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Thousands of U.S. Intelligence Agency (Deep State) Employees Are Refusing the Jab

Joe Biden’s COVID-19 “vaccine” mandates are set to have a huge impact on the workforce across the United States and across all industries, forcing Americans into unemployment and further driving the economy into chaos.

Thousands of healthcare workers, those lauded as heroes last year, are set to be let go if they refuse the injections likely to cause hospital backlogs and putting patients at risk due to understaffing.

Despite the “vaccines” not actually stopping the transmission of the China Virus, and the plethora of injuries and deaths that have been reported worldwide, it’s unsurprising that people have developed a huge amount of hesitancy.

Now another workforce looks to be significantly understaffed and it’s one that could be a real threat to national security, and with the bumbling Biden administration currently at the wheel, America could be about to take a swift nose dive.

The 18 intelligence agencies (which make up the vast majority of the Deep State) in the U.S. are at risk of losing thousands of agents if those that are still unvaccinated fail to get inoculated by November 22. Currently, there are over 100,000 agents employed by the federal government.

According to House Intelligence Committee member Chris Stewart, a Republican from Utah, the intelligence agencies have been unable to fully vaccinate their agents after the Biden administration mandated COVID injections for all federal employees.

William Burns, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), insists the agency’s jab rates are near 97%, and the agency in charge of U.S spy satellites, the National Reconnaissance Office, are reporting a jab rate of over 90%.

When the Office of the Director of National Intelligence had several requests for information on “vaccine” numbers, they were all denied.

Despite this assertion from Burns, Chris Stewart argued some agencies were closer to 40% unvaccinated, with others being around 20%, according to data provided to the committee. However, because the information was classified, it was unable to be released.

Stewart stated, “My question is: What’s the impact on national security if we do that? You’re potentially firing thousands of people on the same day. And it’s not like you put an ad on Craigslist and have people apply by Thursday.”

Intelligence agents are undoubtedly hard to replace, their training is highly specialized and takes years to complete. The firing of thousands of agents would be a huge blow to national security.

The Biden administration’s “vaccine” mandates would not only cause unemployment, it would potentially put America in its most precarious position yet.

China is desperately looking to claim the top spot as the world’s number one economy. Not only that, they seem eager to expand their territory, looking towards Taiwan and continuing to build islands in the South China Sea to gain militaristic ground.

With a weakened national security, America is also at the mercy of more attacks from hackers, like those seen in early 2021 when the U.S. pipelines were shut down, creating a gas shortage.

With the supply chain already in a vulnerable position, another such attack could have devastating impacts, especially on the electric grid something that China, thanks to Biden’s executive orders, now has access to.

With colder months on the horizon, it could very well be the long, dark winter that Biden promised.

And the Globalists.

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70 thoughts on “Thousands of U.S. Intelligence Agency (Deep State) Employees Are Refusing the Jab”

  1. The Biden administration has made it very obvious from the start that the health and well being of American citizens is last on their list of important issues. So, it makes one wonder just why are they pushing so hard for the vaccine mandate? It is not because they care about Americans, because they do not. They are allowing thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants to pour into our country unvetted and unvaccinated and they DO NOT require them to get the jab either. Is it just another socialist control issue, or is it for some other even more sinister reason? They are making us easy prey for assault, rape, murder and yes, the virus all brought to us by illegal immigrants, who don’t have to worry about paying for their crimes, as long as they agree to cast their illegal votes for the left. American are being sacrificed for these votes.

    1. My money is on something far more sinister. Their objective seems to be making us more vulnerable to Chinese influence, thereby instituting a totalitarian government here. They have been dividing and pitting Americans against one another since stealing the election. This all has the extreme potential to end very badly.

        1. China knows it cannot win a war on American soil without America being depopulated and everyones guns taken from them!!! They could win a Nuclear War if they are lucky but that will make the land useless to them and they would not want to do that!

      1. It will end very badly for the American people! All of the Demo RATS and the filthy rich have sold their souls to the devil for China! Joe Biden got a check deposited into his personal bank account the minute he announced he would run against Trump for $50 Million from China earning him the name China Joe! When he locked himself in his office on day 1 and started writing edicts, he was having banks foreclose on farm land and selling that land to Chinese investors! China has already stolen 80% of our Jobs now they are wanting our food supply as well! 6 days before China Joe took office the FDA quarantined anddisgarded 7 tons of Ice Cream that came from China that tested positive for Coronavirus! So yes it is going to be a lot worse because of all of the Chinese sell outs in our Government! Once they get control of our food supply you know China will poison it all then they will not have to put up a fight to take our land! Which is the only thing they wanted in the first place!

