It is now known that former President Barrack Obama knew about the potential for Russia interfering in the US election as early as August 2016, meaning the former president could have quelled the controversy that has been nothing but a nightmare for the entire country.
So why did Obama choose to keep silent about the potential for Russian interference? According to Sean Hannity’s comments in his Monday night interview with Senator Newt Gingrich, it was because then President Obama “didn’t want to rock the boat” for Hillary Clinton.
“There’s no question that Congress should call the former president in to testify under oath to explain what he was doing and why he was doing it,” Gingrich said. “There’s no question that they should build the case from the ground up. Who was doing the investigating? Who was reporting to the president? Who did it go through? What were the meetings like when they decided not to pursue it? I mean, talk about an extraordinary failure of national security.”
With all of the heat that the media has been giving President Trump about “colluding with Russia”, it is ironic to see that not only were many of the stories completely fabricated as seen with the latest CNN scandal that is still unfolding – the stories that weren’t fabricated actually condemn the former administration more than they do the current one.
Later on in his interview with Sean Hannity, Gingrich went as far as to predict that the narrative is about to sharply shift from what Trump did wrong concerning Russia to what Obama did wrong concerning Russia.
It’s going to turn out, yes, there’s a big Russian story. It’s Barack Obama. Not Donald Trump,” the former Speaker added. “And you cannot make this stuff up. How can you be told the president of the U.S. knew last August the Russians were, in fact, involved in this and not ask him and ask him under oath? I mean, how can you be so irresponsible?
“The House and Senate are going to have to call Obama in and say, ‘who told you?’ ‘When did you have the meetings?’ ‘Who advised you?’ ‘Why did you not decide to do anything? ‘And then, ‘why did you keep quiet for six months while everybody looked at the Russians and Trump when you, in fact, had this information last August?'”
Indeed, if Obama is called to testify under oath before Congress as Gingrich predicts he will, it will be interesting to see what that testimony entails. Already this year we’ve seen one high-profile congressional testimony that cast suspicion on a member of the Obama administration.
Following James Comey’s testimony, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch came under fire for instructing the FBI director on how to handle the Clinton investigation in a way that would be the least damaging to her campaign. If proof does come out that Obama himself swept details about Russian interference under the rug in order to protect Clinton, then it would be just one more powerful instance where the Obama administration is guilty of the very things the Trump administration is unfoundedly accused of.
Even the president himself sounded off on the issue on Twitter, saying in a series of Tweets that, “The reason that President Obama did NOTHING about Russia after being notified by the CIA of meddling is that he expected Clinton would win and did not want to “rock the boat.” He didn’t “choke,” he colluded or obstructed, and it did the Democrats and “Crooked Hillary” no good.
Regardless of whether or not Obama is called to testify, President Trump and his administration are finally seeing some real vindication. The wheels are slowly falling off the “Russian collusion” narrative that Democrats have been using as an excuse to oppose and obstruct everything Trump tries to accomplish.
Maybe, once the truth finally comes out in full, Trump and the rest of the nation can get back to focusing on the tasks that will make this country great again rather than worrying about false flags and baseless conspiracy theories.
~ Liberty Planet