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The Comey Saga: Important Facts the Media Will Not Report  

On May 9th, 2017, President Donald Trump fired Federal Bureau of Investigation head James. R. Comey, an action that set off fireworks with many liberals, Democrats, and members of the mainstream media.

Oddly, the same people who had actively sought Comey’s termination in the months before the election now expressed their rage about President Trump’s sudden decision to do what they had previously wanted.

While their explosive reaction to Comey’s firing is not totally unexpected due to their constant attempts to discredit the new president’s actions at every turn, it is just one of many issues concerning Comey that have been willfully skewed or ignored by an increasingly biased media.

Let’s explore and dissect the lies pundits have been spreading about this event.

Issue #1: Comey’s Firing Was Completely Legal

In the midst of the left’s initial outrage over President Trump’s firing of James Comey, one of the first cries to be heard suggested that the act was somehow illegal or unethical on the part of the president. However, the press knows perfectly well that President Trump’s actions were permissible under the United States Constitution, and their insinuations that they were not is another attempt to push a fake news agenda and create a false, but believable narrative.

As the head of the executive branch, the Constitution allows the president to appoint, remove, and replace those who serve in lesser positions beneath him. Since the FBI is part of the executive branch, President Trump’s decision to remove and eventually replace Comey as it’s head was well within his legal rights.

Although this has been contested in the past, the 1926 Supreme Court decision, Myers v. United States, confirmed the president’s legal right to act in this manner, and that ruling still stands today.

Issue #2: Comey’s “dinner memo” is still being verified

The next illusion that the Democrats, the press, and the liberal left has attempted to sell as an absolute truth is the fact that James Comey’s widely publicized memo has not actually been proven to exist.

Although there have been repeated attempts by House Oversight Committee Chair Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) to obtain any memos that Comey may have written after his dinner with the president in February, as well as after any other conversation Comey may have had with President Trump, the memos have yet to be produced. Yet the press and the left are discussing the memos as if they are tangible and accessible.

This is yet another instance that proves that modern journalism is now about swaying public opinion, instead of reporting the facts and allowing people to consider them and come to their own conclusions.

Issue #3: Finding a Link to the Trump-Russia Investigation

A fact that no liberal even mentions is that Hillary Clinton’s campaign created the whole narrative about Russia interfering in the election and colluding with Trump out of thin air as a way to explain Clinton’s embarrassing loss.

Their total reliance on erroneous polling results in the last few weeks of the election had made them certain that Clinton would win handily over Trump, and they were stunned when they found that their dream was not going to come true.

Rather than allow voters to realize that Clinton had lost due to her lack of appeal as a candidate, her lackluster message, and her deliberate failure to actively campaign in important swing states, they needed to make her appear to be a victim. To do this, they used a willing liberal press to push their manufactured narrative that Russia had hacked the election.

This helped Clinton on two fronts by not only making her appear to have had her victory stolen, and also to move the conversation away from the ongoing investigation regarding her mishandling of email communications and her use of an illegal server while performing her duties as the Secretary of State.

What Happens Next

On May 22, 2017, House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, (R-Utah) announced that the Wednesday FBI oversight hearing had been abruptly canceled. Apparently, the decision was made after Chaffetz spoke with Comey and discovered that the former FBI director had decided to speak with Special Counsel before testifying publicly.

While no one yet knows for sure what will come of the investigation and how Comey was actually involved, it is certain that, given the opportunity, the media will continue to work with the liberal left to present the narrative they want, even if facts must be distorted or ignored for the left to succeed.

~ Liberty Planet

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