The New Jobs Report Obama Doesn’t Want You to See

During his time in office, President Barack Obama has loved to crow about many things, but one of his boilerplate recitations is how many jobs have been created ...Continue reading

Obama Seeks to Tie Trump’s Hands before Inauguration

In spite of his initial promise to do his part in enabling a smooth transition of power, President Obama and his surrogates recent actions promise something qui ...Continue reading

Trump vs Obama: Executive Power

In another inevitable comparison between Trump and Obama, it is left to wonder if Trump will pursue change through the same methodology that became the standard ...Continue reading

Is Global Warming a Myth?

We've all heard it before: media alarmists' cries of "This year is set to be the hottest year on record!" And in 2014, 2015 and 2016, those were assuredly the w ...Continue reading

$15 Minimum Wage—Does it Work?

Remember Bernie Sanders’ campaign promise to raise the nation’s minimum wage to $15 an hour? It was a shockingly high number, especially when you consider h ...Continue reading

The Cost of the F-35 Jet Is Out of Control

A strong contender in the sweepstakes for most wasteful procurement in history is the government's 2001 order of 2,443 F-35 fighter jets for its armed forces at ...Continue reading

Is America Turning Towards Chinese-Style Censorship?

In the 1950s, the CIA began Project Mockingbird wherein the intelligence agency would infiltrate major media outlets in order to control the flow of information ...Continue reading

Trump Voters Are Not Who You Think They Are

During this past presidential election season, pundits and pollsters were tempted to draw a demographic picture of an average Donald Trump supporter and put the ...Continue reading

Who Will Check Social Media Facts?

In the wake of the recent presidential election, there has been much discussion of "fake news" and its impact on people's votes. Did voters elect Donald Trump p ...Continue reading

How Racist Is America?

Race is a big topic. You hear about it every day, and regardless of your personal feelings, there is no denying that racial tension is a serious issue in Americ ...Continue reading

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