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An Audit of Digital Polls Would Place Several States as Trump Wins

At the time of this writing, it appears that the Republican establishment and many Trump supporters have accepted the idea that Biden and Harris will be the next to occupy the White House. But we can never allow ourselves to forget the disturbing things we all saw in the days following Election Day.

We have been let down by the majority of our Republican leaders who had access to far more than enough evidence of voter fraud to lawfully reject a claimed Democrat win. The courts have, likewise, succumbed to political survivalism by failing to uphold the right of the people to have confidence-inspiring elections.

The end result is that we have two nations under one umbrella. We have one nation that rightfully does not support the proposed agenda of an illegitimate incoming administration, and we have another nation of sociological demolishionists who believe everything they hear on CNN. No legitimate government can rule without the consent of the governed, and what we have now is a perfect storm for tyranny and civil unrest.

Just days before the announcements started to come down from on high that the Electoral College have confirmed Biden’s win, The Spectator wrote an article describing the fact that there are enough illegally adjudicated ballots to change the results in four battleground states – enough to make President Trump the winner.

Of course, anyone who stayed up all night on November the 3rd, and who has followed the story of the steal every day since then already knew this. For those of you who fit that description, you must feel that you have more information than the so-called judicial authorities who have rejected Trump’s rebuttal to the steal and that they are in the wrong.

But alas, despite the mountains of evidence of fraud (keeping in mind that evidence is not proof) it seems that establishment Republicans have largely given up on Trump. The same does not hold true for Trump’s voter base. Trump supporters spent the weekend in Washington, DC and elsewhere protesting the bogus result of the election. Indeed, it seems that what we have is a deliberately disenfranchised voting demographic.

To add salt to the wound, a viral video has been making the rounds of a Democrat lawmaker calling on “soldiers” to make Trump supporters pay. People who have shared the video on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook have had their posts removed and been given warnings. The clip can be seen here at around the 11:23 mark, and it is chilling. This is not the first example of hare-brained Democrats taking the “election” of Joe Biden as a green light to call for violence against and persecution of anyone who supported Trump.

Unfortunately, as our readers know well, freedom must be won – and doing the right thing always comes with risks. If this is the world we have to live in, we must be prepared to live in it with the full force of our convictions.

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89 thoughts on “An Audit of Digital Polls Would Place Several States as Trump Wins”

    1. Pray pray pray as we never have before
      “If my people humble themselves and admit there sins. I will hear from heaven and heal there land”

      That’s a promise

    2. AMEN YOU ARE RIGHT! And call it disernment, but before Attirney Lin Wood went after Justice John Roberts, I actually gad the thought that Roberts was an evil influence on the SC and now I know Iam right! He must be removed! He is against Trump and has been reported as sayi g that that M fer Trump will not be re elected! Well God has other plans!

      1. If justice roberts said that and made decisions based on his feelings towards Trump then he is against the constitution therefore a traitor to the republic. He is not defending the constitution against foreign and domestic traitors.

        1. I understand Roberts has been compromised by the liberals over some personal indiscretions and now has no choice but to vote against everything American. I keep calling for him to recuse himself over any case dealing with the election, Trump or our Constitution.

          1. Could it be that the democrats know Roberts went to profile island & can prove it,so he sides with them to keep his secret burried

        2. It’s very obvious that the left is already trying to move away from Biden and crown Harris! Trump will be our President for the next 4 years! God is on the move. Jesus is King of all kings and His word is final authority!!!

          1. Just Roberts, that is what his new title is. Roberts probably did go to pedophile island, but he also knows how to sing and will do it when he will be betrayed by his cronies. He should be removed from the supreme court and replaced automatically by another conservative judge, while Trump is in office. GOD chose Trump to become our 45th president and God did it again for the 46th. It is all a matter of time. Patience is a valuable gift, and it brings good rewards for those who wait.

          2. Interesting note: On Biden’s computer, I read that they found emails linking Harris to the corruption with Chinese agents.

      2. President Donald Trump needs to be our 2020 President . Joe Biden, his brother and two sons have committed some major crimes with China and other nations. They need to be tried for their crimes and Donald Trump needs to lead our USA . Dear Heavenly Father, We pray for President Donald Trump who should be our 2020 President. Thy will be done dear Heavenly Father. Amen amen and amen.

