“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
That is a major part of the rationale that moved so many people to join the Make America Great Again movement and vote for Donald Trump. We saw that globalist power elites were hell-bent on destroying his campaign and his presidency. It has been clear from the outset that they are not interested in the truth, but rather in bending the narrative.
And they have been wildly successful in their push against hard cold reality. Just try debating with a Clinton supporter, and you will be called all manner of vile names just for thinking differently to them. We think that it’s fair to call that a success for the propaganda model. But we took the time to wonder if this has ever been done before.
Consider President Richard Nixon: a wholly demonized and broadly hated president. He was forced to resign from office over a scandal where he was responsible for crimes and misdeeds that were verified – crimes that were wrong, unpresidential, and by any standard, and impeachable. But his crimes- compared to Hillary Clinton’s and even Barack Obama’s are a pale reflection of criminality.
Looking back at the Nixon legacy, we found some things that today’s followers of current events might find surprising. We discovered that Nixon was responsible for many things that should have made him a liberal hero, yet he is hated by the left and glossed over by the right.
Here are 8 presidential achievements of Richard Milhous Nixon which should have earned him a place of honor in the annals of liberal politics.
China and the USSR
Nixon made significant inroads for the U.S. in China.
Political analyst Cokie Roberts said this about Nixon’s dealings with China: “He saw there was this enormous nation that we had no relations with and that it was counterproductive. He was ready to take steps that would bring China into the community of nations. He understood that he was the person to do that.”
Today, there is nary a leftist to be found who would be ready to praise Nixon for this significant achievement.
Creating the Environmental Protection Agency
In 1970, President Nixon created the EPA. While astute followers of the news will know that the EPA has employed gangster-like tactics to cow and destroy numerous companies, ruining rivers and livelihoods in the process. Nevertheless, this should be marked as a great achievement by leftist Democrats. But, lo, it is not.
Ending the Draft
It was seen that the draft was a serious detriment to progress during the Vietnam War as young men were sent forcibly to fight and die in an unpopular foreign engagement. Nixon did away with the draft, creating today’s all-volunteer armed forces. While we still expect to hear it, the liberal adulation due this act has yet to register.
Title IX
A legal document that is seen as advancing the rights of women and girls, Title IX may have done some good while it also trampled on the rights of men and young boys. However, this should raise a song of praise from the left. But, with our hands cupped to our ears, we hear only crickets.
The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
Nixon approved the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, thereby calming tensions between the West and Russia which had been under serious threat of mutual annihilation by nuclear war. Another president we can think of was given the Nobel Peace prize just for promising to do the same in our time.
The Paris Peace Accord
In 1973, Nixon signed the agreement which ended America’s role in the Vietnam conflict. Why does the man who ended our country’s least popular war receive no praise from the left? Saul Alinsky only knows.
Project Independence
Nixon initiated a timetable by which to end our reliance on foreign oil by 1980. This failed, but it placed him well ahead of his time – especially by the standards of George W. Bush – who spoke as if liberating the U.S. from its dependence on foreign oil was his idea.
Second Cuban Missile Crisis Avoided
In 1970, while Kennedy received high praise for doing the same thing in the 1960s, Nixon averted a second Cuban missile crisis, and saving a generation of Americans from obliteration by nuclear war.
It seems clear that if the left could do such a great job demonizing such an accomplished president as Nixon, they could play havoc with the legacy of the unproven Trump administration. We can only hope that in the age of the Internet, they will not be able to pull the wool over our eyes in such an effective and sweeping manner this time around.
~ Liberty Planet