CNN Promotes Conspiracy Claiming Mitch McConnell’s Re-Election was Fraudulent

The same Democrat mouthpieces that are condemning Republicans for refusing to believe that the recent election of Joe Biden was legitimate are pushing their own daft conspiracy theory that Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell cheated in order to win re-election in Kentucky.

Retired Army Col. Lawrence Wilkerson recently appeared on CNN to blast President Trump and his allies for failing to concede the 2020 election and then, without offering a shred of evidence for his opinion, stated that there may have been a “little cheating” in the Kentucky Senate race that Sen. Mitch McConnell won against U.S. Marine fighter pilot Amy McGrath.

“Maybe in Kentucky there was a little cheating,” he said. “I think the Kentucky race that Mitch McConnell was re-elected in, against all percentages that pertained beforehand, and exit polling, and maybe there was something there, but you never look into the Republicans for cheating.”

CNN host Kate Bolduan never questioned his assertations, emboldening other left-leaning news outlets to follow suit and promote their own unfounded theories.

Oddly, the complaints outlined by these outlets are exactly the same ones that President Donald Trump and his supporters have voiced in the aftermath of the November 2020 presidential election. They include complaints about traditional Democrat strongholds voting for Sen. McConnell, a large number of voters voting for Mrs. McGrath and President Trump, and accusations of voter roll inflation.

If these accusations sound familiar, they should. They’re the very same ones that conservative supporters of the president have levied against liberal states. They’re also the very same accusations that have been dismissed by liberal politicians and their acolytes on social media and mainstream news outlets.

However, irregularities in the Kentucky election were non-existent, something that cannot be said for other states. The state government did not change the laws at the last minute, there were no suspicious delays in vote counting. While far-left activists complain that Sen. McConnell did not have high approval ratings, they fail to point out that Mrs. McGrath faced a formidable primary challenge from progressive Kentucky State Representative Charles Booker. The clear split between moderate and progressive voters in that race may have cost her support when she needed it most.

CNN’s silence as one of its own guests voiced an unsubstantiated conspiracy theory on the air makes it clear that the network is far more interested in being a Democrat mouthpiece than engaging in actual journalism. McGrath, unlike President Trump, has never voiced concerns over the integrity of the election in her home state — neither have other large, respected news outlets that called the race the same night.

It is interesting that the same Democrats that scoff at the idea of electoral fraud in the United States have no problem believing that it could take place just because one of their long-shot candidates didn’t win.

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67 thoughts on “CNN Promotes Conspiracy Claiming Mitch McConnell’s Re-Election was Fraudulent”

    1. CNN needs to go! The American People have had enough! Get ready because we are not going to allow this anymore. Not from the media and not from the government. You people work for us, so guess what…. your fired and we The People Of The United States are done with all of you and your lies! Now it’s our turn! Washington DC here we come!

      1. I agree, “We The People” need to stand up and be united, NOT DIVIDED. I am sick of the way our government is being run. And now it is going to get worse. We the people pay their wages, they don’t pay us. We can’t even get the last stimulus checks to people who have a bank account, but we got the first one just fine. I am sick of the rich telling us poor people how to live, taking away our freedom of speech, our guns are next, our statues being torn down. I hate to see what is next. And we need to do something about this mess.

        1. I agree with you. Unfortunately this country contains 50 States it will be extremely hard to get us all to band together as a solid unit. Yes, we can count out the Socialist Welfare States (blue States) and home grown militias may not cut it. Also, based on the 2020 elections voting is now a overloaded with all kinds of fraudulent activity. Maybe we should have a secession movement and break away from the Welfare States and this soon to be formed DC government.

          1. It is a possibility; until the corruption is sorted out. Who is on the left extremist and who is on the right for law and order. We as the United States of America, under God, have been a beacon of light to the World. However, in possible decades, have turned to materialism. And greed for power and are no longer that beacon!
            But remember as The Lord told Joshua many times, I will be with you as I was with Moses; I will fight for you”. But there were conditions to that promise; as long as the people followed The Lord and did not sin.
            We will have that same: “ If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves turn from their wicked ways and pray, then will I hear from Heaven and heal their lands!”
            No matter how much legislature goes on, we will not be healed until we turn back to our Creator God!

        2. President Trump’s legacy will not be forgotten. He’s a true patriot who loves his people and this country. Just too sad to see him concede the election. He was cheated and got impeached one way or another. Hope God will be watching him and his family after he leaves the White House. He’s been a target all these times. God helps us and our great country

        3. Diana, us deplorables are under attack from the Trump haters. What they don’t realize is their party doesn’t like them either and they are going to live under the same rules that we are. (no free speech, gun control, the green deal, packed supreme court, socialism, universal health care) and lot’s more we can’t imagen will be coming down the turnpike.

