Political pundits across the spectrum consistently point to one hard fact: President Donald J. Trump has taken over the GOP.
Demoralized liberal Democrats retreat to their safe spaces and decry the shift from mainstream conservatism to unapologetic Trumpism. They may have disdain for the right, but they have nothing but seething hatred for Pres. Trump. Similarly, many right-wingers groan that the GOP has moved from conservatism to populism under the president.
The people over at left-leaning Politico published an article called “Trump’s Takeover of Conservatism Is Complete and Total.” The attack piece goes on to whine about why, in the Age of Trump, liberals aren’t allowed to disrupt gatherings such as the Conservative Political Action Conference. The article goes on to cite audience members with scorn for favoring Pres. Trump’s GOP direction.
At the anti-Trump publication, The Economist, the president’s (outgoing) rivals are quoted as purists. Sen. Jeff Flake, who won’t seek re-election because his anti-Trump posturing has pitted him against the rising tide, leads an article called “Donald Trump’s takeover of his party is near complete.”
“Never has a party abandoned, fled its principles and deeply held beliefs so quickly as my party did in the face of the nativist juggernaut,” Arizona Sen. Flake reportedly said in a March speech. “We have become strangers to ourselves.”
Actually Mr. Flake, the takeover is complete, and you are a stranger to Arizona voters.
In the run-up to the recent primary races, Pres. Trump called winners and losers by Tweeting that West Virginia’s Don Blankenship could not succeed in the general election. The state’s GOP primary voters roundly turned their backs on Blankenship after Pres. Trump reminded them about the Alabama debacle. CNN said of its coverage and the president’s political force “Tonight’s primaries could prove the Trump takeover of the GOP is totally complete.”
Despite the obvious shift in American politics driven by Pres. Trump leading the GOP, so-called experts continue to scratch their heads. The spectacle looks a lot like election night 2016, when the left-leaning media predicted Trump had NO pathway to victory. Here are reasons why Pres. Trump has completed his takeover of the GOP, and will likely be re-elected in 2020.
1. Trump Delivered on Campaign Promises
Candidate Trump tapped into the anger stewing among everyday Americans. Each election cycle, they heard all of the promises and later despaired that the person they voted for reneged. That’s one of the reasons elections are often more about choosing the lesser of two evils than voting FOR a candidate.
Courting African-American voters, Trump famously asked, “What have you got to lose?” That idea struck a chord from coast to coast. Voters took a chance and, low and behold, Pres. Trump has been checking of his campaign promises one after another. He nominated Neil Gorsuch from his pre-election selection list. He imposed a travel ban on individuals living in terror-torn countries, and beat Democrats in the U.S. Supreme Court. He was instrumental in cutting taxes. He pulled the U.S. out of the bad Climate Accord, Iran nuclear deal, and NAFTA is currently being renegotiated. Establishment Republicans in Congress, in contrast, have not delivered on many of their promises, most notably repealing and replacing ObamaCare.
2. Republicans Like Winning
After eight years of Obama, Republicans and centrists alike had endured their fill of extreme left-wing policies. The “yes we can” mantra chanted by Obama and the liberal cult sounded a lot like . . . yes we can raise taxes, yes we can lose jobs to foreign countries, yes we can damage the economy and ultimately, yes we can remove all hope for our children’s future.
The MAGA slogan may have sounded merely nostalgic at first, but Pres. Trump has been winning, “big league.” The country enjoys the lowest unemployment rate in 17 years, and experts say there are enough jobs for everyone seeking full-time employment. African-American and Hispanic unemployment are at their lowest in recorded history. The economy has improved significantly, and the stock market leapt approximately 7,000 points since election day. Manufacturing jobs have increased and coal miners are back to work. Those are just some of the measureables when it comes to winning.
In God Trump Trusts, And So Do Christians
Every president has given mere lip service to their belief in God since Jimmy Carter. The public was perhaps most skeptical about presidents Clinton and Obama. But Pres. Trump is a true believer, and Evangelicals across the country overwhelming support his presidency.
Reports of his Born Again experiences on the campaign trail have been confirmed and leading pastors who back Pres. Trump. Adding a devout Christian such as V.P. Mike Pence to the administration underscores that Pres. Trump defends religious liberty.
In simpler, tangible terms, Republicans enjoy hearing “Merry Christmas” instead of the secular “Happy Holidays” that went unchallenged under secular Democrat Obama. It’s a kindly reminder of why Pres.
Trump leads the nation and runs the GOP.
~ Liberty Planet