Will Progressives Split the Democratic Party?
A recent battle within the Democratic Party has come to an end as ex-President Obama's Secretary of Labor Tom Perez was elected chairman of the party's central ...Continue reading

Trump’s 30 Day Market Gains Made History
We keep talking about how amazing the stock markets have been since Trump won the election, but it’s usually just to emphasize a point or draw a correlation. ...Continue reading

The 25th Amendment: The Democrats Latest Plan to Discredit President Trump
We’ve been seeing it for almost a year and a half now; Democrats, main stream media, GOP elites, and the entire Washington establishment as a whole- throwing ...Continue reading

Stanford Study Claims “Fake News” did not Effect Election Outcome
After the 2016 election, the New York Times published an article on the front cover which served as an admission of having engaged in poor, heavily bia ...Continue reading

The Trump-Trudeau Trade Talks Are Good for Business
President Trump hosted one of his first meetings centered on international trade recently as he met with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the White Hou ...Continue reading

Is Bill Nye Really a Science Guy?
The famous Bill Nye is getting another TV show, and the liberals herald it as a means of salvation. If this seems extreme to you, you aren’t alone. Before the ...Continue reading

How Obamacare Shortened American Lifespans
Some noteworthy news from the past two years is that the American life expectancy is in decline. Despite the promises that Obamacare would fix the health system ...Continue reading

10 Dubious Government Expenditures That Are More Costly Than Trump’s Border Wall
Despite many Democrats not believing that President Donald Trump would go through with building his talked-about wall on the southern border of the United State ...Continue reading

Jack Ma’s Wise Words for America
As a Chinese man whose name is already familiar to many Americans, Alibaba founder Jack Ma is one of the world’s wealthiest men, with a fortune estimated by m ...Continue reading

UC Berkeley Riots Surprising Connection to George Soros
In 1964, the University of California at Berkeley was ground zero for the activist crusade known as the Free Speech Movement. Students protesting about politica ...Continue reading

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