    2. I’m glad trhat you can see the real reality of what is really going on ? Now I ask you what are the steps to fix this UNGODLY problem ! asking for another GOD FEARING FRIEND !

      1. Remove every fraction of government and start over. Pray the military will hold the line ,but we all know that not going to happen

        1. Well, I’m sure you are correct, but General Mark Milley may surprise us all with his substantial education and superior military knowledge and mastery of modern warfare tactics by his esoteric and religious practice of “Critical Race Theory” on the battlefield, just as General George Patton and General Douglas McArthur also practiced during their service to the nation. Yet, General Macarthur also cautioned us with these words, “I am concerned for the security of our great nation; not so much from any threat from without, but because of insidious forces working from within.”

      1. But..if depopulation the goal why import illegals into usa who are known to have multiple children as a culture?

        1. Because they are a lot more manageable!! They will do anything the government tells them to do as long as they are getting fed money and benefits!!!!

        2. So if the enemy is released into our country and is undocumented, who knows when a patriot has neutralized the undocumented untraced enemy?

        3. I would advise you to look up “The Cloward and Pivens Strategy” on the internet. Its result is what is happening today in the U.S. and all western oriented nations. It is one of many programs that are being used to bring the world to confusion. The Latin term is “Ordo ab Chao.” Order out of Chaos. The old order must be destroyed before a new world order can be established upon the ashes of the old. The Phoenix, a mythical bird was symbolic of this death of the old order and the rebirth of the new. Monarchism, Marxism, Catholicism, democracies and republics have each been at one time in the past a new world order, just as the old Roman Empire disintegrated to be replaced with the Holy Roman Empire which is now being weakened and disintegrated by those forces and institutions fleshly desires and greed that are currently burning it down. The problem with all governments is the heart {intrinsic nature} of man. We are by that inherent nature, animals, endowed with greater wisdom than any OTHER BEAST of the Field which God has made. Our heart [intrinsic nature] is always at war with that higher non regenerated nature of intellect and understanding that animals do to a lesser degree possess. Yet, it is always our lower self that usually wins the battle over our altruistic desire of our rational mind. It is this common nature that kindles the fire in the heart of man to destroy the old order which seeks the golden age and to build the glorious city of man. However, all must burn to ash, along with any vestige of good therein ascending up to the heavens as the smoke of a flesh offering of humanity upon the altar of self worship. Every empire as Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome come to an end accompanied by an inherent depopulation, through wars, pestilence, hunger, drought and major acts of nature. Yet, this time it will be by hypodermic needles in the hands of the world medical establishment, starvation, manmade earthquakes, weather modification techniques and forcing millions of migrants into western nations to compete for limited food and water resource and the shutting down of railroad, trucking due to fuel costs and goods in shipping containers off shore that can’t be unloaded. Farmers are being paid to destroy their crops. It is here and few seem to aware of it.

      1. You’re so right Bill. And what do we do with traitors? Why is he still in office? It was proved he cheated when they found ballots from dead people… Plus the 20000 Military ballots with votes for Trump in the trash, no Biden votes were found in the trash.

    3. “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country!”…
      We The People have a constitutional right to remove any tyrannical government from office.
      Without the fraudulent voting.

    4. You said it right in a nutshell. Americans must wake up, resist and rejectt this insanity, this ‘wokeness’ and the mindset that is destroying America, one nation under God it’s freedoms, liberties taken away and government/communist dictatorship replacing our Constitution and Bill of Rights. God help us.

  2. Close your eyes and plug your ears everybody cause things are about to explode. Americans are being pushed to the limit by a SENILE old puppet. Who is he to reject herd immunity, immunity by actual Covid infection, and a person’s right to choose what goes into their body and to question the safety of such. RINOS beware. Election day is coming and you all will be out of jobs like thousands of hard working Americans. And you REAL Republicans better have a plan to watch the polls so that Dems can’t cheat again. They are getting what they voted for. Great job!! “Let’s go, Brandon”.

      1. Next year is too far away for many real Americans. Dimwitted and his ho plus piglosi must be run out on a rail. Bet they aren’t worried about gasoline prices, ie. Jets or staying warm.

