In spite of her party having lost a major election over these issues, influential Democrat Dana Nessel has openly asked Michigan voters to vote for her simply because she is a woman. But the rhetoric doesn’t stop there.
Nessel attempts to sell herself as the better candidate for MI Attorney General not on her qualifications, experience, or the superiority of her policies — but because she does not have a penis.
This is not an exaggeration. She has literally said, “Who can you trust not to show you their penis? How about someone who doesn’t have a penis.”
She goes on to mention the fact that we are seeing record numbers of men in power being called out for sexual offenses, and suggests that it is their maleness that makes them a danger to those around them. What she fails to account for is the fact that practically all of the #metoo accusations are being directed against Democrats, liberal Hollywood elites, and men aligned with the far-left in general. Nessel fails to notice that it is not maleness that appears to be the problem, but left-ness.
But, what makes this story so interesting and hilarious is what it reveals about Nessel’s mentality. She appears to believe that the only thing stopping women from showing people their penises is the fact that they do not have them to show. She would seem to suggest that women would love to sexually assault some people, but they just can’t because they don’t have the right equipment. Because she is a lawyer in the law enforcement community, this raises the specter of real anti-male laws looming in our future.
For years — decades really — the ideological left has been waging a culture war against many things that would generally be considered normal and healthy. They have worked to disrupt the family, reducing it to an arbitrary social construct with no inherent value. They have worked to undermine the dignity of people who identify with what they call the ‘extreme poles of the gender spectrum.’
That is to say, they have attempted to marginalize people who consider themselves to be heterosexual and have even gone so far as to create a derogatory name for people who conform to a traditional sex/gender role- “Cis-Gendered.”
Particularly since 2012, we have been seeing a notably strident push coming from academia and the ideological left to shame and defame traditionally gendered people, and men in general. Masculinity is called toxic. Men on college campuses and in businesses are all but coerced into taking gender sensitivity classes that place a man in the position of having to sign a written statement of guilt before beginning.
Dr. Jordan Peterson and a number of Canadian lawyers have been making the case that recent laws put on the books in that country are placing people in imminent legal peril over these issues. Lawyers, for example, are being pressured to sign an inclusivity statement which could potentially place their ability to practice at peril as it requires a confession of guilt up front.
Over the previous year or two, all of these issues have culminated into what is being called a cultural civil war. In that war, one of the most significant casualties has been the dignity of the ideological Left. They have been losing ground, losing favor, and losing elections.
The assertion by Hillary Clinton that people should vote for her, not because of her qualifications or her policies, but simply because she is a woman — has left a bad taste in the mouth of people on all points along the left-right continuum. Her subsequent refusal to take responsibility for her loss has motivated the Democratic party to distance itself from her and, by extension, the failing identity politics that she is associated with.
Apparently, not all Democrats have got the memo, and continue to embarrass themselves by espousing extremely bigoted ideas. Dana Nessel is sadly only the most obvious example at the moment.
This is the kind of mindset that makes liberals believe that we have a rape culture in this country. It’s because their social and professional circles are actual rape cultures, and believing that they are morally superior. They assume that the filth and darkness that lives in their minds is normal.
They believe that their violent, bitter, and totalitarian ways of thinking are normal. But they have failed to remove the planks from their eyes, before attempting to remove the speck from ours.
~ Liberty Planet