        1. Thats right i will not be voting again in my life time, 4 1/2 years of what they have done makes me sick. I wont be doing anything right and maybe turn to a life of crime, it seems to pay off and pays off very well.

    3. Agree the Republicans are pussy cats and the coming month the Republicans will bow down to the Democrats, the crooked tigers. McConnel should resign he is a traitor to the American voters. Again, and again no matter what the Democrats do they get away with it, now we have Biden, who is demented and he and his family are in the pocket of China and a crooked prosecutor from California who laughs all the time!

    4. My neighbors like myself ARE INCREDIBLY frustrated AND are at a loss for what we can Do!
      We’ve donated money, attended the rallies on behalf of our President.
      Keep our flag TRUMP 2020 hung proudly in front of our HOME.
      Subscribed to OAN spoke to our Pastor who has a dressed the congregation @ the beginning of this debacle!
      However I understand we are ARE benchwarmers telling everyone in ear shot “President Trump is still my President”.
      PLEASE give myself AND my neighbors guidance!
      Michelle Alfaro North Carolina

      1. Michelle,

        When we find ourselves in impossible situations like this, put it all in God’s hands. Turn away from them and turn your attention to those who need your help. I’m sure there are those around you who could use your help. If what you want can and will be done, God will do it.

        Right now, He wants you and the rest of us to do what we are supposed to do. The world is full of people who are poorer than we are. We must share what we have and lift them up to our level. Be at peace, Michelle. God will do what needs to be done.

      2. You are not alone. Many of us have done the same. We are so disappointed in the courts, and the Republican Party and perhaps even myself. I remember when my children were in school – I donated money for the cupcakes but I didn’t make the cupcakes. Well l should have made the cupcakes and got more involved. I should be writing letters to my senator asking him to back Trump like I backed my senator

      3. That is exactly how the devil works. He tries to get into your skin with all his foolish lies and deceptions. The skin is your outer shield, your heart is the soul of your body. GOD is in there and He will not let you down. Word of encouragement is all I can give. Believe in Him and we will be triumphant in this fight. GOD Bless you and your neighbors. We need to remember this is a holy war.

      4. Write President Trump an actual letter of support and encouragement. I have! I pleaded with him to declare martial law and save our republic.

    5. I dont know where their getting their info. But the majority of us Trump supporters in fact do not support the idea of a Biden/Harris dictatorship! They need to get their stuff straight, and their facts.

  1. I support Trump all the way. If the election cannot be reversed, I”M there for him in 2024, if he decides to run.

      1. Lois, it’s sad to say, but i believe you will be right. If this biden “BUNCH” gets in, there will be no america as we know it today. I hope the American Citizens that voted for biden/harris is not who they cast their vote for. ITS AGAIN four (4) more years of BARRACK/MICHAEL . Have you not seen who’s FACE arises out of nowhere OBAMA Lately on your TV. Why???? he’s a “has been”, yet, when he left office, HE SAID, I’M NOT GOING NO WHERE, cause then he knew the “deep state” priority was to OVERTHROW President TRUMP. If that’s not TREASON, yet now four years later, he is still doing the same thing? Have you ever seen a former President of the USA, continue “in” office, as he has/is doing, WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR JUDICIAL SYSTEM??? are they in the same boat, with him… I’m like lots of other citizens, WHY IS THIS HAPPENING??? WHO IS WATCHING, THE HOME FRONT…. RUSSIA OR CHINA OR LITTLE IRAN??? AMERICA, open your eyes before January 20th, 2021?

      1. And anyone who voted for BIDEN , SHAME on YOU – HE and KAMALA ARE BOTH “COMMIES” , and he’s a NATIONAL SECURITY RISK ALONG WITH 1/3 to 1/2 of our GOV’T EMPLOYEES. JOE IS A TRAITOR and will be put in front of MILITARY TRIBUNAL and eventually get what he deserves–DEATH! CCP is employed in our NAT’L SECURITY APPARATUS ALSO , THEY’RE EVERYWHERE whereas they keep blaming everything on RUSSIA (which shows their guilt). Russia’s don’t have enough $ to be at the table .

