It would probably come as no surprise to you, if you’ve been paying attention during this pandemic, that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have finally admitted – that the covid vax causes an increased risk of myocarditis.
The worst group affected is of course 12 to 15 year olds, and data from the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS) shows that males in particular, have a 133 times greater risk of developing the heart condition, that’s a 13,300 percent higher risk.
According to their study, which used 1,626 cases of myocarditis occurring in the past year, found that the Pfizer vax was the most dangerous of them all – 105.9 cases of myocarditis per million doses of the second vax in males aged 16 and 17 and 70.7 cases of myocarditis per million doses after the second shot in males aged 12 to 15.
Myocarditis inflames the heart muscles, causing rapid, abnormal heart rhythms, straining the heart and significantly reducing its capability to pump blood around the body.
The heart muscles eventually become weak, the rest of the body becomes deoxygenated due to the lack of blood and this can lead to stroke and heart attack.
Males who are between the ages of 18 and 24, didn’t fare much better and also had higher rates of developing myocarditis – around 52.43 cases per million doses for the Pfizer vax and 56.31 cases per million doses for Moderna’s vax.
Females who are between the ages of 12 to 15 are at lower risk of developing myocarditis than males, but their risk is still high with 6.35 cases per million doses after having a second Pfizer dose.
Females between 16 and 17 years old, sit in at 10.98 cases per million doses after the second Pfizer shot.
Those females in the 18 to 24 age range have a higher risk too, with 4.21 cases per million doses after the second Pfizer shot and 6.87 cases per million doses for the Moderna shot
Interestingly, those older individuals were actually at the lower end of the risk table. The FDA and CDC found that those both male and female, before the age of 49 still had an increased risk of developing myocarditis after having the shots, but those 50 and over showed they had little to no risk of developing myocarditis.
According to the data, following a Pfizer vax, males between the ages of 18 to 24 have a 2,879 percent increased risk of developing myocarditis and males who are 16 and 17 have a whopping 7,800 percent greater chance of developing myocarditis.
Moderna was slightly less, after the data showed after the shots, the risk increases by 3,099 percent for males 16 to 24 and 1,568 percent for males 25 to 29.
This isn’t isolated, however, as other studies have reported similar results, that the covid vax is increasing the risk of heart inflammation exponentially.
Data released from a study done in Hong Kong in November 2021, showed that male children aged between 12 and 17 have a one in 2,680 chance of developing the condition within two weeks of taking a second Pfizer vax.
Research from Israel found that males ages 16 to 19 have a one in 6,600 chance of developing a heart condition and the study also showed an 81 percent chance of hospitalization for myocarditis and the death rate is almost one percent.
The United Kingdom found that the risk of myocarditis in men under 40 is several times higher for those who have taken a covid vax, than those who haven’t. Their study also noted that the vax itself is making the disease far worse than normal.
The heart condition can affect a person for years to come and they may never fully recover and because they have already had the heart condition previously, the risk of heart attack later on in life also increases.
Yes, get your Vax.
You may not need to be concerned about Social Security.
That’s for sure. The word “depopulation” comes to mind.
I just signed up for Social Security. I want to live ! But, I don’t know how I will be able to afford too.
I am thinking about illegally crossing the boarder and getting the real payoff. FREE Health care, lodging, food, rent,
Seems as though the mis-information was coming from the same people that were enacting the vaccine mandates. What a joke!
It’s called Strategic Deception. It is the Russian Doctrine. or at least that is what the news said the other day.
Funny though, it sounds a lot like the News reporting here in America.
And it you don’t believe them, then you are a Russian Stooge.
If we were not Suppling Weapons of Destruction, a lot less people would die.
