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United Nations DONE For – Conservatives Push Back For ONCE!

With the big government status quo holding firm and the American national debt continuing to balloon without any relief in sight, conservatives have long sought drastic cuts to the federal government’s size and scope, including dismantling the Dept. of Education and withdrawing the United States from the UN.

On the other hand, there are lawmakers who are determined to undo this enormous government abomination.

Among these legislators is the Republican from Texas, Chip Roy.

Roy mentioned “two reasons to decrease spending” in a phone interview with conservatives. Cutting expenditures helps remove support for organizations that destroy people’s way of life, he said, before mentioning the quickly growing $34.5 trillion national debt. Republican colleagues, according to Roy, are “too weak” to take such a stand.

According to the conservative lawmaker, “Republicans worry more about” possessing power than making good use of it.

According to his interview with Blaze News, he thinks the United States “should terminate most international aid” and cut spending by a significant amount. Additionally, he proposed that the United States implement a “simple tax regime” like a flat tax or a national sales tax.

Late last year, Roy proposed a bill to withdraw the United States from the UN and stop funding the globalist group with American funds. One of the original co-sponsors was Alabama Republican Rep. Mike Rogers.

Roy’s interview with Blaze News revealed that the United Nations consistently opposes the welfare of the United States.

The “Disengaging From the UN Act of 2023” states, in part, that “the President shall end all membership by the United States in the UN and in any organ, commission, or other formally connected body of the United Nations.”

The proposal states that the United States cannot appropriate or otherwise make available any funds for voluntary contributions to the UN or other formally connected body of the UN. However, the proposal does allow for the appropriation of funds to help with the United States’ withdrawal of personnel and equipment and to terminate its membership, as stated in sections 2 and 3, respectively.

Although the conservative grassroots would undoubtedly applaud such a move, the bill has failed to receive a vote in the House despite Republicans’ control of the chamber.

On X, Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee “who spearheaded the Senate’s resolution to withdraw from the United Nations” suggested doing away with the Transportation Security Admin.

We need to get rid of the TSA now. If no federal agency steps in to help airlines protect their flights, the airlines will do it on their own. With less groping and more respect for travelers, they will perform a better job than TSA, Lee tweeted. Plus, they will not undermine the Constitution.

Representative Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky), a Republican who is also a supporter of the resolution to pull the United States out of the United Nations, has advocated for a brief bill that would eliminate the Department of Education.

The language of the proposal states that “the Dept. of Education shall end on Dec. 31, 2023.”

Roy, one of the initial cosponsors, said that states should deal with the education issue when speaking to Blaze News.

Reps. Andy Biggs (AZ), Dan Bishop (NC), Lauren Boebert (CO), Eric Burlison (MO), Harriet Hageman (WY), Rich McCormick (GA), Mary Miller (IL), and Roy (IL) were original Republican cosponsors of Massie’s reintroduction of the department termination proposal last year.

A vote in the House is still pending on the bill.

As part of last year’s deliberations on the “Parents Bill of Rights,” the chamber considered an amendment that would have ended the Dept. of Education’s and the Secretary of Education’s power to run elementary and secondary education-related programs and offices by December 31, 2023.

A total of 60 Republicans and 205 Democrats voted against the proposed amendment, which ultimately lost with a vote of 161-265.

“For the first time since its formation, I was able to obtain a floor vote on whether the Dept. of Education should exist,” Massie said to Blaze News, referring to the open appropriations process under Kevin McCarthy. “The measure’s 161 votes were encouraging.”

While a’sense of’ provision may be part of a measure that eventually becomes law, the Congressional Research Service points out that such provisions only serve to convey the viewpoint of the relevant chamber or Congress. They are not legally binding and have no influence on public policy.

Author: Steven Sinclaire

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9 thoughts on “United Nations DONE For – Conservatives Push Back For ONCE!”

  1. Pulling the US out of the UN is not as good an idea as it sounds. As a Member, the US has veto power in the Security Council, along with Russia and China. Neither of these Countries are exactly our best friends. So by pulling the US out of the UN pretty much leaves the whole place in the hands of the Russians, and the Chinese. While I personally have no use whatsoever for the United Nations, it seems to me that pulling out is not the brightest idea I’ve ever heard. Maybe a better idea might be to stop supplying the majority of their spending budget? Or, even kick their collective asses out of the USA? Hey Joe, just think a how many of your Illegal Aliens you could house in that luxury palace on the east river in NYC? Maybe enough to stop kicking kids out of their schools, and Veterans out of their homes? What do ya think Joey boy??

    1. Much truth in this. When, however, the League of Nations disappeared, this did not turn out very well. IF we would desfund the U.N., we would have to at once set up a similar international organization all over again.. And it would be harder to do. Besides, there are some agencies of the U.N. which do excellent work, such as the Word Food Programme. Their workers are really on the front line helping refugees, helping internally displaced, helping victims of natural disasters, and also doing “food-for-work” development projects, using food aid to enable distressed populations start producing their own food supplies. They assist afforestation projects and fisheries projects. They also do school meals projects which have enticed parents to send their daughters to school, despite the parents reluctance to educate their daughters. The USA is their major donor. It would be tragic to defund the WFP.

  2. The U.N. is nothing but a joke, they are as useless as hits on a boar hog. They don’t do anything but complain about the U.S. and Israel, they especially hate Israel and anyone associated with them. They are a biased bunch of hypocrites who are robbing countries blind and doing nothing. Their only claim to any helping a country is to condemn a country. But no actions are taken by the cowards. They are like a dog that’s all bark and no bite. Totally useless.

    1. The u.n., w.h.o., fema, all need thrown out of America, they are all communist run, and backed by islamist these are destructive people out to destroy America Our Freedoms with the help of the demoncrate , rinos in this country because they are real nazi, communist vile perverted immoral disgusting people need to be arrested jailed prosecuted


  4. Defunding the UN –
    And certainly stop funding Any and All other UN projects.

    The very fact that any aid given never makes it to point intended is reason to end aid for other nations THROUGH the UN as well.

    As to the building – WHO owns AND maintains it?

    If there is no law then this is a law that SHOULD be –
    NO AMERICAN SOIL, business or buildings shall be sold or held in anyway by any other country or non US Citizen, Nor Individual citizen NOT Residing in the U.S.

    There are sound reasons for having laws and those reason are to BOTH DEFEND AS WELL AS PROTECT
    America – her sovereignty and HER CITIZENS.

    The freedom those protections afford we as a nation have, and once again then may help when we see a need and agree to help – that that help actually GETS TO THOSE IT IS INTENDED FOR!

  5. That conservative wish list sounds great, but as long Milquetoast Mike is the Speaker, it’s never gonna happen. If we don’t primary and replace the RINOs who are propping him up, we could even lose the House in November!

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