      1. I totally agree the presidential race was rigged all American know it now we are all in trouble and we better kiss our asses good bye the best President we have ever had stood up for the American people to only be dismissed by the court system I don’t trust our election process and I will never vote again our votes don’t count

      2. Considering how CNN “composes” what its vicious anti-conservative agenda is, begs the question how can they (the Left) accuse President Trump of inciting damages and injuries, when the Left has had a “License with forgiveness” to all its acts of violence, burnings in cities, and criminality in general, from its politicians and an ultra-corrupted MSM? To even question a double standard is ridiculous, the violence of Leftists has been so overlooked, it astonishes even people in democratic countries.

      1. Dennis, that is NOT THE AMERICAN WAY!
        Violence will only increase with more distraction and violence. “A soft answer turners away wrath!” The corruption must be sought out and punished; no matter the position held in the government; using the same “yardstick” to determine the infraction! No one is above the law! It must be enforced at all levels. Substantial evidence presented; no lies! No “ forgiveness because you “know someone to write off the infraction”! If treason has been committed, then the punishment must fit the crime! Let every man/ woman look into their own hearts and determine where they stand and act accordingly.
        It is amazing to me that when evidence is presented in a court of law at various levels of our court system, how can they refuse to hear and examine it? Isn’t that what the American people pay them to do ?

    2. Agree, but unfortunately it will get worse with the Demrats control. I can see them having total control over all media outlets. Communism at its best.

      1. Picture China and what you have seen with military guards on the streets at the airports, basically everywhere and that is what you will eventually see here. It is time for states to secede whether the gov’t wants to allow it or not it is time for secession and for us to have our own unification of states. I we cannot make this happen and force change than we are through and as of now you will see no more elections and I knew this was coming, once they win the shit head dems will not allow anymore elections and why should they since they have everything in the bag.

    3. Agree, but unfortunately it will get worse with the Demrats control. I can see them having total control over all media outlets. Communism at its best.

    4. CNN is a cancer, so very true. They will going after their very own soon. First will be Democrats posing as Republicans/conservatives. Mitch McConnel may have lots of Chinese money but they will still get him!!!!

  1. What was the Senate name from Arizona that was Nancy Pelosi boyfriend in the Congress? Did CNN pointed out how he won the Arizona seat by CHEATING? CNN need to put their fact straight! Every POLL in California is RIGGED! JUST AS THOSE IN NEW YORK AND EVERY COMMUNIST SOCIALISM STATE ARIUND NEW YORK!

  2. I have disliked CNN for years . I never watch them or listen to their propagander!!! Watch out CNN, We the People are waking up to all your lies and deceitful ways!!!

    1. I don’t believe in what a lot of the media says, all of them just give us a bunch of crap and think that we believe or trust in just plain stupid. I do sometimes listen to Fox. But not CNN or any of the other media. We can’t trust any of them, and it is only going to get worse, from this point on.
      America is going to be gone as we know it, think about it!

  3. Calling REPUBLICAN cheater is like lying about your own mom ! DEMOCRAT has been doing it since 1990! There is no way Harry Reid won every time in Arizona! Just like it impossible CALIFORNIA ALWAYS ELECT A DEMOCRAT! ALL THESE DEMOCRAT FROM CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN IN DC FOR TWENTY YEARS OR LONGER! YOU PROVE THAT THE POLLS IS NOT RIGGED! NO I AM NOT ASKED YOU TO SAY IT NOT! SHOW ME THE POLLS AND WHO DOING THE COUNTING!

    1. I’m on your side buddy; but Harry Reid is from Nevada. Focus on testimony in Congress today as several state legislatures have asked Congress NOT to certify their electors until inquiry. GOP has the receipts to prove MASSIVE Fraud as well as two or 3 states where constitutional violations will disallow the votes. Georgia is one; if they show Perdue & Loeffler won in November; last night gets thrown out. Keep the faith.

      1. There’s just too many people who do not,, and will never think the US would turn communist…and therein lyes the problem…as you say WE MUST KEEP THE FAITH!

      2. Hope you are right. Our Canada was stolen 5 yrs ago & again Oct/19. UN puppet Trudeau rigged in and has destroyed Canada. 5 yrs open borders even in lockdown.

        1. Like Cicero said”The enemy is inside the Gate”I feel sad for the up and coming generation who will never know what has been allowed to happen to our once great country.

