Critical Gender Theory Is Nothing More Than A Grooming Tactic For Perverts And Pedophiles

There is a disease slowly trying to spread throughout schools, infecting children with its sickness and it is not covid – it is the LGBT community and the agenda to corrupt children, so they are more pliable for sexual deviants.

The indoctrination of school children by the alphabet mob, has now been coined Critical Gender Theory, and it follows grooming tactics of pedophiles and sexual predators, and they are now using the federal government against parents, to force innocent children to be exposed to degeneracy.

The aim of all the rhetoric used by the LGBT clan, aims to sexualize children as young as possible – making them prime targets for perverts to take advantage of.

School children have also been encouraged to keep secrets from their parents, are being exposed to sexualized imagery and subjects – some crossing the line into child pornography and all the while, children are being isolated from their parents.

A professor within the Wurzweiler School of Social Work at Yeshiva University, Daniel Pollock said, “I can’t think of too many times where I would think that an unrelated person should say, ‘Don’t say this to your parents.’”

Executive director of the National Children’s Advocacy Center Chris Newlin said that parents must be kept in the loop about what their children are being taught at school when it comes to “sex ed,” and, it is the child’s parents – not the school – who should be giving such instruction.

Parents want their children to adopt their values and having pedophiles, perverts and freaks teaching children about a sacred act that the said pervs consider frivolous – is completely ridiculous.

“[Parents] should be informed [about sex education], especially the younger kids are,” Newlin is quoted as saying. “I’m just not a fan of things being held secret from parents, and kids being told not to tell.”

The Supreme Court of Wisconsin has recently ruled that public schools are now able to present students with adult imagery, content and discussions and that children should also have instruction on changing their “gender identity” – without first informing parents.

Public school students in Philadelphia do not need their parents’ permission to be indoctrinated into a “trans” lifestyle and in Texas, five-year-old children were told at one elementary school that they should not tell their parents that “pride week” was discussed in the classroom.

Experts say that all of this is textbook grooming but hides under the cover of simply wanting children to become their “true selves,” and grooming itself is defined as “The criminal activity of becoming friends with a child in order to try to persuade the child to have a sexual relationship” according to the Cambridge English Dictionary.

Senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute Christopher Rufo said, “This is extremely dangerous and an immense violation of the rights of parents to know what’s happening to their children,” adding, “It opens up kids to manipulation, indoctrination and abuse.”

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11 thoughts on “Critical Gender Theory Is Nothing More Than A Grooming Tactic For Perverts And Pedophiles”

  1. As it was stated when gay marriage was allowed it would be a slippery slope and there would be an effort to make podophile legal and it has begun.
    How much more can we become so deranged.

  2. That’s why a “couple” of same sex degenerates should not be allowed to adopt children. When God made Adam he made Eve as his helpmate. Not Adam and Steve. This country has gone to HELL since prayer and religion were taken out of schools. But now the schools can indoctrinate children about homosexuality,lesbians,gay men, and changing their gender. They don’t even know what that means. We need prayer warriors and GOD help us all

    1. I agree. The world is so immoral, evil and corrupt because we are moving away from God and his commandments. Even
      The Head of the church Pope Francis has become corrupted by condoning
      these evil sins.

  3. I was trying to wrap my head around why so much pedophilia is going on. I believe (just my opinion) that is another way to control the population. Think about it….gays do not reproduce!! It is a sick and demented thing to do…but grooming more kids may be their sick way to cut back on reproduction…prepping them for gayness so they will not be normally attracted to the opposite sex. It has to stop!!! God did not like it way back in the Sodom & Gomorrah days and since God never changes His mind……He must be thoroughly disgusted now! (Matthew 18:6) “But whoever misleads one of these little ones who believe in Me, it would be better for him to have a millstone hung about his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

  4. I am beyond horrified at the idea that young children are being groomed..if I had small children, I’d be in jail by now…how are parents not totally losing their minds over this..half of the elementary school kids can’t read, write or spell…how about leaving all the personal issues to the parents…this is becoming a 3rd world country without any morals at all.

  5. Jeffrey Epstein – lived, Jeffrey – lives, Jeffrey will live! Until we kick the dems out of power! Unless, of course, we want to give our children away for their enjoyment.

  6. Parents are losing their minds & alot more in Biden/Obama’s new America & they are delighted they have turned our country into a 3rd world commie piece of crap. We need alot of help to save our children & country.. The Satanic
    Deep State Is Beyond Evil. Vote these Demonic Democrats out of office. Defy this Cult.

  7. Nearly 40 years has passed since I told my wife, Liberals would try to normalize Pedophilia. She said “No Way!”
    Now, she shakes her head with me at this outrageous attempt.

  8. Sodomite Pedophiles can not reproduce so they prey on the young. These PREDATORS are known as “Chicken Hawks” there is a network of these inhumane excrements deep rooted in high places in government & society all over the world. Recently FBI Agent in charge of Sex Trafficking was caught & arrested by LOCAL Sheriff’s in a 3 state sting. (Fla., LA., & TX) preying on young girls. His name is David Harris. He operated as a “CHICKEN HAWK” under the noses & with the blessing of the Fan Belt Inspectors for years until LOCAL Sheriff’s put a stop to it. Imagine how many more like Harris are rooted in the federal law enforcement & government jobs, including elected officials. They think & act as if they are untouchable, however, even if not caught, they will pay with the highest power who already has judged them.

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