Following the 2022 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court upholding the right to bear guns, a number of states then made it simpler to get carry permits and more difficult to utilize them. Politicians in those states were concerned that citizens would begin using their right to carry a pistol in public for self-defense once they were no longer required to demonstrate a “special necessity.” Sensing that the result was unacceptable, lawmakers prohibited firearms in a broad number of “sensitive” areas. As a result, even for those who hold the necessary license, it is now extremely difficult for them to lawfully carry a pistol outside of their houses.
Colorado was already a “shall issue” state, meaning citizens could obtain permits as long as they met specific, objective criteria, as opposed to “may issue” states like NY, Maryland, New Jersey, California, and Hawaii, where certain licensing officials had broad discretion to deny carry permits before the Supreme Court’s ruling in NY State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen. Legislators in Colorado, however, are following the lead set by New York and others by suggesting extensive limitations on the locations where gun permits can be carried.
Introduced last month, the bill would prohibit firearms from being in “sensitive places” (without “express permission”), including parks, recreation centers, zoos, museums, playgrounds, libraries, “public gatherings,” hospitals, amusement parks, banks, stadiums, bars, and places of worship. Breaking these rules would be considered a misdemeanor and carry a potential $250 fine—that amount increasing to $1,000 for repeat infractions. Colorado Newsline points out that “Democrats possess a majority in both houses” of the state legislature and “will easily approve their legislative goals,” even if the bill is still in its early stages of review.
Along with Senator Chris Kolker (Dem-Centennial), state senator Sonya Jaquez Lewis (Dem-Longmont) filed the bill in her chamber, arguing that it is “simply common sense” because “we must have a classification of where it is OK to carry a handgun and where it is not.” Kolker also appeals to “common sense,” stating, “My constituents are sick and tired of just prayers in reaction to gun carnage,” which is why he is introducing this measure.
The assumption is that S.B. 24-131 would aid in preventing mass shootings, since Democrats regularly attack Republicans who oppose tougher gun regulation for providing little more than “thoughts and prayers” following such incidents. However, that assumption is utterly unrealistic, given that rules that ostensibly establish gun-free zones are unlikely to prevent mass murders. For instance, school shootings often take place in environments where it is already illegal to own a handgun under both state and federal law.
In written testimony opposing S.B. 24-131, David B. Kopel, a gun policy specialist at Colorado’s Independence Institute, argues that “five out of six shooters chose ‘gun-free zones,’ and the measure creates a lot more of them.” This estimate is based on a Washington Post investigation that discovered 86% of large-scale public shootings that occurred between 2009 and 2016 took place in areas that were gun-free. According to Kopel, “the bill provides several safe zones where criminals may strike without fear of armed residents being able to fight back.”
What about more widespread “gun violence”? “The Concealed Carry Act from 2003 [which established the state’s licensing system] decreased violent crime in the state by 1.2%, according to even the nation’s preeminent anti-gun expert testimony,” Kopel claims. In 2017 research, law professor John Donohue and two other co-authors found that, ten years after the law’s enactment, Colorado’s right-to-carry legislation had a “−1.2%” “impact” on the state’s “violent crime rate.” To which he points.
Since everyone who carries a concealed firearm in public without a license is already breaching the law, S.B. 24-131 primarily targets permit holders. Carry permit holders in Colorado “are significantly more law-abiding than the overall population,” according to Kopel. He claims that they have a “39 times lower chance of detention than someone who doesn’t have a carry permit.” The number of permits canceled as a result of arrests in 2020 is the basis for that computation. Kopel continues, saying that “statistics from other states are comparable,” meaning that “those who have permission to carry are extremely highly law-abiding when compared to people who do not.”
Bruen has confirmed that S.B. 24-131 will have a significant influence on the right to self-defense while armed and in public, but its advantages to public safety are questionable. Interestingly, the law covers both “sensitive” places and “near parking areas.” “Firearms stored in secured containers in cars” are exempt. However, that appears to imply that a person with a carry permit who goes to a government office, a club, or a museum would already be breaking the law when he pulled into the parking lot unless he had put up his pistol beforehand, which he would have to do somewhere that is not considered “sensitive.”
