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Democrats Start Meddling in State-Wide Primaries

Democratic lawmakers are coming to realize that the “Blue Wave” that the mainstream media is touting may not actually happen as the president and GOP continue to take credit for economic improvements and GOP voters get energized ahead of the elections.

To counter this realization, the Democratic Party is beginning to interfere with primary elections in local areas in the hopes of getting people on the ballot that they think will be the most successful in winning general elections in November 2018.

At a recent meeting, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi made it clear that the effort to win back the House of Representatives is meant to be cold-blooded, and it is likely that a number of Democrats attempting to run for Congress for the first time would agree with her.

In Colorado, the No. 2 House Democrat explicitly told one candidate in a congressional race in that state that the Democrat Party has made a decision to back his opponent, and urged the candidate to get out of the race. In Texas, Democratic candidate for Congress Laura Moser was attacked by the party right before the first primary election in her district as the party released damaging information about her background and career in an attempt to make her drop out of the race. Other candidates in Kentucky, California and Pennsylvania have also been mistreated by party members who have attempted to convince them to postpone their political ambitions or run for lower office.

Surprisingly, the mainstream media is not only refusing to call the Democratic Party out for attempting to interfere in local races, but is actually encouraging them to do so. A recent New York Times opinion piece makes the case the primary voters have too much power, and the party should instead tell the voters who they can and can’t vote for. The article is eerily reminiscent of news articles appearing during the presidential primaries of 2016, which called for both the Republican and Democratic parties to pick their presidential candidates using backroom negotiating tactics rather than allowing voters to have their say regarding who they would like to run for the presidency.

Democratic operatives clearly took this advice when they allowed Hillary Clinton to essentially dominate the party and shut out competitive presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. The Republican Party allowed its voters to have their say, and nominated a presidential candidate that many prominent Republican politicians privately loathe. The GOP went on to win not just the presidency but also both Houses of Congress, leaving Democrats with crumbs and an intense desire to get rid of President Trump by any means possible.

Even so, it seems the Democrats haven’t learned their lesson. The party’s recent electoral gains in states such as Alabama and Pennsylvania have led the DNC to believe that pushing moderate, white male candidates is the key to success in winning local elections. This seems to be the driving reason why the party is pushing out progressive candidates who are more likely to agree with Senator Bernie Sanders than Democratic leadership.

Not surprisingly, Senator Sanders has condemned Democratic leadership’s recent move to sideline candidates it doesn’t like. He has called out attempts by the party engage in negative campaigning against any candidate on the ballot, and made it clear that he feels Democratic lawmakers need to get in touch with Trump voters and offer a positive alternative rather than attacking their own candidates — or focusing on Russia collusion allegations and Stormy Daniels.

Democratic lawmakers have discovered in recent primary elections that GOP votes are far more energized and engaged than they have been given credit for. This, coupled with positive public perception of the economy and Democratic failure to focus on day to day issues affecting ordinary Americans, has made it clear that the highly anticipated “Blue Wave” may not become a reality in November 2018.

While the opposition party typically wins back the House of Representatives in the mid-term elections, Democrat leadership are now realizing they cannot take success for granted, and so are attempting to manipulate local races in a frantic effort to get the votes needed to regain control.

~ Liberty Planet

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