Attended a video conference with several drs. who are trying to heal my sister who has sustained severe side-effects from the jabs (2). She has been out of work 10 months unable to leave her home,severe fatigue, difficulty walking and brainfog. We need more drs. to stand up to big Pharma and this insane government in power now, hopefully out at the end of the year. We, the American people, unlike the Ukranians, our truckers and protesters on Jan. 6th need to be more vocal. We can do it, The parents are also standing up on behalf of their children. None of us who supposedly did our patriotic duty and got the jabs + have no idea what lies ahead for us.
Unfortunately what lies ahead for the people that took the clot shot is you know what happens when your immune system is destroyed? That is what the clot shot was for!
I hate to say it but here goes. people should have researched the jabs before submitting. this isn’t a vaccine, and the cdc changed the definition of vaccine just for this killer shot. but people didn’t know, because they were riveted in front of cnn, msnbc, cbs, and all the good little communist stations. raptly intent on every word from fraudci and joey Biden. common sense was not used, in that a vaccine takes years to test and vent, not months and days. also, you were bribed, cajoled, insulted, and finally mandated that you MUST take this poison. and the sheeple stood in line to obey. those with common sense said no, no way. we were insulted, made to feel like less than human because we said no to the depopulation shot. when the shots were paused in feb. 21, something lethal was added to them. people I know who took the jab before that date so far are fine. those after, not so much. fraudci and billy gates are huge proponents of the new world order, and the depopulation of society to make climate change a thing of the past. look it up on the net. google billy gates laughing hysterically at how the kids reacted to his jabs in Africa. he is maniacal, just like fraudci, who lied to congress over gain of function. now, the truth is coming out in emails from men in high positions in wuhan, thanking fraudci for covering it up. I am truly sorry for your sister and her suffering. it could have been avoided if a. people didn’t lie, and b. if people just used common sense, and listened to real drs and whistleblowers, instead of the madmen they did. as an autoimmune disease patient, my doctors all warned me never to take that shot. I am glad they were honest. read Pfizers newly released eight page list of all adverse reactions they have found. it will shock you. and it might point your sisters doctors in the direction they need to proceed.
YEAP time for them to pay for their crimes against humanity .
But, antivaxxers are the bad guys, right?
Vaccines must not be mandatory and I’m convinced that the COVID VAX is not a true vaccine because it does not contain the killed virus. CDC promptly re-defined the term “Vaccine.”
Also, not all medicines help ( or agree with) all people and we are seeing ample evidence of that; look at all the deaths already! Depopulation Project is more likely.
I lost a leg due to massive blood clots after the Pfizer shot. A few weeks later they flew me back to Dallas to have 15 more blood clots removed from my lungs and around my heart. This was last year. I cant afford to take another Pfizer shot.
Unfortunately for you, the vaccine manufacturers have total immunity from being held accountable regardless of how much anyone is injured from the jab. That alone should have been enough of a red flag to anyone considering the Fauci Ouchie.
You are lucky, my co-worker died from the resulting blood clots after the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Another co-worker almost died but can no longer walk.
I haven’t had the covid vaccine. I am however having all the symptoms of myocarditis. Explain that.
I had a flu shot and pneumonia vaccine in 2019 and a flu shot in 2020. U think they snuck some m-rna in there??? Sometimes I feel terrible. Getting worse with time. Any thoughts?
Btw…i am 67 and female. Not in the age brackets that are prone to myocarditis.
I have had suspicions about all vax shots for over 20 years and have never been vaccinated as soon as l turned 18 accept for when l stepped on nails working construction. And l still will not get a shot. I dont trust anything the U.S. government says. And l will not be forced or coersed into being a sheeple. And as we see now my suspicions about depopulation have been true.
It seems that young people are at higher risk for problems from the vaccine than the virus ….
Why is China getting away with mass extermination? Xi is not my president.
The Chinese government banned the use of mRNA “vaccines” for their people. They used the traditional weakened live virus vaccine. Makes you wonder, huh?