  3. The Democratic party is trying to set up our nation so that the Republican party will never again be the party of the people. They are far more concerned about their party than the nation. In so doing, they are greatly weakening our nation which will cause us to be vulnerable to China, North Korea, Russia and Iran. These nations hate Israel and no one supports Israel like the United States of America. If their goals are to be realized, America must lose its power in the world.

  4. I know also! They are pure evil the people are so stupid going along with them it’s like they are under a spell and they still believe all their BULLSHIT. This has to come to a end, this shit for brains so called FAKE president must GO!

    1. It is a mass cultural delusion, much like what happened in Germany in the 30s. People unable, or unwilling, to think for themselves easily fall right into it, and unfortunately, we have a generation “educated” to follow, rather than think.

    2. All who are against the Constitution of America are TRADERS and DESERVE PRISON. All the TRADERS belongings taken from them and put back in SS Funds. No mail in ballots should ever be acceptable in the United States of America. Mail in Ballots are A TRADERS TRADEMARK. I Love God And America. Abortion should have Never Been Legalized.

      1. Rob Cook,

    3. Put aside question on
      Vaccine its elf.
      My question and concern is how can an administration in u s a mandate anything? did it come that citizens can be forced to get a jab Of an experimental drug?
      How did we accept any executive orders?
      Why are people accepting being forced to get jab or..pick one..lose job, refuse education, be refused medical care,
      Lose health insurance? Be told who can be invited into our homes? Force closure of church services?
      I know nurses who have resigned or retired to avoid jab.what do they know that we do Not?

  5. This is the demoRATS way of trying to control us and if they succeed by putting us in the hole with high taxes, food prices are outrageous and shutting down pipelines to force us to buy electric, yet China and Russia who are the worse polluters don’t attend these conferences and laugh at the moron running our country, then it’s easier to dictate to us because we have to ask for government assistance and that’s the control!! Then after all of this, they slowly cut assistance and there’s the control just like communist China, Russia and the rest of those countries

  6. It’s all part of Biden’s errrr China’s plan.
    They bought him. Now they are using him to disable America’s defense network.
    Just like the Global Warming scam, removing our energy sources 50 years before we have viable replacements.
    Reminds me of the Afghanistan pull out. Troops first? This appears to be the Biden/China plan everywhere.
    And when YOU DIE? Bill Gates get’s another point on his Global Depopulation list.
    This is all happening as we watch the Country be destroyed.

  7. All deaths resulting from shortages of doctors, nurses and first responders need to be recorded and Biden charged with first degree murder in each and every case.

  8. Why you avoid the jabs? You people in the deep state should get it! Due to fact all these years you KEPT PUTTING CORRUPT DEMOCRAT IN OFFICE! Now you got the old fool who is being used by THE MUSLIMS OBAMA TO PUSH HIS IDEA OF KILLING YOU AS WELL! You are NOT IMPORTANT PERSON even if you are a federal employee! Riches are the billionaire and millionaire who STOLEN FROM TAXPAYERS! Like OBAMA DID! As well as JOE BIDEN!

  9. If you have NOT GOT THE JAB, DON’T! When BIDEN REFUSED TO ORDER ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS TO GET IT! THAT SHOULD TELL YOU SOMETHING! Who know what in the vaccine? Personally I believe Biden is working with CHINA! NOT FOR AMERICAN PEOPLE! We need to remove PELOSI FROM HOUSE SPEAKER SEAT! SHE IS BLOCKING THE IMPEACHMENT AGAINST BIDEN! Because she know she DUE FOR HER ROLE ON JANUARY 6TH! SHE GUILTY AS HELL! And many other democrats politicians are guilty for the action over the summer! But that NOT ALL! THEY DESTROYED THE ECONOMY THAT WAS ON IT WAY TO BETTER THING! It was their only way stopping TRUMP! I Personally believe DR. FAUCI SHOULD BE HOOK UP TO A LIE DETECTOR TEST ! Because he also is LYING! These things will have to be deal with in a way that there going to be a CIVIL WAR! Going to see lot of dead people who know they need the LEFTIST GENERAL TO HOLD BACK THE MILITARY! But I pray these military guys overthrown those two higher-ups general who are back for this country. THEN EXECUTED THEM BOTN BY FIRING SQUAD!

