Wisconsin State Rep. Tony Kurtz appeared “Fox & Friends” recently to discuss the state’s proposed bill that would make playing the National Anthem before sporting events a state law. The goal is to help Americans “come together as a nation.”
The bill would include state sports, including the professional teams such as the Green Bay Packers, Milwaukee Brewers and Milwaukee Bucks. The law would apply to any state team using state tax funding.
Kurtz said, “We are one nation. We are one family, as Tim Scott said a couple of weeks ago… I think it’s something we all should rally around to play our National Anthem, to not forget who we are as a people right now.”
The state representative is right. The National Anthem has long played before American sporting events to unite people. Unfortunately, in recent years we have witnessed many examples of Americans who have forgotten why “The Star-Spangled Banner” has long existed as a national tradition.
Former 49ers quarterback Colin Kapernick started the modern trend of kneeling during the National Anthem to allegedly protest discrimination and racism in the nation. Yes, discrimination does exist. Too bad Kapernick and others who have joined him fail to realize their kneeling also discriminates against those who have served our nation — including those who have died for our freedoms.
It only takes one time of standing next to a veteran before a game to see the difference. A soldier respectfully taking off his hat, singing from his (or her) heart and thinking back to friends lost on the battlefield offers a completely different perspective.
The only negative aspect of Wisconsin’s bill is that it doesn’t come from the White House. Wouldn’t it be nice to see our president and D.C.’s lawmakers standing with that kind of passion about our country?
Instead, it seems every day that passes during the Biden administration includes further harm to the nation’s values. From a leaky border to failing to stand against terrorists in the Middle East and even bowing to China’s wishes, we’re putting every other nation ahead of our own.
We’re even still talking to Iran about re-entering a deal with the one nation on earth most passionately pursuing nuclear weapons to destroy us and our allies. It’s a maddening mission only a foolish leader would pursue.
It has been said we get what we vote for in America. At the very least, we get what we didn’t vote for, as too many Americans still do not exercise their right to vote. If every eligible citizen voted, we’d show the world we’re far more conservative than the nightly news portrays.
We’re not all woke social justice warriors bowing before our own nation’s anthem to fight systemic racism. Most Americans are flag-loving, God-honoring citizens who care about the red, white and blue.
Most of us still gladly stand for the National Anthem. We even support new laws that require the song to be played. Conservative Americans may not get the same level of PR, but we’re the ones standing strong and working hard to keep our nation the home of the brave.