Russia is not giving their people this vaccine either. Why does our government want to destroy it’s own people? Reading the book , The Real Anthony Fauci , I found out China did real trials on Remdesivir ( not fake like Fauci’s ) and published the results that it was worse then useless, that it injured patients, the WHO did the same, France also sounded the alarm on how dangerous it is, but the FDA and CDC and Medical establishment are still pushing it as the standard of care for US citizens. WHY? Robert Kennedy JR. is writing that it is probably the reason The USA and Brazil who also were using it have the worst death rates from Covid of any country.
Way too many stupid people, the govt. used the vaxx to thin them out!!!!
The CDC and FDA seem to have been too obsessed with cocaine and molesting God knows what not to notice for 2 years about the injuries and 5G involvement with ‘COVID-19’ since Wuhan. May they burn in Hell.
With no testing on the vaccine. It was allowed depopulation the country and those around the world! These fool had all the way back to 2009 when the SWINE FLU CAME OUT! AND 30K DIED IN THE FIRST THREE MONTHS! But not even Dr. Fauci did anything! Not even CDC DID ANYTHING! That should threw up a WARNING TO YOU! But it was OBAMA TERM! THESE LEFTIST SCIENTISTS DIDN’T WANT TO MAKE HIM LOOK BAD ! But how long did it take before they decided to created a vaccine? Then push it to killed off the population for the DEMOCRAT SOCIALIST PARTY!
This is obummers 3rd term!!
My 14 year old grand nephew has a heart condition. As of now he is not vaccinated thank God. His cardiologist claims none of his patients have experienced myocarditis or blood clots after vaccination. I firmly believe he’s lying. He left it up to the parents to decide. He is only concerned with saving his own neck.
MM,DO NOT let them put the poison in your grand kids.It is a kill shot!!!!
My brother was hospitalized for covid, supposedly, last year September. I freaked temporarily, and went and got a one dose of Moderna. It turns out that wasn’t what killed him. He wasn’t vaxed, but he had coronary artery disease like I do. I have stents but he didn’t. He also needed a pace maker. TBE put stents in 2 arteries, he lived 22 hours and died. The report said he died from covid! THIS IS BS!
Not that I didn’t suspect this already, but as a huge fan of schadenfreude it would have been great if they’d linked to an official admission statement or to the studies directly so this couldn’t be dismissed by well poisoning excuses concerning the fact that this is a “right wing publication” and it’s not true unless it comes from MSM based sources. I have an awful lot of people I want to stick this in the faces of.
We should not be vaccinating children of any age. I have the two shots and the booster but will not do anything more. I am fortunate, I am still alive. Children should not be wearing masks either. We are so foolish to believe government mandates and go against our first amendment rights or think for ourselves.
We have known from real science for almost 2 years that anyone 18 or younger is 4 times less likely to die from covid than they are from the seasonal flu. So it has been criminal to mandate or promote mRNA vaccines for those 18 or under all along. Now, with the new mutations of Covid far less deadly it is beyond criminal to in any way force, promote or mandate that anyone 18 or younger be injected by these dangerous drugs. It is beyond the time that these dangerous drugs be pulled from the market. It is an act against the oath of ever Senator and House Representative, regardless of party, that these drugs have not been recalled. Every citizen should strongly consider not voting for anyone who has not called for their recall. If no one calls for their recall then they leave citizens no choice but to vote for the lesser of two evils as it is truly evil not to recall the mRNA vaccines that are dangerous and ineffective!!
Please link out to data – without reference I can’t share this with MPs and MLAs or PHOs. It’s just your site which doesn’t have a high ranking. I’m thankful to you but please reference sources.
No but all Globalist want that. To depopulation, no more dems in power.
I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve said it- Americans are stupid. To anyone who takes issue, I give you Obama and Plugs in the WH.
Americans are not stupid. Far too many US citizens are. Those you cite are not Americans.
What century will they release the REAL data showing how effective the “vaccine” actually was?
Hint: It was NEVER half as effective as they claimed.