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ISIS In America – GOP Grills Team Biden On Threat

The Homeland Security Committee of the House of Representatives is exerting pressure on Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas of the DHS and Director Christopher Wray of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to divulge information about eight migrant men who were associated with the Islamic State (ISIS) and apprehended in the United States following their successful crossing of the southern border.

The FBI detained the eight ISIS-connected immigrant men last week in LA, Philadelphia, and New York City, after they all crossed the border into the interior of the United States. Breitbart News first revealed this information.

According to reports, the CBP One mobile app, which helps migrants in Mexico arrange appointments for release into the U.S. interior at Ports of Entry along the border, is responsible for at least one of the eight direct releases by President Joe Biden’s DHS.

The FBI later discovered that all Tajikistan-born migrant men may have had ISIS ties.

Reps. Mark Green (R-TN), August Pfluger (R-TX), Dan Bishop (R-NC), and Clay Higgins (R-LA) wrote to Mayorkas and Wray stating that they find the “pattern” of possible terrorists crossing the border to be “alarming.”

They write, “Reports suggest that two of the eight people crossed the US Southwest Border in spring 2023, and one used the CBP One App to book an inspection before entry,” but they don’t know how each person entered the country.

“Unfortunately, under this administration, the intolerable security lapses that have made it possible for people with terrorist connections to enter the country through the Southwest Border have developed into a concerning trend. On April 3, 2024, the Committee requested information from Secretary Mayorkas regarding two instances where ICE released individuals on a federal terrorist watchlist, with at least one instance resulting from errors in ICE’s internal database. The requests made by the committee in that letter are still unfulfilled.”

“Since that letter, the Committee has learned that on March 12, 2023, ICE released Mohammad Kharwin from custody and placed him in the Alternatives to Detention (ATD) program. His first arrest for crossing the border illegally occurred in San Ysidro, California, barely two days earlier. As per the terms of his release, Kharwin was free to apply for work authorization and travel anywhere in the United States without any restrictions—as long as he called an ICE agent on a regular basis to report to them. Almost a year later, the FBI’s confirmation of Kharwin’s Hezb-e-Islami membership led to his arrest by ICE in San Antonio, Texas.”

“The Department’s emphasis on catch, process, and release poses a serious risk to the security of the country. The Committee has forcefully and repeatedly brought to light the security vulnerabilities posed by the unprecedented number of gotaways evading capture, the inadequate screening of the illegal aliens released by the Department in large quantities, and the massive influx of illegal aliens at our border. Still, the Department and the Biden Administration ignore the “blinking red lights everywhere” and keep their heads in the sand.

Republicans demanded access to all internal government correspondence regarding the eight immigrant men the FBI has arrested and linked to ISIS. They have also requested a briefing on Mayorkas and Wray’s arrests by July 2.

They argue that “the arrest of eight ISIS-affiliated males in American territory is sufficient evidence to demonstrate that terrorist groups are, in fact, taking advantage of our border to potentially launch an assault on American territory.”

Since the start of Fiscal Year 2021, the border has detained nearly 400 migrants who are on the Terrorist Watch List as they attempt to enter the country.

Author: Blake Ambrose

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9 thoughts on “ISIS In America – GOP Grills Team Biden On Threat”

  1. It’s not if we will be attacked it’s more likely now when, with the malfeasance of these traitorous criminals that have successfully been allowed to steal a Presidential election through their access of this Pegasus Government Malware that they have most likely blackmailed these judges not to take these obvious crimes before their court , least all of these judges have their dirty deeds be exposed to the public, regardless of over fourteen thousand sworn affidavits witnessing this fraud! The day We The People no longer have a say in our destiny of our nation, is the day I am afraid to say, we will be forced to face a revolution to overthrow the fraudulent government installed by these illegal drop boxes and these compromised electronic voting machines that can easily be hacked by a simple ball point pen and change votes from one column to another in seven seconds as witnessed in the 2020 election on CNN was brought to point in a Federal Trial in Georgia just recently, where these machines are easily accessed to the internet to steal our rights and freedoms away, which we are all experiencing today in this DemonRatic Socialist Communist Marxist Orwellian Police State, that has turned the rule of law upside down to control us all through threats of prison as they release these thugs out continuously without any threat of incarceration!!!

  2. Joe Biden has caused the lives of many U.S. military personal. Also many lives of many lives of innocent U.S. citizens. Joe Biden and the democrat party supports the enemies of the United States of America. Again this is called HIGH TREASON HIGH TREASON HIGH TREASON HIGH TREASON HIGH TREASON HIGH TREASON.

    1. Before Biden claims he didn’t do this isn’t there a way, with all this information never mind his sigbature that he can be held accountable for this NOW!???

  3. As I see it Biden is simply setting whoever replaces him. He’s allowing all kinds of enemies of our once free country in and when a Republican, no matter who it might be, is elected that person will be blamed for the many things Biden has done TO and not FOR this country.

  4. That can’t be true, President Obama said ISSIS no longer exists, he said he went to Iran and kicked their asses back in 2001

    1. Hahaha, what makes you think this is true. Never trusted Obummer from the day he first appeared.

  5. ALL THE acts that Biden does has Obamas finger print on them He taught Joe well to be a commie.

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