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Biden’s Replacement – All Signs Point To THIS GUY

Democrats are at a loss for what to do after President Joe Biden’s appalling performance in the debate.

I discussed the potential for California Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) to replace Biden in the presidential contest in a piece I wrote last year. It appears that the conjecture is about to come true.

There have allegedly been a lot of names mentioned since former President Donald Trump decisively defeated Biden on Thursday night. Newsom seems to be near the top of that list, though.

As a stand-in for the Biden campaign, Newsom journeyed to Atlanta, Georgia, the site of the debate.

The definition of a political surrogate is “someone who works on behalf of a political candidate when that person is engaged elsewhere or when that person’s image would be bolstered by specific affiliations, such as making public appearances, publishing comments, etc.”

The Democratic Party’s chances of winning the 2024 election remain slim, regardless of who is running, Biden or Newsom.

In a March Rasmussen Reports study, 51% of participants stated they would support former President Donald Trump over California Governor Gavin Newsom in a straight-up election, while only 34% supported the former governor.

According to a February Emerson College Polling survey, Trump would also win a hypothetical contest against Newsom by a margin of 10 points (46 percent to 36).

Furthermore, according to a November Fox News survey, Trump would defeat Newsom 49 to 45 percent in the campaign for the presidency.

The left is therefore doomed, regardless of whether Democrats decide to keep Biden in the race or, as the rumors suggest, replace him with Newsom.

Declaring that he would never “turn his back on the president,” Newsom told reporters on Thursday that he believed Biden could serve as the nation’s leader for a further four years.

“I was with him most of the time. I am familiar with Joe Biden and his accomplishments over the past three and a half years. I know what he’s capable of. In response to speculation that he will succeed the 80-year-old president, Newsom stated, “And I have no trepidations.”

Reiterating his earlier claims, he declared that Biden was “going to win this election.”

Author: Blake Ambrose

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19 thoughts on “Biden’s Replacement – All Signs Point To THIS GUY”

  1. Working from home, I earn $165 per hour. When my neighbor told me she was now making an average of $95, I was very astonished, but now (ubd-83) I understand how it works. I now have a great deal of freedom thanks to becoming my own employer.

    I carry out the action>>>

  2. If Newsom believes Biden could serve as President for another four years, I now lack trust in Newsom. Besides, he has not run his own state of California well, that I would hate to see those same policies be expanded throughout the USA.

    1. Newsome would never consent to a debate with President Trump. Trump would run over him like an eighteen-wheeler in overdrive. He may have the ability to fool the American people but there is no way he can fool “The Donald”. Everything in this next election has to do with the open borders. If Newsom is so stupid as to allow free unvetted access into the U.S. via San Diego think of how he would make the illegal numbers jump through the roof if given the opportunity to do the same nationwide.

      1. Sure he is! After his grand job of lifting California out of the ditch, it stands to Demoncratic reasoning that the criminals are voting for Newsom to do the same “work” to save America!! Gavin Newsom, the Undertaker! If it isn’t dead yet, call Gavin Newsom! Idiots!!!

  3. The only way the Communist Democratic Party will win the election in November is by more cheating. Hey, why not the cowards of America let them get away with it in 2020 and we’ll let them get away with it all over again! They have nothing to fear, people will just continue to piss and moan.

    1. I couldn’t agree more. If the CHEAT MACHINE is still intact and all the ileagles are in the line, we have a real problem.
      Trump was asked in the debate if he would accept the results of the election and he said yes , if it is a fair one. We need to impliment proper voter ID to guarantee only live citizens vote. The Dems are agains voter ID and there is only one reason to be opposed . We know what happened the last time. Those facilitating cheating need to spend the rest of their lives in prison as they are traitors. Biden won by more votes than Obama got. 15 million and we are to believe live people cast those votes? COME ON MAN?

  4. Newsome’s state is a WRECK and he gets the honor of the Presidency, bs on that. The Democrat party is wrecking American. Yeah, let’s let Newsome do it big time by putting him in charge.

    1. Think Biden has the award for being the greatest liar in Political history, think of want a Newson presidency be like.
      Biden lies and cannot remember his gender while Newsom lies and believes himself. Seriously, can you picture an idiot that allows burglaries to no longer be felonies and pardoned murderers fill the streets with crime and corruption?? NATION WIDE !!

  5. Newsom can forget it . The Jezebel would kill ( And has over 162 to her credit ) to be in our house And the Half black illegal Muslim never left. One of these is about to replace Magoo . Folks remember they gave themselves this power over 45 yrs ago . At least twice in my life have we had either both or one that was not elected . Ford come to mind ! And Agnew !
    Now that Hunter Biden is now sitting in on meetings and listening to calls that only our employees are to listen to.And the harlot babysitter that came with fringe benefits that refers to herself as First Lady Who thinks because she leads the look alike around . She has control ! . Where are the wussie republicans! As usual under a democrat. Our country has hit an all time low.
    If any of you think a democrat is anything but a killer of America and it’s people.
    I pray you wake up before they kill us all. That Dimwit from California is as evil as what we have have already. And here in Texas and Florida Californians are filing into these states with their same stupid voting ways Like illegals they Create the same hell everywhere else . How many of you notice the vaccines on our produce or the plastic food. Wake up wake up please.
    When did this happen won’t work when you have been told and it’s snacking us all in the face !
    Wake up it’s past we did what our ancestors did to King George . The wannabe needs removing

  6. Hey Gavin:
    When your dead you don’t know you’re dead. the pain is felt by others. It’s the same thing when you’re stupid. Because you really believe Biden can lead anything, means I would never consider you for president. A vote for Biden is a vote for Harris the cackler.

  7. His saying Biden can win and supporting him just proves how STUPID Newsom really is. And if you have doubts look at the harm he has done to California

  8. If the Democrats dump Biden, what happens to the campaign money already paid Biden’s fund. It’s my understanding that the law prevents refunds from transferring to a new candidate? So, what I’ve been hearing is that either Kamala or Joe will be the candidate!

  9. The Pelosi relative named Newsome is a No-NO .Not capable of even being a dog walker,they would run away.Hie policies are for a perfect 3rd world country were he would enrich himself and let the people become criminals and poor.CA ,SF and LA are 3 American samples of Democrat ruin,formerly the Golden State and the Golden Gate City,now a slum

  10. Gaslighting!

    Enemy Within!

  11. any of the names i have seen democrats are thinking about to run for president are as corrupt or worse as biden

  12. Paper voting, early voting, allows multiple days to turn in a ballot (legal or not). Sometimes, they get lost in the mail, or are delayed in the counting and therefore not counted in the election and are easy to cheat. On voting day, the machines are only available for the day. That needs to change. Remove the paper mail in ballots. Let the machines be the only way to vote but have them be open for several days,, 24×7 (with staff) allowing people to have time to vote without excuses. This way, people can find the time to go in person, show their ID’s and be verified they are US citizens. And anyone caught cheating, should be sent to jail, fined and be put in a criminal database. I don’t know if this is the best answer; however, there is no accountability, no punishment for those cheating and those helping them to cheat. There needs to be accountability. Put the fear into the minds of those who are even thinking of manipulating the electiion process so it can follow them the rest of their lives.
    The IRS has ways to track downpeople when they want to. The Banks have bank processes utilizing cards. Stores take credit cards. And yes, you can be scammed if anyone gets that information. However, there needs to be better safeguards for voter id’s (maybe a finger print) to allow voting to be fair and honest. Something. Anything than the archaic methods we have been using. We need to be able to prevent voter fraud.

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