Federal to State to County to towns. We have to be able to clean up and clean out anyone who’s not putting America or Americans first. No more of they can’t be fired or replaced, that line won’t work anymore period.