Former FBI director James Comey recently submitted a 235-page testimony to Congress discussing his role in the FBI’s investigations into Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. While leftist media outlets have praised Comey’s testimony and argued that it clears him of any wrongdoing, Republican lawmaker Trey Gowdy certainly isn’t a fan of Comey or his testimony.
In an interview with Fox News, Gowdy described Comey as an “amnesiac with incredible hubris.” It’s a fitting description – throughout his testimony, James Comey seems to be able to recall very little while at the same time remaining adamant that he handled both the investigations into Trump and Clinton in the most professional possible way.
Of course, the evidence that Comey has been anything but professional both during his time as FBI director and afterward continues to mount. The level of bias, scandal, and wrongdoing that took place within the FBI under his watch is unprecedented. Comey may refuse to take responsibility for the corruption in the FBI — in fact, he refuses to admit any corruption even exists — yet that won’t necessarily stop him from eventually being held accountable for the bias and corruption that went on under his leadership.
To hear Trey Gowdy discuss the many problems with James Comey’s latest testimony, be sure to check out the video below.
~ Liberty Planet