      2. I agree just the idea that they want poplar vote instead of electoral collage? CA and NY will rule the elections. Other states will become non -important? Where is that fair and equal? Our founders were way ahead of there time? Never allow just popular votes! how many illegals are in CA and NY alone that are allowed to vote? We are paying for representatives in these to state already costing this nation millions?

        1. Roscoe …. You’re absolutely right! It is analogous to taxation without representation. Without the Electoral College, there wouldn’t be much point of people in Utah, N Dakota, S Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Wyoming, Missouri, or a number of other states even bothering to vote. Our Government and our way of life would be in the hands of the wants, needs, and desires of NY, CA, TX, FL, and Illinois. The Electoral College has been in place for 235(?) years, and now all of a sudden its a bad thing? – – Our founding fathers were brilliant to create a system of fairness to ALL Americans. It may not be perfect, but just think; Hillary would be in the White House now.

    1. I get a little tired of the ” wait till 24 ” talk! Let’s deal with 2020 now, because if we don’t , you’ll get nothing in 24 but the same as today. All the talk of 2024 is a distraction to what’s happening now , Stealing an election !

    2. If for whatever reason Trump doesn’t fight this election steal with martial law, he need not even try to run in 2024 by that time our nation will be no more and a true Republican president will in fact never be elected again. Use your brains people. God has brought judgment upon the gross sins of this nation. The blood shed of near 90 million babies, the loosing of the Sodomites in May of 2015 and other blatant rejections to the teachings of Jesus Christ. No God has not chosen Donald Trump but only allowed him to be elected. BEWARE THE FALSE PROPHETS who prophesy and have heard nothing from the Holy One of Israel. People should be repenting of their slothfulness and spiritual slumber.

  2. ❤CHRISTrumPence and all his/our honorable US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2020/2021 Elected/Reelected Landslides
    Amen & Amen❤

    1. Mark, it’s already started with the ATF outlawing pistol braces. Next will be magazines holding more than 10 rounds. Then it’s AR’s are illegal! If these things happen, it’s time for the second revolution!!!

  3. Do not loose Faith, God shows up when you see no light at the end of the tunnel. We must continue to pray. God is here with us always.

  4. Why is it the Democratic Party will stand united right or wrong. Our Republican party has a handful of leaders that will fight for our country and the people whom voted them into office to fight for our rights! Where are they, in the basement with Biden! Stand for your party people! America is watching!

  5. Our incredible President Trump is dealing with a political
    garbage dump of cowards and criminals such as this country’s governors, senators and representatives (US & state) mayors, the supreme court, the entire legal system, and individuals whose names I do not need to mention because we all know who they are.
    Little did the American people who love and support the Constitution, could ever imagine the level of cowardly behavior, human filth, liars, stupidity, devious dictators all seeking power to overcome their own inadequacies.
    President Trump will be historically remembered for his Patriotism and love of America. The memories of other politicians spoken about above, will end in a cesspool.

  6. This great country is doomed under Biden & Harris, good luck taking my guns!! I pray every night, it’s so hard to believe and accept that the Democrats are so strong on destroying this nation, what’s in it for them???? POWER???? I live in New York under the dictatorship of Cuomo, OMG can it get worse??

  7. NO ONE HAS GIVEN UP ON TRUMP yes I was one of the ones that watched the election the first night. I saw a lot of things that did not add up. I know among the first states stolen were Wisconsin, and Michigan. I saw it. I also know that it is 7 states that have given republican electoral votes for Trump, more than enough to flip the election, what we really need is for the cheaters to go to jail. Enough is enough Trump is going to be our next president, the only people that voted for Biden are the young people that are brainwashed and China…………

    1. What do you mean no one has left. Checkout the 25 plus members of congress of his own party that turned turncoat. TRAITORS

  8. There is nothing that adds up to a Biden win. Everything from the early morning dump of votes to overtake Trump when he was hundreds of thousands of votes ahead. All bell weather metrics were won by Trump. The trouble is always in the large metropolitan strongholds. Absolutely dishonest and free of the slightest oversight.

  9. Remember when Jesus was called to be at Lazarus’ side but he waited until his body was already stinking, so that the glory of god would be manifested? Well Jesus is now waiting until the stinking election is exposed and he will now be manifested in his glory and power. Also when the thief is caught, he must repay 7 fold, in this case, many are going to jail. Trump is going to remain president!!!!!