  4. I’m a Kentuckian and I can tell you the only reason Mitch Won was because President Trump needs Republican Senators to vote for his agenda. No one can do the job of President if everything that’s brought up is a party against party vote. Trump is great but he can’t do it alone. For several years now the people of Kentucky have used the phrase “Ditch Mitch”. I believe that would have happened if we had known President Trump would be cheated out of his race.

    1. I agree with you. President Trump did more for us in 4 years than Biden will or has done in his 47 years. We are now a Democrat state and that is scary. And to think Pelosi got voted back in by 2 votes. Republicans is who we need in the house and senate. I can’t believe that we lost both votes in Georgia. I am glad that President Trump has the backbone to stand up and fight for America, as we all know they hated him and wanted him OUT. And they cheated every way they could to make it happen.

    2. I agree with Angie completely. I was donating to Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham & others in attempt to keep the Democrats from winning more seats. I don’t trust either one but I wanted to support the President. I think we have to bite the bullet and agree to vote straight Republican. The best shot we have is to push them into the minority in 2022.
      Please try to remember President Trump’s words. If you don’t vote you pay into their hands-they will win.
      I don’t know if there’s a way to ban the Dominion voting machines, but I think that would be a huge step in the right direction.

  5. Amy McG. has never held a political office. She has zero experience. She isn’t a born Kentuckian. The Democrats singlehandedly selected her, because she is a woman and because she is a former Marine. The Democrats also urged her to run for Congress two years ago. Andy Barr defeated her. She is pro-abortion. Her congressional and senate races in KY were not close and were validated by 8 pm EST. Kentucky don’t fool around. Poles close at 6 pm and Election results are quickly tabulated. Like Joe Biden, Amy McG. was a poor candidate selected by DNC.

    1. Having zero experience in public office doesn’t matter. Look at Obama. He did a great job. For everyone else but the America people.

      1. Yes, Obama did a wonderful job of robbing us people too. And old Hillary and Obama sure got away with a lot and should have been throw in prison for life. But the rich never get what they deserve, if it were you or I we would not be sitting here writing what we think. They were low life, lying and taking money that made them rich.

  6. The Democrats should be happy old Mitch won. He nothing but a turncoat. He claims there is no voter fraud an as I am writing this is turning on Our President in the Senate right now. Every Republican in the Senate an House that doesn’t support the Republican Republican party should be investigated because they in somebody’s pocket.

  7. Having zero experience in public office doesn’t matter. Look at Obama. He did a great job. For everyone else but the America people.

  8. CNN is NOT a news outlet. It is a paid tool of propaganda owned by those who want to transform our country’s form of government. They speak for Globalism….Big Tech….New World Order. Their condescension and contempt for the American people should get them taken off the air.

  9. Turtle Boy should have his finances investigated. The Suffering American People are angry because he has abandon them. Wouldn’t support $2000 stimulus checks, but allowed all the aid to other countries, the money for kennedy center & other museums & a raise for all congressional personnel. How many checks did these POS politicians miss, the answer is NONE. I heard his house was vandalized. Better watch your back Turtle Boy. he never missed an opportunity to vote for anything that would help his Chinese in-laws. Nobody trusts the republiCANTS anymore.

  10. The Left knows 74 million people voted for Trump, and if these 74 million people ever come together, there’s No way the Left, and the Democrat Socialists can control them!

    That why these criminals are wanting Trump Impeached Now, instead of allowing him to leave office on January 20th!

    They know there’s No way to control 74 million people, so they have to get Trump out of Washington ASAP!

    Trump supporters need to come together on January 20th, and show these Demo-Rat Socialists what we think of their stealing, and destroying our votes!

    1. President Trump could have called for Martial Law or invoked the Insurrection Act a million times to Sunday and failed to protect this great country. Now between his failure in doing so and that mouse Pence, we Conservatives have lost the services that President Trump provided for the people of the USA.

      1. You are crazy to think he would have been allowed to do that. Look how many things he had the authority as President to do, but courts were pushing to stop him every time he turned around. This was a lose/lose situation for him.

  11. just remember the best is yet to come it’s time to stand up to those people they just want to control us this isn’t China yet but give it time with Biden and Harris in office. Biden will not be in office long that is plain to see. i gave it six months and then Harris will take over her husband even sings about being married to the President what does that tell you and Biden keeps saying president Harris and McConnell is nothing but a kiss a$$ he is sucking up to the speaker of the house so bad if she stops in a hurry guess where his head will be

  12. Well, if you people did any research at all, bitch McConnel has deeper ties to China, then drooling Joe does.

    1. I agree !!
      The Demonutz get by with so much , mostly because of them being bought and paid for by Soro’s and his group. I feel a lot of Judges were bought off , also !!
      I have Never been so Disgusted in quite a few So Called Republican’s !! I’m changing my party to what I’m Not sure yet. BUT I Do Not want to be associated with the Traitor Rino Cowards !! They will Never see another donation from me or my family.

