Anti-Second Amendment forces will finally have an ally in the White House, and Joe Biden is determined to eradicate the National Rifle Association and take guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens.
With Democrats controlling both houses of Congress and the Oval Office, Americans face an existential threat to be able to defend themselves from bad actors and government oppression. Only the most gullible individual would believe left-wing zealots want to end gun ownership to make the country safer. What they want is to strip away any tool that creates a balance of power between citizens and government.
Biden tipped his hand that he plans to destroy the most prominent gun-rights organization in an effort to undermine the political force behind the Second Amendment. In a Twitter response to former Arizona Democrat Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, he threw down the gauntlet.
“Your perseverance and immeasurable courage continue to inspire me and millions of others. I pledge to continue to work with you — and with survivors, families, and advocates across the country — to defeat the NRA,” Biden reportedly tweeted.
The incoming president, Obama-era flunky, and former Delaware Senator has a long and disturbing legislative track record of attacking gun owners and the NRA. As part of the so-called “Crime Bill” that he championed in 1994, upwards of 19 types of firearms were banned. Criminal access to guns did not wane. However, his signature law — signed by disgraced ex-President Bill Clinton — disproportionately leveled longer prison sentences against Black Americans.
“I hope that my Republican friends will not spend too much time with what has been the issue on this legislation since the beginning,” Biden said in 1994. “Six years ago, it was guns. Five years ago, it was guns. Four years ago, it was guns. Last night it was guns. This morning it was guns. And right now, it’s guns.”
Those comments were as appropriate then as they are right now, just not how liberal Democrats see them. Americans face a left-wing majority in government that is hostile to working-class values and seeks to turn the country into a socialist dictatorship. Perhaps the only thing standing in the way of Democrats stripping away every constitutional right is the fact that the people are not powerless to stop them. The Second Amendment is in place to ensure that the government answers to the people, not the other way around. The NRA has been under siege by left-wing forces for decades and has issued statements that another fight is brewing.
“Once more, the fight is on to protect the Second Amendment. This issue will go to print before the litigation is finished, so this could certainly change, but as it stands, it seems as if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be the next president and vice president of the United States,” the NRA stated. “Once inaugurated, they will begin a concerted attack on the rights of American gun owners. We must be ready for the onslaught.”