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Joe Biden is Getting Away with These Blatant LIES About His Past

Given former Vice President Joe Biden’s failing mental capacity, it has become difficult to distinguish the parade of factual gaffes from outright lies. But the larger problem is the corrupt left-wing media’s willingness to endorse the former vice president’s obvious lies as facts.

Biased media reports recently came to a head when the Washington Post — a well-known anti-Trump outlet — published an emotionally moving narrative woven by the Obama-era number two. The problem was that not a single word of it was true.

Biden waxed poetic for the fake news media, fabricating a war hero story from his time under Obama. He said a Navy captain “rappelled down a 60-foot ravine under fire and retrieved the body of an American comrade, carrying him on his back.” Biden said the officer later refused a Silver Star for his bravery because his comrade died.

“He said, ‘Sir, I don’t want the damn thing!’” Biden reportedly said adding color that the soldier’s “jaw clenched” and “voice rising to a shout. ‘Do not pin it on me, Sir! Please, Sir. Do not do that! He died. He died!’”

“This is the God’s truth,” Biden said. “My word as a Biden.”

Making matters worse, the Washington Post tried to prop Biden up as a pseudo-hero who traveled deep into enemy territory during the height of the war.

“We can lose a vice president. We can’t lose many more of these kids. Not a joke,” The Washington Post reported. “Some told him it was too risky, but Biden said he brushed off their concerns.”

As inspiring a fiction as it was, it never happened. At least it didn’t happen with Biden’s knowledge of the events or involvement. The facts are that Biden never traveled to the Kumar province he spoke of during his time as Obama’s flunky. He did visit there once — in 2008 as a U.S. senator.

The rescue mission did happen though, but by a young Army specialist who was not given a Silver Star or any other medal for bravery from Biden. Obama did award the soldier the Medal of Honor, and he accepted it graciously at the White House.

Only after propping Biden up as a larger than life figure who everyday Americans would believe worthy of voting for did the Washington Post bother to check its facts. After the lies were fully endorsed, the media outlet once again had egg on its face. The corrupt media appears to be so desperate to find a new Democrat standard-bearer that liberal reporters are willing to throw their thin credibility to the wolves.

In the case of Biden — who the biased, fake news media believe can win in 2020 — figuring out which tales are lies, and which are simply jumbled in his mind, requires fact-checking. The ex-vice president has reportedly suffered substantial negative brain health issues that required surgery.

President Donald Trump has taken some of the harsh-edge off his criticism of Biden saying only words to the effect, “he’s lost his fastball.” But exaggerated stories like his dangerous trip in Kumar as VP speaks to the fact that his diminished mental health often leaves him confused, mixing up events, and making blunders. Calling his ongoing disorientation a “gaffe” is another type of lie by liberal zealots in the media. It’s a way to cover for a former office-holder who is simply not able to face the rigors of the Oval Office. This is not to say Biden has not lied frequently on the campaign trail.

In a recent campaign stop in South Carolina, Biden lied with great enthusiasm to a gathering of far-left Democrats about illegal immigrant detention centers.

Close them down. “No, no, no, no, no, no. We don’t need them. We [referring to the Obama Administration] found that when we were in office, in fact … we finally got things under control, you have to report back for a hearing on such-and-such a date, people show up!”

Of course, most people already know that Biden’s boss built many of the detention centers — and, yes, the ones housing families and children — because they could not get things under control. Team Obama-Biden also sent 1,200 National Guard troops to the U.S. Southern border to crack down on illegal immigration. And, the Department of Homeland Security consistently reports that upwards of 90 percent of catch-and-release illegals do not show up at hearings.

It has become abundantly clear in the run-up to the 2020 elections, the corrupt media is unwilling to let a pesky thing like facts get in the way of endorsing a good Biden lie.

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