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NEW WHITE PAPERS (From World Economic Forum): The Globalists Want to MICROCHIP the ENTIRE PLANET (EMBEDDED Into YOUR SKIN) By 2026 That Would LITERALLY CONTROL EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE (From Medical Info to Finances to Even Travel and Online Purchases…EVERYTHING) (THE MARK OF THE BEAST IS HERE) (VIDEO)

Your Globalist overlords will stop at nothing to have you under their complete control. They want to know what you eat, drink, what you purchase, where you live, where you’re planning on vacationing and with whom. 

Every single aspect of your life. 

The Globalists are taking a huge step towards this, or at least are trying to, and of course, Dr. Evil look-alike Klaus Schwab thinks this should be happening in only a few short years. 

White papers released by the World Economic Forum (WEF) outlines how Globalists will introduce the concept of a digital ID system that would be rolled out on a worldwide scale. 

The technology they will use will be a tiny microchip, implanted under the skin, sort of a souped up “vaccine” passport of sorts.

Mark of the Beast, anyone?

The document is 46 pages long, called “Advancing Digital Agency: The Power of Data Intermediaries” 

says that the digital ID will be used for absolutely everything, including financial services, travel and commerce, allegedly the main use would be to “enhance privacy protection” and “reduce rise of identity fraud.” 


If you actually bother to read the 46 page rant, the document goes further than just wanting to use the chip for authentication and identity protection. It will also include your private medical information, biometrics, credit history, online purchasing and control your ability to go on a vacation wherever and whenever you want. 

The global vaccine passports have already been a massive flop for the most part, with a huge amount of the population rejecting the intrusions on their lives. Despite this, the WEF still calls it an “incredible public health asset.”


The WEF states:

Such vaccine passports are used when travelling between jurisdictions and at a local level, such as when entering dining establishments or other places where proof of vaccination status is necessary. Importantly, these intermediaries provide a means of verifying status without sharing health data with the establishment per se, in a sort of zero-knowledge proof scenario whereby the trusted data intermediary verifies that the data subject is vaccinated but does not share any other information. This avoids unwanted secondary effects of the establishment sharing the data any further.

It’s all part of the plan for world domination and would be the perfect vehicle to move in Schwab’s  Great Reset, that would pretty much see everyone on the planet enslaved and forced into smart cities, that’s is the Globalist don’t kill everyone with a bio attack first. 

The Great Reset would also “transform” the global economy AKA the Globalist bankers who created the current state of our financial systems, will use this as a weapon against us when they crash the whole thing, forcing us peasants to rely on their “charity.”

In this Great Reset, property rights will not exist and the free market will be a thing of the past – you will own nothing and you will be happy – according to Klaus Schwab, one of the richest men in the world, go figure.


Their great plans for the 99 percent, using the digital ID, is a transhumanist future, where humans will merge physically, digitally and biologically with a “matrix” of sorts, changing what it means to be human. 

What the one percent need to realize is, we are not their chattel. We are not their slaves.

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19 thoughts on “NEW WHITE PAPERS (From World Economic Forum): The Globalists Want to MICROCHIP the ENTIRE PLANET (EMBEDDED Into YOUR SKIN) By 2026 That Would LITERALLY CONTROL EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE (From Medical Info to Finances to Even Travel and Online Purchases…EVERYTHING) (THE MARK OF THE BEAST IS HERE) (VIDEO)”


    SATAN takes over, and it is up to the people to refuse this Communist microchip of the New World Order of Communism being pushed by the CCP and Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. the BUTCHER of America

  2. I too have a chip that will enable ANYONE who thinks they are marking ME the ability to speak with GOD about it in person! Which I have a LOT of them in all sizes shapes and a large variety of special tools to insert them with.
    P.s That goes DOUBLE for the Canadian PUNK TRUDO ! Who thinks that I’m a terrorist because of who I support politically! YOU punk ass little BITCH are the NAZI! Keep one thing in mind while it’s still located inside you little skull. Any THREE of the states on you BORDER compromise the largest armed force in the WORLD. I PERSONALLY SUGGEST you keep you NAZI agenda inside your own borders or u could in up with a few million AMERICANS on your front door step who really don’t like TERNARY or NAZI’S! Freeze my account and u might freeze your BIRTHDAYs.

    1. At what point does it cross anyone’s mind to sort this pernicious old megalomaniac out? Isn’t it time some ‘leaders’ put their bigboy pants on and dealt with this nutter? But I forgot – they are his students.

    2. of course they want to start a war…then will place us all (except elitists) under martial law…control control control…got to stop the bs! Truth prevails folks!

  3. After refusing to get the vaccine I’ll be damed to let them stick this BS In me,the NWO can DD before they do

  4. NOT Happening while i’m living anyway. You globalists are more than welcome to try! But whom ever it may be, one or many. Be prepared to die for what you believe in. I am. Not taking a mark on the hand or forehead period. When Tyranny becomes unbearable and won’t let up by Tyrants. Then it is time to strike back with not a cival War but a Revolution. Our forefathers would have already done it. Freedom has never been free to procure and maintain. Remember by our own Constitution, fighting for what you believe in that aligns perfectly with that founding Declaration and documents and the traditional way of God n Country, doesn’t make anyone a domestic terrorist. Quite the contrary. It makes one a Patriot that is just defending what they value and love. Think about it for a minute… What kind of Nation do you want to pass down to your children, grandchildren and future descendants? A continued Free Republic of “We the People” or a subjugated Socialist hell were everything in your life is micromanaged. We are and have been heading down that unfortunate path for many years now. Stay Contingently prepared and DO NOT relinquish your firearms and ammunition!! That is Americans last line of defense against a rouge overreaching government. Definitely bloody and at a high cost but totally doable. In saying that remember who your real domestic enemies are. Not your neighbors and fellow citizens in your communities but the corrupted swamp politicians and the big money corporations that have bought them off. In closing this old quote “IF A NATION CAN PREFER DISGRACE TO DANGER, THEY ARE PREPPED FOR A MASTER AND DESERVES ONE” Alexander Hamilton…God Bless America, Semper Fi

  5. if election day comes this november and every person in america vote all demorats out and put back our real president donald trump. we will have our country back.wake up people vote these corrupt demorats out in november of this year out.and impeach every one of them for treason.god bless america.pray for our freedom in our country. if you hate president trump and hate our country?do us americans a big favor get the hell out of our united states of america who the hell needs you anymore.we want freedom in our country.thats what our 4 fathers said in our constitution.god bless america.

  6. The Globalists Want to MICROCHIP the ENTIRE PLANET (EMBEDDED Into YOUR SKIN) By 2026.
    Tell these DAMN ASS-HOLES to take their F”en” chip and go to HELL. America is the land of FREE THINKING PEOPLE NOT SLAVES TO A COMMUNIST DICKHEAD-TATORSHIP like the Chinese communist Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. the BUTCHER!

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