As Americans become increasingly worrisome over the fact that there really seems to be no end to the lockdowns and morbid news reports about the coronavirus, former Vice President Joe Biden has decided that he’s the voice we all need to hear right now.
That’s right: just as four-term President Franklin Roosevelt was there to guide us through the hours of the Second World War with his famous “fireside chats,” Biden is going to comfort us all through this crisis with riveting stories about gangsters named Corn Pop — and other things that don’t exist.
The Obama-era number two recently gave us all a taste of what a Biden show would look like with an embarrassing livestream, almost nobody watched. Most of the people who did show up to comment and take part in the community discussion were angry Bernie Bros who had nothing better to do anyway (the pandemic didn’t really change anything for them).
Let’s be frank about this: the lack of enthusiasm for Biden’s presidential campaign really has nothing to do with the pandemic. This was a problem the entire time. The only reason he was considered to be the presumptive nominee is he doesn’t use the same phrases as Fidel Castro and Joseph Stalin to describe his platform.
But this is just the beginning of Biden’s trouble. Here’s Michael Knowles with more.