Many of us saw this coming from miles away.
Left-wing activists, now bored with tearing down statues of Confederate soldiers, quickly turned their ire toward classic Americana. In the wake of the destructive riots associated with George Floyd protests, activists have defaced statues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and even a monument to freed slaves that served the Union during the Civil War.
So, the fact that activists are now taking the attack to Mount Rushmore isn’t surprising at all. The truth is that there is no line to be drawn anywhere. If there is any public monument to American history, leftists want to destroy it.
We have to be clear about something: we’re not just talking about fringe lunatics that are occasionally platformed by accident. The Democratic Party’s official Twitter account recently blasted President Donald Trump’s plans to hold a special event at Mount Rushmore, alleging that such a feat would “glorify white supremacy.”
So, this is it — this is where we are now. We no longer contend with a Democratic Party that merely disagrees with us on taxes, military spending, and which pronouns to include on public documents. The Democratic Party of 2020 opposes the very idea of America as a concept. Its leaders have bent the knee to their most radical constituents, and have conceded to the idea that the country’s entire past must be torn down and reborn with a new vision.
Here’s One America News with the clips.