The law is “ridiculously overbroad,” according to Kopel. For instance, he claims that if a mall has “one tiny branch bank” or “one pub,” “it outlaws licensed carry from the whole parking lot of a retail mall.” Additionally, he observes that “a lady who walks or jogs in parks early in the morning would not be able to protect herself.” More broadly, he states that the measure “as long as the attackers chose to attack at the sites listed in the bill, it assures that violent attackers will be protected from the possibility of being shot by armed civilians.”
Insanity in Colorado,California, New York etc.
Agree 100%. I carry an expired MO CCW w/photo and a current Permit w/o photo, and I have the USCCA Gold Shield Insurance that provides a defense attorney AND bail and Liability Coverage of $ 500,000. I also carry a personal Liability coverage of $ 1MILLION just in case I am involved in an “incident” and I face a Soros-funded aggressive PA.
Also, who has to know, as that is the meaning of CONCEALED. The Liberal Lunacy today is that the Perp becomes the Victim and the Victim becomes the perp. NOT ON MY WATCH. I have been thru the required 12 hours of training, although I was shooting real guns at age 7…and knew SAFETY FIRST, but to allow someone to deny me Self-Defense is contrary to the personal law of self-preservation and the natural law of self defense. SO THERE !!!
Well said, I agree totally. This world has turned up side down. These laws won’t stop the mentally deficient person from breaking the law. The one person carrying can have the ability to stop that person in his or her tracks saving lives. Foolish people running this country!
A armed society is a polite society. it has proven over and over ,an individual who carries and is in the right spot at the right time usually stops the incident, And when the cops arrive they show them the permit and when ask to hand over the gun used while it is investigated, they do and in the end the gun is returned. But the Local media never reports that ,it is always the shooter that gets recognized and sometimes Hollywood makes a movie about the shooter, yes America is going to Holland a hand basket.
the stupid democrats are raising up a foe in the american people that are armed with over 300,000,000 weapons and well over 3 billion rounds of ammo they dont want to piss with!
Have to keep the streets safe so the criminals can safely rape and rob law abiding citizens.
This is just idiots telling the criminals where there will be no problem robbing or killing people!!!
i love florida…constitution carry …amen !
I wish someone would tell me what gun law a serial killer would obey that was planning on going to a school and killing a bunch of our kids. There is none. He is planning on committing mass murder, so a gun law is minor to what he is planning on doing. The only people who obey the laws are law-abiding citizens who would never dream of mass murdering a bunch of our kids at a school. Most gun laws are a worthless piece of crap. If someone breaks into your home and knows you are there, will probably have a gun or some weapon, because they are probably not planning on leaving any live witness that could idenify them, so you had better have a gun or something to protect yourself and your family with.
So of course this means that the criminals with guns will follow all these rules and not use them in areas restricted RIGHT ! LMFAO!
Get real, Democrats. With all the BS you have come up with in the last couple of years, it won’t matter who you try to get elected, you will fail. You are turning America completely against you. Too bad you can’t do something good for the country instead of your money-hungry party.
The Bible says that “the devil comes to rob, steal, kill and destroy. Can it be that he is behind all this “thinking ” of gun control ? I wonder?
God dam Democrats are getting out of control we need to put them out to pasture they are a bunch of no good for nothing animals. They have no respect for American people. They have been living off our tax dollar and not doing a damn thing to helps us.
The intent of the Democratic socialists is to disarm the citizens, to make their reductions to our rights and freedoms permanent and easier to control. They want the citizens easier to handle and control when left with only sticks and stones our only defense!
Criminals, by definition, do not obey the law. If they did, they wouldn’t be criminals. Ergo, who is it that is impacted by existing and proposed gun laws. Exactly who the law should protect, but doesn’t, The Law Abiding Citizen. Strikes me that there is something seriously out of wack regarding this, how does it strike you?