The elites have been flexing their muscles a lot since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Virus came on the scene in 2020.
First came the lockdowns, then the mandatory “vaccines” that have forced tens of millions of people to choose between their basic rights and the ability to earn a living, eat out and send their kids to school.
“Vaccine passports” came next as politicians all over the world discarded the notion that individuals should have a right to keep their health information private and forced individuals to show their “vaccine” information on request.
Now, the newest infringement on individual rights has hit the scene, and it’s far creepier than many would dare to imagine.
“Vaccine passports” that can be injected into one’s hand are apparently all the rage in Sweden as individuals embrace convenience over personal rights, and it would not be far-fetched for injectable passports to make their way to the United States.
Just a few years ago, American companies were promoting injectable chips that would enable individuals to enter their workplace, open the garage door, and pay for groceries with the swipe of the hand; adding a “vaccine passport” to the chip would be a piece of cake and would offer individuals the “added benefit” of being able to enter locations that only serve individuals who have received the CCP Virus vaccine.
From there, it would not take much for governments to move from encouraging such passports to mandating them.
Those who think the warning is far-fetched would do well to consider the track record of so-called “free” governments across the planet.
Australia, a supposedly free nation, is now throwing people in “internment camps” against their will if they have been exposed to the China Virus.
The Austrian government just instituted a lockdown on unvaccinated citizens.
Israel is forcing its citizens to get a booster shot if they want a “green pass” that will allow them to enter gyms, restaurants, and other venues.
Joe Biden tried to force all workers in large companies and scores of medical workers to get a shot, and there are credible rumors the U.S. government could mandate “vaccines” for domestic airline passengers at some point in the future.
Just two months ago, CNN‘s medical analyst compared unvaccinated individuals to drunk drivers and told the nation that such individuals should not be allowed to leave their homes.
How the story ends is anyone’s guess, however, the Book of Revelation in the Bible offers a glimpse into what the near future could hold.
Over two thousand years ago, it predicted that a totalitarian, Demon-possessed world leader would one day force individuals to worship him and receive a “mark” in their hand or forehead that would enable them to buy and sell.
Such a concept may have seemed far-fetched decades ago, but that is not the case today.
The idea of injecting a “vaccine passport” into one’s hand should horrify anyone who cares about basic human rights.
While some would claim that such technology should be available to those who want to use it, the problem is that world governments, ever eager to control the lives of regular citizens, will almost certainly misuse the technology to not only keep track of vaccinated individuals, but also control where citizens can go, what they can do, and which items they can purchase.
Injectable chip technology would give government bureaucrats full control over every single injected person, and it’s entirely conceivable that, if things continue on their current track, individuals would someday be unable to purchase groceries without government approval.
In such an instance, it would no longer be a choice between submitting to government control or getting fired; it would rather be a choice between life and death as those who refuse their injections would be unable to procure food, medicine or other basic necessities.
Well, Well What have we here:
In a stunning 46-page legal filing to the International Criminal Court on December 6, an intrepid attorney and seven applicants accused Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code. These included various crimes against humanity and war crimes as defined by the Rome Statutes, Articles 6, 7, 8, 15, 21, and 53.
Besides the four kingpins, twelve others were named, including the CEOs of the leading vaccine corporations and the health leaders held accountable for the United Kingdom.
Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer
Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna
Pascal Soriot, CEO of Astra Zeneca
Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson and Johnson
Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO
Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister
Christopher Whitty, UK Chief Medical Adviser
Matthew Hancock, former UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
Sajid Javid, current UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
June Raine, UK Chief Executive of Medicines and Healthcare products
Dr. Ravid Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation
Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum
Knowledge is power! The hard part is getting real knowledge, like soldier just did.Keep it up, hombre!
I heard that many have already been executed for crimes against humanity. Some have people playing their parts in this horror movie we are all watching. Just heard this…not sure if it is true….But, if so, it would be justified!
You can file whatever you want with the World Court but that doesn’t mean squat. This is the One World Order’s way and nothing short of a civil war will end it. See all the other so called free countries that are now putting chips in people and/or putting them in camps! This is not how we, a Republic works and we must never allow it!!!!
It’s all part of Depopulation
It is past time to take a stand for Jesus Christ. Persecution of Christians is becoming widespread throughout the world and is only going to get worse now that technology is making it possible for globalists to have the ability to totally control the lives of every individual on earth. It is horrible to contemplate but after persecution of Jews and Christians will come persecution of every living person who does not agree with the world leaders. Take comfort and look for His coming. Don’t let fear overtake you and draw you away from Him. As the prophet John says at the end of his Revelation “Come Lord Jesus”
May God bless and keep you.
YES!! I have been praying so urgently for people to come to Christ….for our nation’s safety and revolt of the sinful things we are seeing. I have always had answers to prayer….through someone doing something or saying something….or I see results of the prayer in action. But the Lord surprised me by audibly answering my prayer the next morning as I was just about to awaken. I heard his voice for the first time…”Do not be afraid. All these things must take place to see many come to repentance.” So..the Lord asks us to be strong and do not be afraid…and for good reason. Many need to see their sin and repent of it in order for the world to change. We, on the narrow path, who are along for the ride, need to uphold them in prayer, as they have another choice…the wide path, which leads to hell.
Bill Gates is a piece of TRASH and we need to tell this IDIOT we will not stand for this. Its time we the people change the direction this great country is heading in and we do it at the polls this year. So everyone please get out and VOTE this election.
As far as voting is concerned we did that in 2020. Until they fix the voting system so it is fair and uncorrupted what’s the use? I keep getting request from Republican politicians wanting money so we can take back Congress. We would have never lost it if the votes had been counted accurately. I will not give one dime to any politician until this problem is fixed!!!
Accept the Holy Spirit and it will be within you then God will guide you through having his armour upon you. And sometimes it hard not to have fear and if you do have fear it’s to fear God of not accepting you into his Heavans. AND MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA AS SHE IS ONE NATION UNDER GOD. Amen.
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