Dr. Peter McCullough – who has been warning of the dangers of the experimental covid vax – discussed the dangerous long term effects of these I junctions while on an episode of “Zeee Media,” with podcast host Maria Zeee.
Dr. McCullough said that the United States has some shocking statistics regarding female infertility – it has risen by 472 percent.
Pulmonary embolisms have increased a staggering 468 percent.
During Senator Ron Johnson’s “Second Opinion” conference, it was revealed that ovarian dysfunction has shot up by 437 percent and testicular cancer has increased 369 percent.
During the conference which was held in January, a group of over a dozen clinical scientists attended, who had personally treated covid-19. Nurses, patients, lawyers and vaccine developers also participated in the conference. They discovered that the data is consistent across the entire health care industry – regarding the adverse effects that patients are suffering after taking the experimental vaccine.
Findings also showed that using these injections has raised concerns about vaccine-derived DNA, which could cause toxic side effects if integrated into the host genome, affecting the genomic DNA integrity.
“If the messenger RNA stays in the body too long, it’s possible that considerable amounts of it could actually have the base pairs of DNA begin to line up against the messenger RNA and make the reverse code,” McCullough explained.
As reported by Natural News:
In a process called reverse transcription, a hepatic cell line calls for the DNA code of at least part of the spike protein found inside the human nucleus and changes it in as fast as six hours after the vaccine injection.
McCullough said scientific circles have looked at this process carefully, and they believe that the middle segment of the DNA strand was transcribed almost entirely for the spike protein, which was transferred into the human nucleus.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said there is no way that these genetic vaccines could change the human genome, but that is not true. McCullough said he and a colleague already published what they believed was going to happen based on the configuration of messenger RNA.
“We’re hopeful that there’s gene editing and gene splicing and other corrective, you know, natural processes that can get rid of this messenger RNA,” McCullough said, so as not to cause too much damage on the human genome, and to get the spike protein out of the body.
There are also other repercussions of DNA interference, however, depending on whether the insertion occurs in the chromosomes.
McCullough quoted the Alden paper, authored by Markus Alden from Sweden, which showed reversible hepatic effects in animals that received the vaccine. The study showed that the COVID RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of human cells.
They investigated the effects of the vaccine on the human liver cell line in vitro and performed a PCR test on the RNA extracted cells. The team was able to detect high levels of the vaccine in the cells and changes in gene expression of the long interspersed nuclear elements, which is a form of reverse transcriptase. The fast uptake of the vaccine can transcribe the RNA intracellularly into DNA in just six hours upon vaccine exposure. (Related: Bombshell study: Pfizer’s covid jab contents enter the liver, alter human chromosomes and rewrite DNA.)
Dr. McCullough has been warning of the dangers of these “vaccines” but because people were forced to choose between their jobs or their health – they oftentimes risked their health, to keep their jobs.
“Fact-checkers have never been able to say that there’s misinformation given because I simply quote the data,” McCullough said about their insistence on the dangers of the vaccine. “We have multiple data sources suggesting that the vaccines are backfiring. Some of the best data sets are coming out, and they are showing increasing numbers of cases, hospitalizations and deaths.”
I sure a glad I didn’t let these hacks put that insidious serum into my bloodstream……I pray for all of those who did!
Right on !!
Our military personnel that have been forced into taking these NWO / Globalist “Depopulation” shots, are now finding out that they are sterile !! Proof is in the findings. We are being genetically manipulated, organs are dying in people. Fauci, Communist China and the Globalists want our worldwide numbers down to their stated desired numbers..500 Million people worldwide, using Viruses, wars, supposed vaccines, however they can.
Hubby and I thought long and hard. Did the research to do our best to be informed about both Covid and the experimental injection. We decided it was a “no’ for us. We are in our mid 70’s. I wish I could say we are slim, trim and racy but that would be misinformation. I am a non-insulin type 1 diabetic. That said: I have worked in a retail mall environment throughout the entire plandemic / pandemic. I do wear a mask as work requires it….all my fellow work peeps have been vaccinated with the multiple shots required. Many of my fellow work peeps have experienced Covid in spite of the injections (some more than once). Ironic that the only one NOT vaccinated was called in to cover their shifts thru their illness. Here’s what I hope for every day. I worry and pray for my friends and family who opted in for the experimental injection that they don’t developed fatal or irreversible health issues. They worry and pray from me: mom, grammy, sister and friend that I don’t die from Covid. I hope we’re both wrong.