  10. There is nothing that adds up to a Biden win. Everything from the early morning dump of votes to overtake Trump when he was hundreds of thousands of votes ahead. All bell weather metrics were won by Trump. The trouble is always in the large metropolitan strongholds. Absolutely dishonest and free of the slightest oversight.

  11. If Trump ends up not winning the electoral college vote as it looks and biden starts tearing down what he did and issuing executive orders on everything from speech, taking guns and whole lot more. It will be time to organize without the useless republican, so called leaders. help and do what was done by Gandhi in the late 1940’s after WWII that brought the British Empire to their knees and peacefully freed the people of India, Which is simple non compliance and a refusal to go along with what will be the tyranny of the Left. Because if there are 75+ million people out there who backed Trump who are mostly adults. I think the effect of them all banding together and sitting down and refusing to go along with what Adolf biden demands of us will work wonders. Because this act will be taken seriously after it is done the first or second time and will make a huge effect. We could stop this country from operating in many ways that will surpass even the Chinese flu shut down they imposed on all of us. Think about that effect and what we could accomplish. It may be the only things that will truly work against Adolf biden and his henchmen.

    1. Steve ,
      I suggest January 15th as the starting day. We make no purchases of anything on that day. Will the various states notice the lack of sales taxes ? Will various companies notice the lack of sales of their products ? Everyone will surely notice on January 16. And the 17th, 18th , 19th , perhaps y January 20 they will decide that maybe Joe was not such a good idea after all .

  12. I will never, never ever accept that Basement-Hidin’-Biden won this sham. I don’t call it an election, because it wasn’t an election.

  13. I Pray for America and Gods will be done! Now is the time for all believers who stand for freedom, liberty and a government for & of the people to have faith. There is still time for this great wrong to be corrected! We must allow all avenues to be exausted before a division or point of no return is considered. I believe all Americans will come together as our history has proven. I ask who will truly unite America under God?

  14. President Elect Donald J Trump will be inaugurated as POTUS on Jan 20, 2020. He is President Elect by virtue of the 8 states who have entered competing slates of legislators, one for Trump. That gives him legal grounds on which to pursue this stolen election.

    What we are witnessing is the open dismissal of the rule of law and will of the LEGAL American voter by the Establishment. As we can see, this consists of all branches of government.

    Despite this heinous fact, our Constitution and the Legally Cast Vote of American citizens – prevail.

  15. There is so much coming out right now, that this election is far from over. Trump will be our president or we won’t have a country.

  16. Steve Watson has a great idea accept??? They want the country to fail, as we slowly go towards socialism, it would only be excelled. The economy would collapse everyone would have to go to the govt for survival.
    This is what Hillary was supposed to do after Obama’s setup . Then she would be the great savior by making govt programs to save us all, and be the hero. This started with bush 1 the thousand points of light and globalization. Everybody continued it , EXCEPT Donald j trump, he through a monkey wrench into the whole thing by not being a controlled politician. Didn’t owe anyone anything . No other countries owned him that’s why they did Russia, Russia , Russia cause that’s how they think. Blame someone for what the politicians are actually doing. They are all greedy and that includes the republicans ( accept a few)
    McConnell just refused senators from helping trump in the senate, what a traitor
    By the way remember the clintons had 70 FBI files that seemed lost and were found in a closet. I bet those files are on current politicians owned by this mess.
    The systematic take down of the USA for ideological politics or by greed.
    We’re in a world of hurt

    1. Sensei, you good to a point, forgot to mention McDonnell Chinese wife, what the demorats have agains this couple to make him betray Trump?
      We the people have to demonstrated now! I pray that the President declare the insurgent act, to all the state that accept this travesties in the election

  17. For over five years, ever since PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP announced he would run for office, the demoncrats have tried to destroy America to get back in power, and that is all they want–control. We, the American people, and true Patriots of our country, will never accept putting this crooked party in office. There is more evidence that these crooks are trying to steal the election away from the will of the American people (not just Donal Trump). WITH THE HELP OF GOD, HE WILL TURN THIS FIASCO AROUND ON JANUARY 6TH. Let us hold our country in prayer, let us hold our rightfully elected President, DONALD J. TRUMP, in prayer, let us find the peace and security in our lives that our duly elected President is secure to continue to lead us and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

  18. President Trump won the election by the real votes of the people, we know that. I will never acknowledge Biden as president nor the Democrats, the main stream media, Facebook, Twitter etal, and Pelosi, Schumer, de Blasio as representing the people of our country. In God I trust.