      The Hell of it is . The Demonutz got by with ALL the Voter Fraud . They will Do It again. If there is ever another Election ! I have a feeling the Demonutz will change the way things are done . I’ll be shocked IF there is ever another Election !!
      Them Blaming President Trump for what happened in Wash DC is so wrong. I knew as soon as I heard certain things that these were Leftist that were pretending to be Trumpers ! No-One gave the Demonutz Hell for the damn BLM and Antifa that almost burnt down states and Cities ! These were bought and trained for by the Demonutz God Soro’s !! Not one person on the left tried to stop Any of what happened ,
      yet they stayed Involved , ? The Demonutz back each other up No-matter what !!
      I’ll shut up for Now , I need to Clear my head from what went on.. President Trump forever !!

  13. If they want an audit then give it to them….an audit that requires true discernment from both sides. Any voter fraud disenfranchises all voters. Let’s see if China Mitch really won or if China cheated for him!

  14. I still find that many so called conservatives still watch CNN. This sickness has got to stop. Do you really need to watch CNN to know what liberals are thinking and doing.

    1. The ONLY station I watch anymore is OAN ( One America News ). Even FOX has become almost as Bad as CNN !
      Most News media’s are owned by Soro’s ( bought off !!)


  15. The thing we all forget about communism is that if you are a leading source of their propaganda like CNN and their cowardly butt sucking anchors are you will be entitled to live and operate in the communist world as long as you tow the party line and never grow a spine while the minions that want a free world are pushed back against and harmed or put to death. No free thinking news agency or their Anchors could honestly say that Donald Trump did not do even one little bitty thing that benefited the American people and this free democracy that we live in. CNN and their fellow communist news outlets made it a bad thing that the stock market was going up to new records,the military was stronger,people were paying less taxes, we became energy independent and were paying less to heat our homes and drive our cars, the right to try experimental medications if you are dying, our veterans are able to go to any hospital to receive care instead of only being able to go to the VA, Trump even cleaned up the VA hospital system and put them on notice that they will treat the vets with respect or get fired,we were winning the trade wars and Iran and North Korea were behaving better than they had in decades and of all of these accomplishments CNN could not find one little tidbit to rejoice for the american people and be happy. This is communism at it highest level when only the high dictatorship can get praise for anything good. When i see any of those news anchors i think of cowards with big piles of democrat crap on their noses because they are partisan cowards.

    1. I totally agree to that too. As I watched the live coverage of the riot at the Capital of Washington, D.C. I knew that the violent people were not President Trump’s supporters. They have never behaved like that. The MAGA supporters were there not to be violent but to show the President that they supported him. A reporter that was there said that a bus arrived and that Antifa unloaded. What a shame for our country but I will not give up on the Lord God Almighty. I still trust and have faith in Him to deliver the U.S.A. from the control of the liberals and socialists.

  16. I think Col. Wilkerson is likely correct. There probably was a “little cheating” in the election in which Mitch McConnell was reelected, but he got elected anyway. Historically, it has pretty much always been the Democrats cheating.
    Prior to this election, if there was ever any evidence of Republicans cheating, I would condemn that as much or more so than the Democrats cheating. After this election, I now see that the courts, the media, RINO and establishment Republicans, law enforcement, and the FBI want no part of investigating and enforcing election law. Consequently, there appears to be no restrictions on cheating. So how does one even begin to compete in such an environment? The answer is very unfortunate, but obvious. Folks, we are now a banana republic.

  17. Someone high up is pulling the strings here, the democrats are too fucking dumb to come up with all this treachery! The only way to get back @ these rich and entitled assholes is to affect their pocketbook! Whoever owns CNN? Go after them and their money! Take that from them, and see how they can handle shit then!

  18. Besides, they’re not the only ones in on it Soros! Gates! Top 1% rich motherfuckers! Fuck with their money! That will wake those little bitches up! GUARANTEED!

  19. There should already be penalties in place for outlets like cnn and their kind. The FCC should have the authority to void their license as they are harbingers of dangerous, rhetoric.. rhetoric that is destroying our country. If there aren’t any rules about the honesty in reporting there darn well needs to be! ASAP.. what incentive do they have to be legit if they don’t even get a slap on the hand?

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