  10. I think slot of Government official people are getting the vaccine because they don’t want to be included in the Depopulation. There’s to many Rino’s in the Republican party they will always back the Liberals for profit.

    1. Not sure the vaccines are doing much good at all. This bunch just reduce symptoms and do not stop infection or spread.
      Check for treatments that work. Those CAN be found.


  12. Lawyers are the true problem ! They protect and destroy with out suspicion !Wake up America !!! The constitution is the Law of America ! We the people must vote for Bills not the Congress or the Senate . We give them the privilege we must repeal it now ! Peacefully Remove the privilege granted to them by the People !!!

  13. Shhhhhhhh, Doctor Kory said Congress secretly took Ivermectin.

    Critical care physician and leading Ivermectin advocate, Dr. Pierre Kory, recently revealed on social media that many members of Congress were already given the highly controversial drug, Ivermectin, as part of their COVID-19 treatment plan. He added that they successfully conquered the virus without ever being admitted to a hospital.

    On October 7, Kory tweeted that between “100-200 United States Congress Members (plus many of their staffers & family members) with COVID .. were treated by a colleague over the past 15 months with ivermectin & the I-MASK+ protocol.”

  14. Looks like some folks are in the Process of Waking up! Not Woke, but Waking Up! Big Difference, instead of Changing and destroying America and all it stands for, We the People are changing our minds and realizing that Mayor Giuliani and Bernie Kerick were Seriously on the right track with their Investigations into Irregularities in Elections and Voter Fraud but were shut down by the perpetrators who took charge by Fraudulent means!

  15. Our USA country now is in need of two new
    Parties! A Patriot Party And a Constitutional Party to reverse all this chaos!

  16. Put aside question on
    Vaccine its elf.
    My question and concern is how can an administration in u s a mandate anything? did it come that citizens can be forced to get a jab Of an experimental drug?
    How did we accept any executive orders?
    Why are people accepting being forced to get jab or..pick one..lose job, refuse education, be refused medical care,
    Lose health insurance? Be told who can be invited into our homes? Force closure of church services?
    I know nurses who have resigned or retired to avoid jab.what do they know that we do Not?

  17. Put aside question on
    Vaccine its effectiveness.
    My question and concern is how can an administration in u s a mandate anything? did it come that citizens can be forced to get a jab Of an experimental drug?
    How did we accept any executive orders?
    Why are people accepting being forced to get jab or..pick one..lose job, refuse education, be refused medical care,
    Lose health insurance? Be told who can be invited into our homes? Force closure of church services?
    I know nurses who have resigned or retired to avoid jab.what do they know that we do Not?

    1. I’ve related in other posts…….
      through the entire covid hoax, I’ve not known a soul who’s died from the virus, but I know two people who’ve died from the “vaccines”

  18. After reading more on this there is lot more people who are really helping to destroy our country. Take away our freedom and liberty. So you asked what we going to do about it? First there need to be patriot American at the polls in mid term voting. If it mean lock and load! We can’t let these polls worker change the vote to a Democrat! Or Rino republican! They need to know we mean business! Because after what the democrats polls worker did for Biden and other democrats by sending the Republicans worker home. Then pull out suitcases of illegal vote! We are also witness Democrat helping CHINA TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD! Can’t say there are many who has INVESTORS IN CHINA ECONOMY! PELSOI husband has his business investments in China and India. Not in America! Just as all these computers investments fools use Chinese to get their riches off of America people! Even Facebook use China money to get started up! Do we see a pattern here? These billionaire are NOT INTERESTED IN AMERICA PEOPLE, BUT THEIR MONEY! Want talk about all the jobs that were push to China? Your clothes use to be made in America! How do you know they don’t put poison in the material? Just like your cellphone is made in China! But do you think they put in Spyware to listen to your conservation? China is the America biggest ENEMY! But out Democrat congress are doing the dirty work for them. Against America people!

  19. I obey the constitution, laws and way of life of The Republic of America and her leaders NOT the mandates of the evil Globalists New World Order rulers! I will NOT comply!

  20. The country knows hes a fumbling idiot but yet they let obama call the shots because we know joe dont know whats going on. I laugh every time they say joe wants this and joe wants that and joe mandates this and joe mandates that because I believe it is a lie. joe dont want anything its the destoying obama trying to continue what he started but they white house on both sides turn a blinding eye to what is being done. Neither side cares whats going on all they care about is money.

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