The lakes in Western states that supply millions with drinking water, is drying up and drying up fast after one of the worst droughts in recent history, has shriveled up farmland and as a result has diminished crops.
The situation is becoming so dire, authorities in states like Texas and California, are using what is known as direct potable water – treated sewage that is sent directly to a drinking water system, that is then fed into homes.
In Arizona, direct potable water is legal on a case by case basis and there are other states besides Texas and California, with plans for the same – Colorado and Florida being the latest to mull over its legalization.
Apparently, drinking toilet water isn’t as bad as we think, according to the “experts” because it allegedly meets federal drinking water quality standards, even though that is not saying much – there are already plenty of toxins present in the drinking water of Americans that “meet these standards,” despite the bar being ridiculously low.
Dan McCurry, a civil and environmental engineering professor at the University of Southern California told CNBC, “People need that change in mindset, forgetting where your water came from and focusing more on how clean it is when it is in front of you.”
McCurry went on to explain that the water from sewage is treated at a wastewater treatment plant – bringing it to a suitable level for irrigation – water for drinking is then sent to another treatment plant and put through a three-step process before it makes it to the sinks of households to meet federal standards.
“By this point, the water is clean. Still, it then goes into an ‘environmental buffer’ like an underground aquifer, where it can spend months or even years undergoing further filtration. Finally, it goes to a drinking water system for distribution,” McCurry said.
According to Chris Horgen of Wichita Falls, Texas – the city’s public information officer – DPR produced five million gallons of treated water everyday – about one third of the drinking water that goes directly into homes.
“The state was that close to delivering water bottles to us in that final year. That is what would have happened without DPR,” he said.
Natural News reported:
The State Water Resources Control Board has been commissioned by solons to come up with a plan for uniform regulations on DPR by Dec. 31, 2023. El Paso, San Diego and especially Los Angeles, are planning to implement the system once the DPR state regulations are already set.
Jesus Gonzalez, manager of water recycling policy at the L.A. Department of Water and Power, said a DPR demonstration facility near the Headworks Reservoir East is being looked at as the state’s first approved DPR project.
He added that it will take advantage of recycled water produced by a facility in Glendale, but the water will not be added to the drinking water system just yet.
“This is going to be the future of L.A.’s water, the future of the state’s water supply,” Gonzalez said, adding that as soon as regulations are in place, the project will be up and running.
That sounds horrendous!! Just one more way to depopulate the planet. Globalists dream come true! Praying for the Lord to restore our world to better days.
Is this what Camp le jeune payouts are all about?
The actual physical processes used aren’t bad since those are similar to how wastewater would be cleaned by natural processes. The horrendous part would be the purported government officials intentionally or negligently failing do their job which would cause poisoned water to be put into potable water systems.
That’s right. Can’t trust to do anything right.
I wonder if Bill Gates is willing to drink any of this water?
Ridiculous. Municipalities have never been willing to work the building codes to allow “grey” water to be kept separate and used for watering lawns and gardens, but now they want people to drink “treated blackwater.” Lovely!
What about desalination plants? Israel has been using desalination plants for decades. Let’s build their systems here.
They use desalination plants in Aruba and in California. Water does not taste good, never is cold, and Desalination Plants are expensive.
AZ built a desalination plant years ago in Yuma, probably in 1979 to clean out the salt in All American canals, the reason, was Mexican farmers were complaining about the salt killing the plants. Our government built the plant in Yuma, AZ to take out the salt, later they cemented the All-American canals. The plant is now used for drinking water.
Because of the Salton Sea, the groundwater has lots of salt, these channels are everywhere to supply water to farmers. Mexico has 3 rivers that flow into the USA, San Diego, and Imperial County. Farmers in Imperial county are still leaching the soil to clean out the water for salt. The state has cut the water supply to farmers, that’s why the Salton Sea has so many issues, and health problems. The runoff from farmers kept the Salton Sea water higher.
Lowering the water level caused problems because of contaminated sand and water. NO fish or birds, everything was destroyed.
Mexico dumps everything from factories and sewers into these rivers, They have contaminated our groundwater, causing the All American canals, Salton Sea to be contaminated. Lots of videos on the Salton Sea and issues.
We send billions of tax dollars to foreign countries but can’t fix our country’s problems.
CA governor doesn’t care anything about the citizens, taxpayers, factories or businesses, or teachers moving out of the state, he supports indoctrination, pro-abortion, open borders, sanctuary cities, felons, and crime.
I bought a Waterwise distiller in 1979, I have distilled my tap water for drinking and cooking, washing anything we eat. Also, a shower heads to clean the water. We have new water pipes, water not from wells. I can water my indoor plants with new tap water.
Do you trust the Government with anything? Do you trust people you don’t know to make sure your water is safe? I don’t.
Yeah – And how else are they going to give you a Toxic Jab than to treat the water you drink with Big Pharma’s Kill Jab or Globalist Jab via drinking water when water becomes scarce. Buy your drinking water people or ask for a free cup of water at fast food restaurants.
Don’t forget contaminated food, especially meat from China and 700 foreign countries that our FDA, and FFA dealing with.