  19. AMEN YOU ARE RIGHT! And call it disernment, but before Attirney Lin Wood went after Justice John Roberts, I actually gad the thought that Roberts was an evil influence on the SC and now I know Iam right! He must be removed! He is against Trump and has been reported as sayi g that that M fer Trump will not be re elected! Well God has other plans!

  20. STOLEN ELECTION November 3, 2020. FAKE NEWS! BIDEN 81mil votes, Trump 74 mil votes. REAL NEWS Trump 80+ mil votes, Biden 70 mil votes + 11 mil illegitimate votes!!!

  21. Without Trump the repubs will go right back to their mickey mouse sniveling corrupt ways. There are too many repubs who want to see him gone and there is only 1 reason for that. But of course they still send out donation requests, about 100 a day — my reply to them is — until they fight for Trump I will NOT donate to them.

  22. I pray every day that GOD will have his hand on President Trump as he fights to win this election. I hope he can accomplish this and spend the next 4 years FINALLY DRAINING THE SWAMP in our country. He has given his heart and soul for us. All of us need to help in any way to keep him our President. No one that truly loves the USA would ever consider calling a TRAITOR AND A CORRUPT TREASONER AND THIEF our President. May all of his demonrat evil sewer DWELLERS get what they deserve: AN ETERNAL LIFE IN HELL

  23. Agree the Republicans are pussy cats and the coming month the Republicans will bow down to the Democrats, the crooked tigers. McConnel should resign he is a traitor to the American voters. Again, and again no matter what the Democrats do they get away with it, now we have Biden, who is demented and he and his family are in the pocket of China and a crooked prosecutor from California who laughs all the time!

  24. If God be with us who can be against us? No one. That’s who. Yet, the Democrats and their leadership are a God less lot and have no shame in trying to steal the election for power and control over We The People. The Dems will not prevail. President Trump has a surprise up his sleave for them. They don’t have a clue. Four more years Mr President. Four more years, indeed.

  25. No one will ever convince me that the President didn’t win the race. Numbers just don’t add up. Joe as President elect, (I use that tongue and cheek) still can’t draw a crowd as witnessed in Atlanta the other day. So how can you ever believe he drew more vote than Obama and Hillary? No Fricking way. People know but is like the big hush in the room. The democrats are smiling way to much for something criminal like a stolen election not to have happened.

  26. Turn your thoughts away from what you can’t fix. Turn your thoughts to the long lost art of Christian Love. Love your neighbors who are in need and share what you have with them. God will do the heavy work. Have faith in Him. He’ll fix what you can’t.

  27. God did not stop world war 1 and 2…did god stop Nero from burning Christian, did god stop the civil war, did god stop the bubonic plague in the middle ages were 1/2 the population of the world was killed….. The ANSWER is NO ! he did not. it was a man that stop ALL THESE THINGS….. BIBLE SAID….To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, a time to reap that which is planted; … A time of love, and a time of hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. ……IT A TIME FOR WAR

  28. God did not stop world war 1 and 2…did god stop Nero from burning Christian, did god stop the civil war, did god stop the bubonic plague in the middle ages were 1/2 the population of the world was killed….. The ANSWER is NO ! he did not. it was a man that stop ALL THESE THINGS….. BIBLE SAID…. For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance. A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to turn away. A time to search and a time to quit searching. A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear and a time to mend. A time to be quiet and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate. A time for war and a time for peace.ITS A TIME FOR WAR….BE THERE JAN. 6, 2021 …..LETS SAVE ARE COUNTRY. IF EVERY PERSON THAT VOTED FOR TRUMP SHOWED UP THEY COULD NOT STOP US…..70 MILLION BANGING ON THE DOORS OF CONGRESS AND THE SENATE AND THE SCOTUS…. ITS WAS VOTER FRAUD LET THE TRUTH WIN …THIS IS HOW GOD WORKS THROUGH US ….DO FOR GOD AND COUNTRY….

  29. How are the Georgia run off votes going to be counted? I hope it will be done manually with observers from both sides and copious verification of signatures. Lets make this one fair!

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