We’ve all seen the pictures by now. Photos of a St. Louis couple brandishing firearms have gone viral after a Black Lives Matter demonstration pushed its way into a private residence over the weekend. Now, left-wing activists are suggesting that the couple had no right to stand their ground at all, and that the very concept of armed self-defense is a product of “white privilege.”
Now, let’s be clear about this. There have been a lot of comments regarding the way Mark and Patricia McCloskey are holding their firearms, and there are definitely good reasons for it. Both Mark and Patricia are shown waving barrels towards both the protesters and one another, sometimes with their fingers on the trigger. This is certainly in bad form. But this isn’t what the left is focused on.
The fact that this couple took a stand at all is what’s making news. Disregarding the fact that the gate to the private residence was torn down and that Black Lives Matter demonstrations have devolved into violence in the past, the narrative is that this response came purely from a place of racism.
Now, you’ll remember when photos and videos of Seattle’s protest zone showed demonstrators walking around with semi-automatic rifles, progressives had nothing to say about it. All those years of wanting to ban guns went completely out the window. In other words, an armed show of force is only bad if you meet a certain description.
There is a clear agenda here. The goal by the more radical participants of the nationwide protests is to make people afraid to leave their homes. This is no longer about achieving justice. This is about spreading fear for political purposes. To use a term more people are familiar with — this is terrorism, and the media has been fully complicit.
Here’s One America News with Michael Knowles to break down the situation.