I appreciate your post. I am 76, working full time for the state who doesn’t require vaccination. Most of my coworkers, younger than I, have taken it, and have had Covid. I have not. My daughter-in-law is a teacher, and while not forced to take it, the pressure was great, and she gave in. She already has health issues, but had Covid twice, as did some of the other teachers. I am afraid that they will not be able to have a baby. My son caught it from her; neither one was very ill, and recovered within a week. This hoax is being forced upon a frightened world, and who knows what other reactions those people will experience down the road? The side effects are worse than the disease.
I agree, 100% !
You are right.
Not just the USA , this shit’s Global !
Recall the mRNA vaccines as they have minimal effectivness and INCREDIBLE SIDE EFFECTS INCLUDING FAR MORE DEATHS THAN ANY DRUG EVER ON THE MARKET!! Promotion and sale of these drugs ARE A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY!!
The really crazy part is that both fuachi & trudoe own rights to the mRNA tech patients
They are getting paid to promote the jabs!!!!
At this point continuation of the promotion and mandates by government at all levels can only be categorized as genocide. When the swine flu vaccine was found to kill 24 citizens it was immediately pulled from the market. The number of deaths directly attributed to the mRNA vaccines was over 22,000 a couple of weeks ago. Add the that the health problems caused by the mRNA vaccines are far above expectations and include sterility, miscarriages, cancers and on and on. There is no reason to believe that the continued promotion and mandates of these harmful vaccines is anything less than crimes against humanity. Since Fauci, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, the FDA, CDC, NIH and Congress have all failed in their Constitutional obligation to protect WE the People it is time for the Sovereign States to act. The Governors of the Sovereign States need to protect their citizens and jointly petition for the mRNA vaccines to be pulled from the market. To speed this the Governors should immediately pull the dangerous mRNA drugs from use within their states. At this point any Governor that continues to subject the citizens they are charged with protecting are themselves guilty of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY including GENOCIDE.
Wow you explained it perfectly!
To Don………I had 3 shots of the vax and I ended up with an enlarged heart. Thank God it is back to normal, but my cardiologist said to me “No more Vaccine for you” and I will for sure take his advice. Not only Fauci wants us dead but so does scum bag Bill Gates. I heard him say it and he said “we need to depopulate the world and do it through the vaccine” He does not allow his children to get the vax nor himself. I guess he thinks his money is going to allow him to live forever…he will go someday like all the rest of us and he will end up in the deepest pit of hell!!!
At this point with all the data available, federal officials, the president on down through the congress, are quilty of crimes against humanity. The governors and legislatures that have not ended the vaxx requirement are guilty of involuntary manslaughter.
You should also realize that Pfizer knew of 1291 severe reactions to vaccine before it was released and told NO ONE! That is called MEDICAL Fraud. The drug is EUA and you were unable to sue them, but now you can. The fact was they knew the shot was worse than the cure. It was admitted in the data released by FOIA, all the stuff they did not want you to know for 75 years!! The FDA is complicit as is the CDC, Moderna, AMA, WHO, NIH, all the hospitals, many Doctors and Nurses should be held accountable if the saw the harm and did nothing to change what was happening. Pfizer knew the vax was not working, there was NO IMMUNITY, the vaccinated are still able to carry and spread the virus, so all the shots did nothing but lower your immune system and made you sick and a lot died from them.
will any of those people get charged with anything? no
Josef Mengele (Fauci) should be charged for mass murder via bio weapon & genocide. The many violations of the Nuremberg code & international criminal law, justify execution.
In an interview back in November – I believe – Deputy Director of the Treasury – Wally Adeyamo – said that all of the inflation we were experiencing was “expected and is a necessary part of the Great Reset. He went on to say that an even more necessary part of the Great Reset was to get everyone in the U.S. – the world – vaccinated for COVID. It struck me that the word “expected” indicates that it was planned. Many have claimed that COVID was intentionally released on the world and evidence is coming forth to indicate that that might well be true. Giving credence to the people who called COVID “The Plandemic”. People who further claim that the vaccines were NOT created for COVID – that COVID was created for the vaccines to be employed. Now we read:
“Dr. McCullough said that the United States has some shocking statistics regarding female infertility – it has risen by 472 percent.”
This falls right in line with the NWO’s desire for population control. Now add their gay agenda and push for abortions. BOTH very good methods of population control – next comes the war in Ukraine. War is good for lowering populations. It also makes people in the military industrial complex very wealthy – as well as insider traders like Nancy Pelosi. Biden said the other day that the NWO was coming. It is also interesting that the U.S. government has biological warfare development labs reported in 2 countries – China and the Ukraine. Two countries where the Biden’s have raked in tons of money. There was a meme the other day – the top photo was of Trump sitting in a very opulent looking room. The caption read – “This man gave up a life of luxury to serve his country”. The lower photo was of Biden – it read – “This man sold out his country for a life of luxury”. I am inclined to take that meme at face value.