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The Whole FBI Needs an Overhaul

The fate of former FBI Director James Comey was inevitable regardless of who won the presidential election — he was out. Both sides of the aisle had repeatedly called for his head, and the public had lost all confidence in the process. However, the FBI swamp is far from drained.

If Hillary Clinton won, it goes without saying that she would have exacted revenge for Comey dragging her email scandal to a pair of full-blown press conferences. The Clintons had terminated FBI Director William Session in 1993, and ousted anyone they perceived as disloyal. President Clinton went as far as to scandalously sack seven members of the non-partisan White House Travel Office.

While many thought President Trump would remove Comey post haste, he appeared to provide him with a chance at redemption. But recent testimony about his reasons for usurping the authority of Obama Administration Attorney General Loretta Lynch demonstrated he was comfortable exceeding his authority.

Even though the public perceived that Lynch insulated Hillary Clinton from prosecution, it was clear Comey might do it again. He was a rogue FBI agent, but not the only one.

The Obama Effect

Americans have serious doubts about Obama’s appointments across the board. It’s a common feeling that they lawlessly serve the interests of Democrats. From leaks to unmasking American names to not bringing charges against Hillary, impartiality was a foreign concept to Obama’s people. And this attitude may run very deep at the FBI.

During the Clinton email investigation, FBI operative Andrew McCabe rose to the No. 2 post at the agency. It is with some coincidence that his wife ran for the Virginia state senate and Common Good VA PAC and the Democratic Party of Virginia boosted her run with more than $450,000. The keynote speaker at their major fundraiser was none other than Hillary Clinton. This obvious conflict of interest has not been so obvious at the FBI under Comey.

McCabe did not and has never recused himself from any Hillary investigation. Despite his wife enjoying a sizeable benefit via the former Secretary of State and the Dems, McCabe and Comey saw no cloud over the investigation into Trump campaign personnel.

Did they miss the fact that the election ranked among the most divisive in the nation’s history? Not very good detectives.

Deep State Resistance

Since winning the election, scores of classified material have been leaked to liberal-biased media organizations. Some of that information appears to be rooted in the FBI itself. This is troubling on several fronts.

First, leaks of this nature are a criminal offense. When FBI personnel willingly break the law, this be just the tip of the iceberg. It indicates that the attitude perpetuated by Obama, Lynch, Comey and McCabe has trickled down to at least some of the rank and file.

Former CIA analyst Edward Price resigned after the election because Trump won. It was revealed that he donated $2,700 to Hillary’s campaign, and another $2,300 to the DNC. Political financial support is every citizen’s right, but clearly Price struggled with a fierce bias against Republicans. His quitting the FBI garnered headlines, but it leaves many questioning how many Deep State Democrats are employed at the nation’s top law enforcement agency?

Restoring the Public Trust

It may come as some surprise, but most members of Congress agree that the FBI director should be impartial. Whether it’s Mitch McConnell or Chuck Schumer, the recent partisanship appears to be a flaw created by the Obama camp.

Clearly, acting director McCabe should be disqualified from advancement based on his wife taking campaign contributions traced back to Hillary Clinton. It would be best to reduce his position, or remove him altogether for failing to recuse himself.

That being said, the new director will inherit the Herculean task of restoring the integrity of the FBI. Many Americans believe that the five immunity deals doled out to Hillary’s State Department aides by former A.G. Lynch should not stand. The wreak of corruption permeates them all.

Likewise, Clinton confidant Huma Abedin’s immunity must be vacated based on less than truthful statements made during the investigation. Thousands of emails have surfaced on her husband’s laptop. An independent prosecutor must be appointed to reopen the email scandal and come to a just conclusion.

The so-called Russia investigation needs to be brought to a resolution, one way or another. Given that no evidence of collusion has been discovered, it looks like another political witch hunt. It’s imperative the FBI either file a charge, or remove itself from partisan rantings.
It’s time for a good house cleaning at the FBI.

~ Liberty Planet

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