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California Proposes Legislation to Legally Kill a Newborn Baby by Mother, Without Questions

California is about to once again prove that they deserve the crown for the most degenerate state in the United States.

Basic human rights have been non-existent since the beginning of the covid pandemic, which saw millions of California’s residents, having to endure some of the harshest lockdown and covid restrictions in the country.

California Gov. Gavin Newsome, is now working to end the life of small humans, by bringing in a bill that will essentially allow for new born babies to be the victims of infanticide.

The bill, would legalize the killing of infants up to 9 months gestation and the following weeks after they are born and was proposed by Newsom’s “Future of Abortion Council,” the group involved with making recommendations to “strengthen and expand” abortions in California.

Under California AB 2223, much like the bill introduced in Maryland, will shield a woman from civil and criminal charges for “actions or omissions” regarding the woman’s pregnancy. 

The “actions” include getting an abortion in any stage of the pregnancy, and “perinatal death” – the death of a newborn up to 7 days old or more.

Buffy Wicks (D-Berkeley) proposed the legislation and that it was part of a “women’s reproductive rights,” to murder her unborn or newborn child.

The bill would protect anyone who “aids or assists a pregnant person in exercising” these “rights,” and allows these “mothers” to sue police departments if the woman is arrested on suspicion of killing her baby.

Jonathan Keller, President of the California Family Council said: “A political culture that justifies killing millions of children in the womb is now declaring open season on unwanted newborns. Every Californian must oppose this heinous bill.”

Life Legal Defense Foundation’s CEO Alexandra Snyder condemned the infanticide bill in a statement:

“AB 2223 is not only a pro-abortion bill – it removes all civil and criminal penalties for killing babies born alive under any circumstances. The bill expressly authorizes any person to facilitate late-term abortions and infanticide without legal repercussions. Life Legal condemns the use of euphemisms like ‘personal reproductive decisions’ and ‘reproductive justice’ to justify and encourage the killing of babies in and outside the womb.”

Pacific Justice Institute Attorney Matthew McReynolds said “California lawmakers have crossed a red line” in their diabolical attempt to “legitimize the killing of hours-old and even week-old infants.” He wrote, “This is not about expanding abortion rights; this is a degree of evil that the overwhelming majority of Americans, regardless of how they identify politically, cannot stomach. We will be working to defeat this insane and diabolical bill.”

The abortion industry is big money and evidence has emerged over the years, of abortion factory, Planned Parenthood being caught in a scandal where they were selling the body parts of aborted babies.

Now they want to kill newborn babies.

You can almost guarantee that a society will completely crumble if the smallest and most vulnerable of society are not cared for. The Democrats are taking it a step further, they don’t want to bother with them at all.

Essentially an entire generation is about to be murdered and apparently “women’s rights” includes having their newborn baby cut up and disposed of – even if the infant is in fact female.

This has nothing to do with “women’s rights” and has everything to do with the demoralization of our values and beliefs.

Babies are precious in all their forms – from conception, to birth and all the years beyond until adulthood. We should be protecting them.

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18 thoughts on “California Proposes Legislation to Legally Kill a Newborn Baby by Mother, Without Questions”

  1. I’m surprised God hadn’t come back & destroyed earth already. It’s worse than Sodom & Gomorrah. God come quickly!

    1. Gavin and the “First Partner” ( don’t you love it! ), are every bit as evil as Bill and HilLIARy. Make no mistake, they’re butchers too. That this is the NWO now sucks out loud. Killing precious kids out of the womb for a week. I seriously don’t have the words. That these “people” rationalize and justify this most heinous of heinous crimes sickens me to the bone. Newsom and wife are very twisted souls. Even if I could consider some crap like this, I’d never say it out loud. Our existence in this country is in such immense peril, the parasitic, perverted, pedophiliacs that preside over us now are abandoning all sense of logic to reaches of which I’ve never seen. These left leaning nazis will stop at nothing to get their way. Whiteness is now to be frowned upon…. you know, the race of people who’ve asked others into the country for 250 years with open arms, but now they’re just racist white supremacists. What a sad state of affairs!

    2. OK Tabby, But God would have spared Both Cities if one righteous person was found within. Would God not grant our Nation the same Mercy if we asked HIM…and is there not just one righteous person left in America that would pass the judgement. Surely there is one. Even two or three? I submit myself for God’s Examination and Judgement as a willing sacrifice on your behalf to save our Free and Moral God Loving Assembly of followers who hold this Nation and HIs MORAL Truths Most Sacred. Send me Lord. Send Me!

      1. Amen-study history-in 1726 our culture was just as bad-then God had MERCY and revived His Church, AND the culture-that’s why America could be founded in 1776. I’m believing for Him to do it again!

  2. Is anyone shocked that a DEMOCRAT wants to kill a baby? They’re the great b*llshite artists……everything they “claim” to be for, is the opposite. They’re the racists, bigots, xenophobes, homophobes, etc. PROJECTION IS THEIR GAME. EVERYTHING THE SCREAM ABOUT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE!!!!! NAZI PROPAGANDISTS.

  3. Jesus wants you to have life more abundantly. Satan wants you dead as soon as possible to limit your chance of getting saved.
    Who’s side are you on ?

  4. If you satanic idiots don’t want to have kids then just do us all a favor and either get castrated or jump into an active volcano so that you can go straight to Hell

  5. When work gets scarce under the fraudulently elected pedophile piece of crap that’s fraudulently in our White House, who should have a bounty on California communist pukes so people from the states that are’nt communist anti-American pedophiles can make some extra money

  6. Would somebody please drop a bomb on California! Sick and twisted. Just give the baby to someone who wants a baby. Animals are better behaved than so-called humans!

  7. The shedding of innocent blood is called murder – regardless of the stage of life it is in. From conception to very old and feeble.
    God help us to find and elect people that truly value life and Godly moral principles.

  8. How truly gullible and low intellect are your readers that they buy this festering pile of lies? You’re all clowns with the critical reasoning ability of slime molds. But ya love, love, love to be outraged no matter how ridiculous the story.

  9. As of the moment of birth, a baby is a USA citizen and is protected by our constitution. Killing a born baby is a FIRST DEGREE MURDER and must be punishable by law. If California is a USA state it cannot make its own laws disregarding federal laws. The law enforcement agency must be gutsy and interfere.

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